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KOTOR II Force Powers

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Anyway, back to Force Pull. Perhaps would could pull a lightsaber away froma Dark Jedi, then use the Mace Windu power (I heard about this one from a friend who played PS2). Apparently insome PS2 game, Mace can hover and send his lightsaber floating alone in mid-air and attack with it. Kind of like Mordekainen's Sword from Forgotten Realms...


Anyway, Force Pull, then Force Sword!

"You shall not pass!"
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Probably the only really kewl thing about the Obi-Wan video game was all the Force Powers your PC had. They were robust. Force Pull was one of them. You could snatch a weapon out of an attackers hand, and then Force Push him up against a wall or something. It was gnarley.

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I followed the production Obi-Wan. It looked really good. Then at the last moment they moved it to X-Box, and used very poor voice-actors. I was pretty disappointed. The selection of Force Powers is fairly decent though.

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Brings back up the question of using the Force on objects. If I could use force pull, mabe I could use it to pull a lever across a way...


What about a force power that can blind your opponent (I believe that there was something like it in Dark Forces: Jedi Knight)?

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