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14 hours ago, Boeroer said:

That is one single use case though. the higher the level/content the more narrower it becomes.

i was only giving that as an example.

on potd with upscaling/challenges, even 25% normal hp beckoner skeletons are as great in late game as early game.

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They can't be as great because they are not doing any noteworthy damage anymore. They may be still useful - but logic dictates that they cannot be as good if their weapons don't scale. 

So skeletons may not be useless later on - but still a proper weapon scaling for all summons - including skeletons - would make much more sense than the current "solution". Not only in terms of balancing but also when it comes to consistency and what the player expects.

"Look! The great Chanter Sumonitas calls upon Eora his mighty army of Ancient Wiederganger Skeletons. Behold their awesome... erm... rusty swords... which fall apart while they rush forth..? Huh..."

Edited by Boeroer
  • Haha 1

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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OK, so the to be tested list :


Barbarian : Totems, but I guess they're not fighting summons anyway

Fighter : Nope

Rogue : Nay

Ranger : Pet, but they are already well documented

Cipher : technically, dominated foes are not summons

Paladin : not really


Monks : the twins ! But they are working fine and are basically copy of yourself


Wizard :

  • Essential Phantom and Substancial Phantom but they are working fine and are basically copy of yourself

  • Maura’s Tentacles

  • Familiar


Priests :

  • Spiritual Ally

  • The various Incarnates


Druids :

  • Minor, nomal and greater Blights

  • Call of the Primordials

  • Lashing Vine

  • Fire Stag

  • Aspect of Galawain


Chanters :

  • Skeleton & upgrade

  • Ghost & upgrade

  • Wurms & upgrade

  • Wisps & upgrade

  • Ogres & upgrade

  • Drakes & upgrade

  • Dank Spores & upgrade

  • Animated Weapons & upgrade

  • Dragon


Am I missing anything ?

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Summon Spell Stats Base Stats Attributes Armor Weapon 1 Weapon 2 or shield General Comments
Duration Number Deflection Fortitude Reflex Will Melee Acc Ranged Acc Base Health Health per level MIG CON DEX PER INT RES Base Recovery Scaling Damages Type PR Scaling, Item Mod & comments Damages Type PR Scaling, Item Mod & comments
Maura's Writthing Tentacles 15 3 30 5 30 5 25 25 60 10 14 10 10 12 12 8 6 100% Normal 7 – 10 CRU/COR 5 Normal scaling 7 – 10 CRU/COR 5 Normal scaling Immobilizing attacks


Here is a sample of Data Mining for 1 Summon ability. I might consider improving the post readability when done (but my 15 months little dragon may wake up anytime so I have to be quick for this time 🤗).

Some notes below :

Note that this table is  based on Gamefiles Data Mining, not individual testing. I'm only going to test it in game to check the princples, not every creatures in the table.

Thanks @thelee for the convenient reference.

Feel free to comment if anything is missing, before I start the process for the rest of the summons.

EDIT : I forgot to check weapon base Recovery : 4s for Maur's Writhing Tentacles.

Hey, that confirms Maur's Writhing tentacles are pretty nice.

Edited by Elric Galad
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3 hours ago, Boeroer said:

5 base PEN is pretty me though. Good that it scales.

By the way: Skeletons' poor swords stay at 4 PEN for all of the game. 4... 


...four! ;)

hey now - maybe this is dumb and obvious to everyone else but does this mean that summons automatically scale with Veteran and POTD?

I always recorded summons as having generally 7 PEN, but this only makes sense if they are getting +2 from PotD scaling (and skeletons get a further -1 from poor). They also get +15 accuracy/defense from PotD? Also a health boost?

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Skeletons have swords. Weapons don't scale with difficulty level.

Swords have a base PEN of 6. Poor does -2 PEN.

And thus they are stuck with 4. I mean without any buff like animancy cat etc.

Incidentally just did an Ancient-Brittle-Bones fight on PotD with a lvl-20 Troubadour.

I don't know about the tentacles.

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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