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KOTOR2 Story Ideas!

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Personally, I'd just like to see a bit of technological advancement, how many thousands of years will pass until someone says "Hey, maybe we can make something better than this blaster pistol........or thermal detonator" just a thought


Thoughts on the story:


The way the Xbox is advancing perhaps it could be possible to import a saved Kotor file at the End game where all of the characters choices, traits, love affairs,and gender could be taken into account. Just a suggestion

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I'd love to see tha game pick up after KOTOR with the DS ending.

This is an impossibility, since the "officiul" ending of KotOR is, unfortunately, the cheesey lightside ending.


Unless it is an immediate follow-up, and Lucas Arts authorized a sequel in which the Sith rule the galaxy for a short time(which is unlikely, since they would have to re-write a lot of the entire SW history).

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I was thinking of an immediate follow up, and I do mean immediate. Maybe even have the two games overlap on the timeline a bit. Hence, while the people are trying to get to the star forge, something is happening on some other planet. IE, so the Republic never truely falls, at least, that is what your guy is trying to prevent (if he is good).


I think it would be interesting. You still have Carth alive on the star forge planet, and you get to go up against HK-H7 (or whatever) and the other npcs left standing, and maybe turn Revan/Bastilla back. etc.

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How nice ... do you want to name my SWKotOR character as well?

So there should never be a direct sequel to any RPG? Come on.


Edit: I never understood people freaking out about a sequel being different than what they did in the previous game. If that shatters your mind, maybe you shouldn't be taking games so seriously.


You still have Carth alive on the star forge planet, and you get to go up against HK-H7 (or whatever) and the other npcs left standing, and maybe turn Revan/Bastilla back. etc.


If you were refering to the above, I didn't make any of that up. Its all based of the DS ending in KOTOR.

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BG2 was a direct sequel and even if they taken ... choices when it comes to NPCs, the main character remained the same as in BG1 ... same name, gender, class and abilities since there was a import ability.


Yes, BG2 made some choices irrelevents but on the long run my character continued and BG1 was not made irrelevent by BG2.


Your story idea however made all choices we could have done in SWKotOR irrelevant.

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Your story idea however made all choices we could have done in SWKotOR irrelevant
I just can't see it your way. The choices are irrelevent. Its a video game! You play it to have fun! I just can't fathom a good game being ruined for me by a sequel that is different that I thought it was going to be. Did that really change my gaming expirence? Did I not have fun now because of this? I just don't understand. Chrono Cross was about as different as I could expect from a Chrono Trigger sequel, but I still very much enjoyed it. If you killed Tandy in FO1, would you be pissed she was in FO2? How can you put such limitations on the devs ability to try and tell an interesting story?


As for my idea (as if it was real) ruining something, how? First, SOMETHING had to happen in KOTOR (did you play it?). Either the DS, LS, or your guy dies trying had to happen. So why not the DS? Something has got to give, right? As I said, Carth would be alive on the star forge planet in the sequel, thats because he WAS left on the planet in the DS ending of KOTOR!!! I didn't make that up. I said you would fight the assaisin droid and the other "npcs left standing" because they stuck with Revan in the DS path of KOTOR, so you prolly would run into them if you are gunning for Revan. Again, I didn't make that up. I also said you could you could try and turn Revan or Bastilla. There you got me, I assumed you didn't kill Bastilla. My bad. Would that really ruin the game for you tho?


Other than that, I don't see how having a whole new guy to play ruins your perception of anything. Especially if you played the game as both LS and DS guys.



Hence, while the people are trying to get to the star forge, something is happening on some other planet


Just to make it clear, I wasn't saying you replay the game as revan, but as all that was going on, you start off with a new character somewhere else.

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Carth dies on a DS Reavan ending if she had a romance active with him.


And if you dont understand what I mean, there is no point to continue .... the plus side for me is that game companies understand what I mean and usually dont do that kind of things on RPGs.


Of course I can always enforce my option of not buying but really, last thing I want is "play as Tidus" type of RPGs were I am mostly watching a movie that playing a RPG.

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the plus side for me is that game companies understand what I mean and usually dont do that kind of things on RPGs.
I suppose its glass full/glass empty kind of thing. As I think they do.


So, btw, what would you do about carth if you made a direct sequel (i forgot you can kill him as a ds female if you want)? Some endings he lives, in others he dies. Someone is going to get screwed. What you are suggesting would eliminate direct sequels, as you can't be that ambiguous about that many different possible senerios. Whats the point of the sequel then?



last thing I want is "play as Tidus" type of RPGs were I am mostly watching a movie that playing a RPG.


Thats putting words into my mouth. I NEVER said don't make the game non-linear. I said, if your making a direct sequel, the devs need to make choices about what happend in the previous game. Otherwise the story suffers, imo.

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If I did a sequel would simply take away some things that have diferent outcomes, such as the wookie home world and Manaan.


I would made the game start at Coruscant and simply make references to Revan, perhaps being set 30-40 years after SWKotOR so all the SWKotOR character being retired.


The only party NPCs I would keep would be the droids T3 and HK-47 but not as party menbers, Vadar could end up as a teacher since he would be likely alive at that time.


Of course there would be a question of forcing people into being a jedi, I kinda liked how SWKotOR made us start as a non jedi but 8/12 builds were not exactly popular so the question how doing that and what level is a problem, I think the option sould be given but not forced.


The biggest problem of what ending is the "official" is not much of a problem since the only "evil" game was TIE Fighter and that one did not "rewrite" history and the LS ending is pretty much a given.

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If I did a sequel would simply take away some things that have diferent outcomes, such as the wookie home world and Manaan.


I would made the game start at Coruscant and simply make references to Revan, perhaps being set 30-40 years after SWKotOR so all the SWKotOR character being retired.

But is that really a direct sequel? Its more like what FO2 did, where you just skip forward to get rid of any "problems" you would have in dictating what happened. Doesn't a direct sequel have to follow up on important events and at least some of the people? Isn't that the point of a direct sequel, to further the story of the characters in the previous game? If not, all you are doing is using the setting of the previous game, not really making a sequel. It would be like the FF games then. Using FO2 as an example, which I enjoyed more than FO1, wouldn't you say the story suffered from having to skip around the past? Even then you can't avoid it. You can avoid it even less in a true KOTOR sequel, because the two different endings can't be tied together like the endings of FO. Plus, you have much deeper NPCs in KOTOR than FO (Fo wasn't about the npcs). Do you just abandon them and their storylines? Especially after the ending of KOTOR, light and dark, left it all open ended?


Of course there would be a question of forcing people into being a jedi


Granted, but thats not really what were talking about


The biggest problem of what ending is the "official" is not much of a problem since the only "evil" game was TIE Fighter and that one did not "rewrite" history and the LS ending is pretty much a given.


Right, but using your logic, that should be unexcusable, right? I mean, forcing a proper ending on someone would violate many more of thier choices in a game than just saying what happened to a NPC. You see, something has to give. Also, done correctly, I see easy ways for the DS ending of KOTOR to be canon without rewriting anything. Hell, thay made Revan the hero of the mandalorian wars (a pretty big addition to the SW universe). I don't see why they can't make other big additions.


Regardless, I wouldn't expect the next kotor to be a direct sequel.

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Well I did say that LucasArts takes care of that problem, I did pointed that it was the biggest problem.


Dark Side endings simply dont fit into the Star Wars settings, DF2:JK had a DS path but its add on, MotS, did not even take that into account and since DF series was LucasArts itself it pretty much say the stand of the company on endings.


The only "pure" dark Star Wars game was TIE fighter that simply gone into a side path of the Star Wars Universe (with was not even that dark) and even solved the many problems that it could created (TIE Advanced and TIE Defender production are destroyed and the few Missile Boat protoptypes are sealed).


Problem with SWKotOR is that LucasArts os not going to rewritte Star Wars past to fit with one of the path of the game, BioWare made that choice, of course any idea of a sequel must have the Republic alive and kicking since LucasArt have creative control over any game that uses the Star War game.


Also its not just FO2 take, IWD2 did the same thing.

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im not too keen on star wars and so im unlikely to enojy any story no matter what they cook up....


im just waiting for obsidian to finish off kotor2 so they can make fallout 3...

absolutely wright...

f*ck off with kotor2... ;)

thank you for realizing my wisdom.


However, i must add that fallout 3 is unlikely to be made, ever. however it is possible that obsidian might one day consider making a similar game.

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Dark Side endings simply dont fit into the Star Wars settings
Empire Strikes Back anyone ;)


My point being, you can have the good guys look like they are almost done for (a la DS ending) but in the follow ups (kotor2, return of the jedi) have the LS win out.


of course any idea of a sequel must have the Republic alive and kicking


The republic looked like it was screwed during the DS ending, but it wasn't nessasarily dead just yet. If nothing else, there was still the strongest jedi on Corusant. I don't think that they ever said that the republic fleet that lost was all the ships the republic had either. It was a "quick strike" to quote Carth, so I doubt they could must everything they had. So the Republic was down, but not out. A very bleak situation, but not hopeless. A la Empire Strikes Back. KOTOR2 could be a kind of return of the jedi...minus the ewoks.

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Yes but as Carth said "you be fighting a neverending wave of reinforcements".


Unless something happened at the chain of command of the Sith Empire that given the Republic a edge to take or destroy the Star Forge it was only a matter of time the Republic days were over.


With lead us to recycle, in SWKotOR the Star Forge was the key point of the game, if a sequel makes the Star Forge a key point again .... its simply recycle.


SWKotOR followed the OT theme, the Star Forge was the Death Star.


Any sequel needs to avoid that, when BG2 come out I expected another Bhallspawn to be the main oppoment and instead we had someone that was not a Bhallspawn and his motivations were diferent and IWD2 did not followed IWD drive, they were similar but diferent.


The idea of fighting "the Sith empire" again would be overused, most Star Wars game do that and I rather it had someone as Xizor or simply a single powerful Sith.

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