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KOTOR II Planets

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Wow sometimes I impress even myself. :)


I agree Alderan would be nice to see, so would Corelia (or however thats spelled).

And btw i think endor is out of the question as we have that promise about no ewoks. :p

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I was looking at previews of the game today and i discovered this in a preview from gameinformer.

While my time with the game was pretty brief I did manage to sneak a few peeks at a level that took place in Onderan. -gameinformer


Off course he could mean he saw Dxun but it could also mean that we actually

get to travel to Onderon!

Im not sure but maybe...


Heres a link to the site

Gameinformer article



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No, I am not Yoda.... :)


Why would you be?? You act like your trying to help when your really not. Your the one spouting off your great wisdom about slightly off topics!


Nope, not saying that, just trying to get things back on track...


If you didn't care and your trying to get things back on track then why have you posted this post?


Why would you imply that when you know it's not true?


Why would I do anything, just for a second I wished we could go to reach, is that so bad, why the heck would you even care, your not the mod, your not the founder of this forum, so I can say what ever I darn well please, what are you some kind of hitler now, I can imply what I want and say what I want with out pleasing you, if this was such a problem of me saying somthing that isn't true, why doesn't the mod just kick me off this forum now! Ok im going to rant at every one now when they say somthing not true. You would be the one to ask somthing like that.


i actually knew what reach was btw...


Why in the world would you ask me what it was then?


Not constantly until just recently....


Then maybe we all should start ranting at everybody who doesn't post on disscussion, I can't believe you would get into this fight about relevance of a post. Are you on your periode :rolleyes: or somthing can't take people going off a topic slightly.


I'm talking about ever....


Talking about ever???


But once again, will we get back on topic? Or will you continue to beat this dead horse?


I don't back down from girlie men on there periode.

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I think Korriban and Yavin 4 would be very reasonable suggestions for the last two planets. I know we've already seen Korriban, but since this one is "the Sith Lords," it only makes sense to go there. And Yavin 4 has all those lovely Sith artifacts too...


Also, I think the Harbinger wil be an area, like the Endar Spire and the Leviathan, but it obviously doesn't qualify as a planet.

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Why do you want Tatooine??? It's such an insignificant planet. I'm glad it finally isn't in a star wars game.

No kidding! We see it ALL the time. Practically every movie, practically every game! For once, it's gone!

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Hey I happened to like Tatooine I always wanted to see what a sand person really looked like. If you played the good side, you could hear there history witch was really cool.

No one's saying Tatooine shouldn't have been in the first one. Just that it shouldn't be in the Second KOTOR.


And don't worry about Tatooine disappearing; it'll probably be back in every single Star Wars movie, game, comic, etc. forever.

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No one's saying Tatooine shouldn't have been in the first one. Just that it shouldn't be in the Second KOTOR.


And don't worry about Tatooine disappearing; it'll probably be back in every single Star Wars movie, game, comic, etc. forever.

*LOL* Yea your right I guess, and I know what exactly what your saying, it shouldn't be in KOTOR II, we did every thing there that could be done, even if they streched it out, it wouldn't be as nearly as much stuff as any other planet could dish out. I wounder what there planet looked like with all the citys and stuff, before those one people came, in the end of KOTOR, the once almighty speices, Rakattan or somthing. I wounder what the peopled looked like.

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well lets see



Byss would be fun.



vjun would be fun(except, no vader's palace)



Coruscant would be fun



kashyyk fun it would be


tantooine, forget it, wonce ye killed yer 32 sand person, its no fun, unless your around mois eisley, where there is always something going on, anchorhead was boring,



hoth would rock as long as it would be optional.


corelia would be fun if we can meat up with a Hagreth Solo


endor, would be nice if it was optional



YAVIN IV if its possible



you know what, it would be nice if Obsidian left it modable so we could add lets say 5 other planets.

Strength through Mercy

Head Torturor of the Cult of the Anti-gnome

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you know what, it would be nice if Obsidian left it modable so we could add lets say 5 other planets.

Not a bad idea! I wish I'd thought of that!


I really think we ought to be able to return to Yavin Station, though, and then go on down to Yavin 4. We only ever saw it from a bird's eye view. What would it look like up close? I think it'd be really cool!


Let's go to Yavin 4!

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, but it appears to have gone off topic quite a few times in the middle.

-There is no Light or Dark. There is only Power, and those to weak to seek it!

-Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

-I find no joy in taking the life of someone that finds no value in it.

-If you only get out of life what you put into it,why not just keep it all to begin with and save a whole lot of waisted time and effort?

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