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How long do we have to wait?

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I'd love to see MCA spill a little on his take on FO3 while he's at it, but I know that's not going to happen.

it's hard to comment on another companies product, and it looks kinda bad. Maybe, if/when iply goes under we'll hear something. Actually, I know we'll hear more about VB.

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That would not surprise me in the least. The question is, will Microsoft strong-arm LA to make it an X-Box exclusive, rather than an X-Box/PC title.

ROFLOL. It would be fun to watch Microsoft try to strong-arm LA. It's really a joint decision between the Developer(Obsidian this time) and LA. Whether they make a X-Box/PC game or just X-Box. Microsoft's only decision is "Do we allow development for X-Box?"

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I'm not too hyped up about this game so they can take their time. Infact they can hold off releasing any info til the game is released as much as I care. I am more concerned with the game after this one. I hope it is something I can get into.

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I'm not too hyped up about this game so they can take their time. Infact they can hold off releasing any info til the game is released as much as I care. I am more concerned with the game after this one. I hope it is something I can get into.

Game after this one? :blink: KOTOR 3?

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I'm not too hyped up about this game so they can take their time.  Infact they can hold off releasing any info til the game is released as much as I care.  I am more concerned with the game after this one.  I hope it is something I can get into.

Game after this one? :rolleyes: KOTOR 3?

Please, no more Star Wars...

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Relax people we still have another 9 months or MORE until the game is released. I noticed that about every 4 or 5 days obsidian posts something new....an interview or an article. Think about it this way, the less time they spend making trailers and screen shots the more time they can use to work on the game. People started doing this in the first KOTOR forum about material and release dates. Near the end there were a half a dozen threads like "When is it coming out!?"  or "I want it now!!" or "How soon....I can't wait" . Im sure by the end of this week we'll get something new.  :rolleyes:

How many times do I have to say this....the same people who actually make the game (Programmers, producers, designers etc....) has NOTHING to do with releasing new movies/screenshots. There is separate people who does that. And these people are called PR Managers or PR Associates. Here is an interview with the PR Manager from Midway Games Natalie Salzman. This interview can be viewed in the Feb 2004 Game Informer magazine:


Describe what you do on a typical day; what are your basic job duties?


My job is to publicize the games. From anywhere from 10 months to a year out, we start learning about a game that is going to be announced. From there, we facilitate a relationship between the media and development, and conveying development's message about what the game is about. Also, providing assets, artwork, and screenshots to the media is a big part of the job. On a daily basis, I'm talking to journalist on the phone, via email, or instant messenge, writing press releases, and pitching stories to different publications.


There ya go! I know this cause I work with these type of people everyday....


So when people say that there should be more screenshots/movies out for the game, and another person says that if they focus too much on that, then the development of the game will slow down. That is impossible cause the PR people is the ones sending out the pics/movies and they have NOTHING to do with the actuall core development of the game.


I was trying to prove this a while back but I couldn't find that magazine article. Well there you have it, there is a seperate person who does these media things, hence....the development process of the game won't be hindered.


All to easy and I rest my case!


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The fact that they aren't changing much is a bit of a disappointment. The game really did need more skills. Break up Persuade into Bluff, Intimitade and Diplomacy for instance.

That would be awesome. I never did understand why a character with maxxed out charisma couldn't use a feat similar to force persuade on someone with little resolve. <_<

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On the subject of a next game, FU has suggested they have an idea, but are looking for a publisher. That would suggest a new IP. Theorhetically, if the game required a license (like Star Wars), the publisher would have to be in line first.


Many publishers are going to be wary of a start-up, even with this crew. It's silly, but true. The second KOTOR:2 preorders start going like mad, publishers will be knocking down Obsidian's door.


Obsidian could put some resources to start pre-production on the title, such as concept art, etc. Heck, if the game will have it's own engine, then developing models, etc. could also be done.

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Guess I should get out and jog then.


On the subject of a next game, FU has suggested they have an idea, but are looking for a publisher. That would suggest a new IP. Theorhetically, if the game required a license (like Star Wars), the publisher would have to be in line first.


Many publishers are going to be wary of a start-up, even with this crew. It's silly, but true. The second KOTOR:2 preorders start going like mad, publishers will be knocking down Obsidian's door.


Obsidian could put some resources to start pre-production on the title, such as concept art, etc. Heck, if the game will have it's own engine, then developing models, etc. could also be done.


I really hope they do start a new IP it's always interesting to see something new and hopefully original. I'm looking forward to Flagship Studios (A new company as well) hoping they can pull something unique out of their hats.

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I'm with you. Maybe it's to avoid Jefferson/Van Buren incidents.


I really like how SSE is making such a strong effort to include fan suggestions in their game.


They've even gone so far as to say people on the forums will be listed in the credits for adding NPCs, weapons, dialogue, etc.

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I was a member of the Camarilla, which is the huge LARP organization.


It's geeky, but, hey. I met a guy out in OC at a game who was working on Arcanum, with this start-up called Troika. I said, "whatever".


Stupid me. I should have found out more, tried suggesting NPCs, beta-tested, etc.

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I'm sure Obsidian is itching to prove their own identity after starting off with a hand-off sequel.


That can be a good and a bad thing. They may reinvent the wheel. Then again, the wheel is pretty good to begin with.

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All this time I thought that the Camarilla was a group of vampire clans... turns out they're just a bunch of LARPers.


Okay, what is Jefferson/Van Buren?


Who is SSE?


Who is Flagship Studios?

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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From my understanding of the Jefferson Engine is take the Infinity Engine (BG/BG2/IWD) make it completely 3D (characters, environments, and so on), decent camera controls to zoom in and full rotation, and you will have the Jefferson Engine.

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All this time I thought that the Camarilla was a group of vampire clans... turns out they're just a bunch of LARPers.


Okay, what is Jefferson/Van Buren?


Who is SSE?


Who is Flagship Studios?

The Camarilla is a spanish word, for behind-closed-door politics I believe, or something like that.


The Camarilla within White Wolf's game world is a collection of Vampire Clans.


The Camarilla is also White Wolf's official global fan club, with a huge LARP.


Van Buren was the project name for the now canceled Fallout 3, and Jefferson was Baldur's Gate 3. Just like Delaware was the project name for KOTOR:TSL before annoucement.


SSE = Silver Side Entertainment. They are a group working on a game very much like Fallout, called The Fall. They seem to be a good group of guys, and cater strongly to the fan community.


Flagship Studios is a new team founded by some of the Blizzard crew (Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft).

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All this time I thought that the Camarilla was a group of vampire clans... turns out they're just a bunch of LARPers.


Okay, what is Jefferson/Van Buren?


Who is SSE?


Who is Flagship Studios?

(Flagship Studios)

Flagship Studios has been formed by David Brevik, Max Schaefer, Erich Schaefer, Bill Roper, and Kenneth Williams to create quality computer games. Joining them as additional co-founders are David Glenn, Peter Hu, Philip Shenk, and Tyler Thompson. The entire founding team was previously employed at Blizzard Entertainment

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Thank you Lost Straw, I think I'll sign up on their forums.


I was just teasing you about the Carmilla, Ender. I know the names of all the werewolf tribes, vampire clans, demon houses, mage traditions, fae kith, and exalted castes. Didn't you say you have a Prince character? What clan was he?

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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