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BG3 - Can you say your NOT working on it?


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After reading a post on the Bioware boards yesterday where some Bio employee said they aren't working on BG3, I thought I would ask for an official "nope - it's not us" from Obsidian - after all you are not obligated by any publisher to say what you are NOT working on? right?

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I can give you an official "NO". :rolleyes:


There is no way they are working on 3 such major games. Already so new, and so busy - they are not working on BG3, but maybe Troika... but that's another story.


Why not? KOTOR2 is pretty much almost done. From a designer perspective, it probably is done. NWN2 only has 10 people or so right now. I imagine BG3 wouldn't require that many at all if it hasn't started development which it doesn't sound like it has. As KOTOR2 goes closer to RTM, move more people to NWN2 and BG3.

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Ya but NWN2 is due in 2006, that means a small team for Baldur's Gate 3 intill 2006, but if they start working on BG3 in early 2006 they probley would make it.(But it the publisher is already talking about making it soon than i doubt Obsidian will make it)

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a small team for Baldur's Gate 3 intill 2006, but if they start working on BG3 in early 2006 they probley would make it.

only if they make BG3 using an older engine, a la IWD2, which might be good for those nostalgic for that style of game but in general seems super-unlikely.

dumber than a bag of hammers

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They've said the KOTOR team isn't finished working on KOTOR, and some of them (at least MCA) are jumping to the NWN:2 project, while Feargie has said he doesn't know what the other KOTOR guys are going to do next.


So no, they are not currently working on BG3.

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