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In POE a confuse enemy was targetting his allies, i was expecting confuse (wizard confuse spells, and confuse status)  in Deadfire doing the same, but with disappointment i notified it don't work like in POE, and this make me https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Perplexing+Sap think Confuse is broken.
If we read carefully the description of the Rogue ability (Perplexing Sap), the ability is supposed to return a target against her allies, and make them return against their allies on each hit. But in the actual state, this ability can't be used, because you hit an enemy with Perplexing Sap(Sap Upgrade), and the enemy continue to attack you, and inflict you the confused status https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Confused which mean your own defenses attack your allies (Finality's_Claim for example) ??????

Why would we want to spend an ability point in something which will return against us

This need to be properly fixed, because in its actual state (Perplexing sap) do more harm than good, to be clear, it is broken and useless.

Edited by fced

Pillars of Eternity PS4 - RPG fan - Native language French, so please forgive my poor English speaking ...

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I've never used it, but from reading the description it should only work on "enemies". But confusion doesn't make the target your ally. It just makes all their attacks friend or foe. So this ability is indeed a waste because it will turn against you. That's pretty awful.

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if I recall correctly when I was playing POE (wizard Confusion spell was one of my favorites) as a wizard (main character) it was turning enemies against their allies, I tried Perplexing SAP on 1.03 and 1.04 on PS4, and each time the enemy attacked one of my allies, they went confused...

This make me think there is a problem with confused status, i could accept the fact confusion have changed from POE to Deadfire, but in this case why Perplexing SAP description say what it say and do what it do (in its actual state)...?

Edited by fced

Pillars of Eternity PS4 - RPG fan - Native language French, so please forgive my poor English speaking ...

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  Two years later and still not fixed.

On 11/1/2018 at 5:23 PM, aartz said:

Heya thelee!


We've got an issue in our system at the moment that details some of the problems with Perplexing Sap. I've gone ahead and added the information you provided here, as well as a link to this post to that issue 😃


Thanks for being so active on the forums!

Source : https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106595-31-perplexing-sap-confuses-everyone/

Pillars of Eternity PS4 - RPG fan - Native language French, so please forgive my poor English speaking ...

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In Poe2 you have 3 tiers of this affliction. Confused is the lowest tier which makes enemies deal damage friend or foe, Charmed makes them auto attack their allies. Dominated is the strongest tier which allows them to use abilities on their allies. Confused does not bring enemies under your control. It's by design. https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Afflictions


The description of Perplexing Sap is correct and it actually does what it says. It just sucks as an ability.

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It is not Confuse that's broken (works as intended, but is way weaker than in PoE), it's Perplexing Sap that's not working with this sort of Confusion as it might have been intended. Too late to fix this now - no matter if two years or twenty: Obsidian stopped patching Deadfire months ago so this will stay forever in the original game. Anyways: don't use it, it's bad. The whole Sap branch is rather bad.  

Confusion has its merits of you fight against casters, especially ones who like to shower you with foe-only AoE spells (like Shining Beacon or so) or shower their guys with AoE healing. Then all spells turn into friendly fire (for the enemies). Besides that it's not very useful. Confused enemies don't switch targets. But secondary effects (AoE, projectile jumps etc.) will hit friends. Same as enemies' AoE healing will hit you. 

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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On 3/21/2020 at 1:17 AM, Boeroer said:

Confusion has its merits of you fight against casters, especially ones who like to shower you with foe-only AoE spells (like Shining Beacon or so) or shower their guys with AoE healing. Then all spells turn into friendly fire (for the enemies). Besides that it's not very useful. Confused enemies don't switch targets. But secondary effects (AoE, projectile jumps etc.) will hit friends. Same as enemies' AoE healing will hit you. 

Confusion is even a little worse than that, because enemy caster AI is so moronic that they will happily hit their own party members with friendly fire attacks, regardless of being confused. So confusion has even less of an effect in caster fights than one might intuitively think - mostly against enemy healers. It also doesn't help that the main confusion effects target will and casters tend to have good will defense. I actually find confusion more practical for barbarians, paladins, chanters more than actual casters - though making caster aoe and durations shorter is pretty good.

Edited by thelee
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