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Maybe you already read the Boeroer' post about "Fast switching Shield" :

On 10/15/2021 at 10:50 AM, Boeroer said:

As an example for "allowed" exploits I want to mention Lethandria's Devotion again which can be cheesed with AI settings: it allies its healing as soon as you switch to it, every time you switch to it. Have weapon set 1 with weapon A and LDevotion and weapon set 2 with weapon B and a copy of LDevotion for example. Then, if you set up a script with whatever trigger (e.g. your or Vela's health below 75%) that simply switches between weapon sets all the time (gets executed per game loop - so several times per second) you can heal up yourself and Vela within a few secs without having to wait for recovery to finish or anything, you can always switch back and forth (switching weapon sets is independent from recovery/reloading etc - including the recovery penalty of switching itself). You will get a tick of healing every time you switch (so, like 10 times a second at least).

This is fair game for an Ultimate run. 


(From the Ultimate Challenge Topic)

This exploit work also with the Outworn Buckler (Timeless perseverence) but for reducing hotiles effects durations for the party. It is really good since it is not easy to deal with them (Supress Affliction only suspend them, Potion of Cleansing Purge reduce them, but none really purge them. About the Potion of Cleansing Purge, this is the only potion that scale with alchemy, except healing potions. They forgot this one in Patch 1.2 maybe). But switching per loop this small shield is very efficient and faster than a Supress Affliction ' cast!


I tried also to exploit this with some bonus from weapon, but I found nothing. For exemple, %chance are cheked when the hit is rolled, then switching between two Marux Amanth or two Whales of a Wand doesnt enhance a "current %chance effect", even on persistents spells.

The only good effect I got from switching weapon was for the Slayer's Claw increased might inspiration. In first, Strong became Tenacious, and after switched and came back to the Claw, Tenacious grade to Energized. This is pretty useful.


There is a way to switch the armor in the other hand. I tried that to abuse from the Cabalist's Gambeson 10% beneficials effects during fight. When Spritishifted, the armor is switched by the Form' one. But that was not really nice since the modal cooldown is too long to be efficient : +10% of ben. effects every 6s * 5 with a shifter (druid form - shift form -(3s)- druid form-(3s) etc). I also used Glacierbane "Shattering" with my low int cipher on the druid, but once suspended, the Form is cleared.

Find a way to switch the Blackened Plate armor with Death in life as quickly than a weapon would mean 4raw damages foeAoE per switch, too bad.


Does anybody have any other idea to take advandage of the incredibly fast switching effect?


Edited by Constentin Lévine
I forgot to write about Slayer's Claw
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Yes, Outworn Buckler is another great option for switching. You can also put LDevotion and OBuckler in weapon set 1 and 2 and switch back and forth to get healed AND reduce hostile effects - each at half the rate as if you would use a copy - but still incredibly fast because switching (with AI) happens multiple times per second.

I haven't found any other items so far that can be used in a similar fashion. Cool that Slayer's Claw works - that wasn't on my list. :)


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2 hours ago, Constentin Lévine said:

The only good effect I got from switching weapon was for the Slayer's Claw increased might inspiration. In first, Strong became Tenacious, and after switched and came back to the Claw, Tenacious grade to Energized. This is pretty useful.

This is really nice because anyone (in particular casters) can very easily get an extendable Strong from Frenzy (Lover's Quarel) on Lover's Embrace, right at the beginning of a fight. Then do a couple weapon switches and you're instantly Energized! And all your pulsing AoEs will interrupt on crit, on top of getting +2 PEN. This is amazing.

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A Darcozzy Troubadour who do nothing else that casting Each kill... and Set to their purpose and switching between Sasha smitar/ Lethandria's Devotion and Slayer's Claw/Outworn Buckler when permanently chanting Their Tongue + zealous aura (chants are not interrupted by weapon's switchs) is awesome as Epileptic offtank Protector !

Edited by Constentin Lévine
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3 minutes ago, Constentin Lévine said:

Epileptic offtank Protector !

This has to warrant a build :).

I really like this new way of getting Energized for anyone super easily. Before I would use Resounding Call + Slayer's Claw, but I personally don't often go into the Vault in the Bardatto/Valera quest so I often miss out on this possibility later. Now you don't have to.

Sorcerer might officially become  the best interrupter in the game. Sure a Troubadour with "Thick Grew Their Tongue" is awesome but... layers upon layers of Chill Fogs, Wicked Briars, Malignant Cloud, Venombloom, Freezing Pillar, Wall of Draining (!) plus Returning and Relentless Storm..!

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2 minutes ago, Not So Clever Hound said:

This has to warrant a build :).

I really like this new way of getting Energized for anyone super easily. Before I would use Resounding Call + Slayer's Claw, but I personally don't often go into the Vault in the Bardatto/Valera quest so I often miss out on this possibility later. Now you don't have to.

Sorcerer might officially become  the best interrupter in the game. Sure a Troubadour with "Thick Grew Their Tongue" is awesome but... layers upon layers of Chill Fogs, Wicked Briars, Malignant Cloud, Venombloom, Freezing Pillar, Wall of Draining (!) plus Returning and Relentless Storm..!

And Slicken!

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Today I tried with Burden' Culpability since many summons are "Party" members. But for the same reason they cant "reset" with the eponym ring (because they dont die, just disapears when 0 health) they dont proc the Burden effect (+5% beneficial effects). Switching this weapon clear the effect, and consequently the max stack of 4, and because the %beneficial effect affect any currents durations, find a way to kill quickly and infinitly a party member will cause the effect of the SoF switch, but during combat. I dont know how to deal with that.

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On 12/17/2021 at 8:48 AM, Not So Clever Hound said:

I really like this new way of getting Energized for anyone super easily. Before I would use Resounding Call + Slayer's Claw,

i might be missing something, but this method of getting energized is only available to partial fighter/barbarian/monks, because slayer's claw is only available for those classes.

edit: also, i never ever before found a use for resounding call's destructibles enchantment, but i'm guessing with SoF that's a good way to trigger tenacious/energized? or do you actually destroy destructibles in fights?

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Thelee is right, if the weapon isnt soulbinded,then the weapon is just a base-type weapon (maybe with the quality enchantment). Only Modwyr can be used for clear an intellect effect just by sitchwing the weapons without class restriction (but for the watcher). Once she become Unique, for everyone, same potential effect with Effort or Bardatto's Luxurury.

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9 hours ago, thelee said:

might be missing something, but this method of getting energized is only available to partial fighter/barbarian/monks, because slayer's claw is only available for those classes.

You don’t need to soulbound the item to have the strength inspiration upgrade. Just equip it. :) 

9 hours ago, thelee said:

i'm guessing with SoF that's a good way to trigger tenacious/energized?

Exactly. Edit: you can also use SoT or WoD for example in poko kohara exterior you have several places where you can destroy a barrel and fight lots of easy/drainable enemies at the same time. 

Edited by Not So Clever Hound
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1 hour ago, Constentin Lévine said:


Thelee is right, if the weapon isnt soulbinded,then the weapon is just a base-type weapon (maybe with the quality enchantment


The STR inspiration upgrade comes as default with the weapon. You can get energized as a SC Wizard, that’s how I tested your find. No need to have a soulbound eligible class. 

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I just noticed one thing that can be useful for strategic purpose, every weapons and shields that have a "when the combat start" condition for an ability (Flame shield from Benediction of Magran, Quick to the Slaughter from Marux Amanth, Drawing cut or parry from Duskfall) applies this ability when the weapon is handed for the first time in combat. With two Benedictions of Magran, it is possible to get a second Flame shield during the fight (same effects dont stack).

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1 hour ago, Constentin Lévine said:

just noticed one thing that can be useful for strategic purpose, every weapons and shields that have a "when the combat start" condition for an ability (Flame shield from Benediction of Magran, Quick to the Slaughter from Marux Amanth, Drawing cut or parry from Duskfall) applies this ability when the weapon is handed for the first time in combat. With two Benedictions of Magran, it is possible to get a second Flame shield during the fight (same effects dont stack).

Ah it's interesting. For example you could start encounter, cast e.g. Tactical Barrage, then switch to e.g. Duskfall with Drawing Parry (+15 Deflection at fight start), which would only start then and last longer because of INT and PL buff (vs. having it already in your hands at the start of the fight).

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2 hours ago, Constentin Lévine said:

I just noticed one thing that can be useful for strategic purpose, every weapons and shields that have a "when the combat start" condition for an ability (Flame shield from Benediction of Magran, Quick to the Slaughter from Marux Amanth, Drawing cut or parry from Duskfall) applies this ability when the weapon is handed for the first time in combat. With two Benedictions of Magran, it is possible to get a second Flame shield during the fight (same effects dont stack).

You mean that if you use the shield in two weapon sets (one original shield and one a simple reference copy) you can get Flame Shield twice if you switch from weapon set 1 to 2?

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The Battle-Forged retaliation is a passive and stacks with everything. The Fire Shield from Magran's Blessing is an automatic item effect and thus also stacks with everything (except itself).
Both then will stack with Flame Shield from Wizard xor Darcozzi's Lay on Hands Minor Flame Shield (which are actives and do not stack with other active retaliation effects). 

I didn't try the Bubbling Chalice - it's from an item so it might stack. But sometimes abilities that appear on the action bar and are activated manually by yourelf get trated as an active ability and won't stack with similar stuff (e.g. Wizard's Flame Shield) so you can never know but must test it. :)  

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Well, the Bubbling Chalice dont stack with the Flame Shield spell, but the one from the Dozen armor stack, for 4 Flame Shields in the same time.  They dont deal so much damages together but the Benediction of Magran one, as weapon ability, have some advantages (I read that in the past on one of your post if I'm remember correctely). And reliatation itself also give a great advantage!

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54 minutes ago, Boeroer said:

But sometimes abilities that appear on the action bar and are activated manually by yourelf get trated as an active ability and won't stack with similar stuff (e.g. Wizard's Flame Shield) so you can never know but must test it. :)  

This is like the Avenging storm from the Heaven Cacophony, dont stack with the original spell, contrarly to the scroll and the Vouge one! Potentially 3 avenging storm in same time.

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On 12/19/2021 at 12:42 AM, Not So Clever Hound said:

You don’t need to soulbound the item to have the strength inspiration upgrade. Just equip it. :) 

wow i'm an idiot. 1700 hours and i never ever ever thought once to equip an item without soulbinding it

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Fast switching Engoliero do Espirs (Ravenous Soul Devorer) add and remove +3con. , and that do an very effective self-healing! Sated hunger is not really cleared, just suspended when the wearer switch to another weapon.

Work either on Enfeebled and Drug Crashed Naspalca monk.


I tried to fast switching Modwyr and Effort (courageous) on a flancked tactician, but confused and shaken are lost forever on first switch. I tried to proc the forbidden-fist healing and the Frostball blessed by the void with this thing, didnt work.

Edited by Constentin Lévine
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