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Mira the Bounty Hunter

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Dark Jedi were a pushover in KotOR when my trio of jedi went into the Star Forge.



I just think if they allowed the player to play a non Force user it would give players like myself to play the game as he or she sees fit.  On their own terms instead of the developers.  Keep the Jedi as an option for the PC, but also have non-Jedi classes available as well.

I don't understand your problem with it then. You didn't HAVE to use the Jedi skills. You could have just armed your PC with a blaster and armor instead, and disregarded his/her Force ability. The game didn't FORCE (pardon the pun) you to use the Force, or stack up your Jedi abilities. You could have easily played through the entire game as a regular person. In essense, KOTOR DID give you the option. You chose to use the Jedi skills.

Hes not strong enough to resist his munchkin impulses when they are right there at the push of a button. :(

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Dark Jedi were a pushover in KotOR when my trio of jedi went into the Star Forge.



I just think if they allowed the player to play a non Force user it would give players like myself to play the game as he or she sees fit.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)

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Actually I played a Scout/Counselor like that. It was a pretty challenging game at that point. In that game I used Carth and T3 as my companions. Man, that was a fun game. :D


Still, I shouldn't need to artificial restrict my character in order to have that level of challenge. I should use my character's full abilities and still get my ass nearly handed to me.

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Actually I played a Scout/Counselor like that. It was a pretty challenging game at that point. In that game I used Carth and T3 as my companions. Man, that was a fun game. :D


Still, I should artificial restrict my character in order to have that level of challenge. I should use my character's full abilities and still get my ass nearly handed to me.

Says who???? You? Sorry but you aren't the god-king of RPGs. :( Artificially restricting your character is a common practice among people that want a challenge. You need the developers to hand everything to you? Many gamers take it upon themselves to attempt to beat games in unique ways to test their mettle. I have friends that tried to beat Halo on legendary using only human weapons. Not sure if they did it. I've seen challenges for trying to beat FFX with only one sphere grid etc. Things like that are very common and can be fun. Players can take it upon themselves to give themselves a challenge. As sad as it is some casual players thought combat was sometimes TOO tough. Crazy I know.

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I just feel that as a gamer I shouldn't need to artificial limit my character to have some semblance of challenge in a game. Thats just not how the game is meant to be played. A proper way of playing the game you use the resources available to you to the maximum of their ability in order to achieve the goals of the character. I don't sugar coat my characters nor do I sugar coat my campaigns with artificial limitations.


Such as in one campaign I ran there was this player who wanted to have his character (2nd level mind you) to go off and investigate a mysterious tower that disappears and reappears in the forest. All the other PCs said that it is too dangerous but the player didn't listen and left all by himself. The trip through the forest was pretty quiet and I do mean quiet, but that clue just didn't register. The PC got to the tower and saw the front door was open. He first casted the typical spells that a wizard would cast befor going into a dangerous environ. Mage Armor and Shield. He readied his crossbow and entered. The first floor was empty and sparsely furnished. The Wizard went up the stairs and the first door he came to was locked. Using what muscle he had he tries to bust down the door.


This woke up the House Mimic. A roughly CR 20 critter with about 200 to 300 hit points. The 2nd level wizard was quickly devoured and that player has not the dubious honor of being my quickest kill in a new campaign. 47 minutes.


The point of this story I don't like to artificially limit my characters, as both as a player and DM. I fully use my resources to advance the story and fulfill character specific goals.

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I just feel that as a gamer I shouldn't need to artificial limit my character to have some semblance of challenge in a game. Thats just not how the game is meant to be played. A proper way of playing the game you use the resources available to you to the maximum of their ability in order to achieve the goals of the character. I don't sugar coat my characters nor do I sugar coat my campaigns with artificial limitations.


Such as in one campaign I ran there was this player who wanted to have his character (2nd level mind you) to go off and investigate a mysterious tower that disappears and reappears in the forest. All the other PCs said that it is too dangerous but the player didn't listen and left all by himself. The trip through the forest was pretty quiet and I do mean quiet, but that clue just didn't register. The PC got to the tower and saw the front door was open. He first casted the typical spells that a wizard would cast befor going into a dangerous environ. Mage Armor and Shield. He readied his crossbow and entered. The first floor was empty and sparsely furnished. The Wizard went up the stairs and the first door he came to was locked. Using what muscle he had he tries to bust down the door.


This woke up the House Mimic. A roughly CR 20 critter with about 200 to 300 hit points. The 2nd level wizard was quickly devoured and that player has not the dubious honor of being my quickest kill in a new campaign. 47 minutes.


The point of this story I don't like to artificially limit my characters, as both as a player and DM. I fully use my resources to advance the story and fulfill character specific goals.

PnP is not possible in a CRPG. You know that. :(

Not sure what your speech on maximizing esources had to do with killing a low level PC who did something dumb though. :) Entertaining story to be sure but a tad OT.

Anyways I was only saying artificial restrictions are a common practice for the more hardcore set to increase their challenge in a gae and test their mettle. Even if you make the game insanely hard there will always be some gamers who find it too easy (there always are!) and will attempt to find new ways to challenge themselves with it. Nothing wrong with that. But you can't design a game with these people in mind or most people will quit in frustration. Do I think KOTOR was too easy? Yes. But that doesn't mean artificial restrictions are a bad idea.

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Ive always defined metagaming as...

The act of using outside or previously gained knowledge within a gaming universe for personal gain or advantage.


Is that the same as you? In which case I don't think using personal outside gaming knowledge to DECREASE advantage is such a bad thing. :(

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Gaining or decreasing an advantage, its still metagaming to me. You are playing your character and the game based on out of character knowledge.

Using my Halo example where my friends tried to use only human weapons how is that metagaming????? And how is not using force powers metagaming? They are all decisions that can be made in game by the character. He'd have to be insane but still.

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Perhaps you may find this useful Hades:


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic v1.0 HARDCORE MOD by talchia


"The Hardcore mod will buff the attributes of the enemy if you reach a specific level. Raise the difficulty in three steps (Level 8, Level 12, Level 16)."

Difficoulty should be achieved with the use of strategical combat and tactical options.


Buffing enemies only garantees one thing : frustration and lots of reloads...

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Also this game isn't using the D20 system. The developers are either going to make the level cap much higher then 20 or not place one at all. The prestige classes have not been confirmed as of yet for non jedi classes, however bounty hunter sounds like a good one if they do exist.

FU said in regards to Prestige Classes that there would be three for jedi, and three for sith.


He said nothing about non-Jedi Prestige Classes. Considering your MC is a Jedi, I doubt you'll see them. She can be a Bounty Hunter, and be a soldier for "class".

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"Also this game isn't using the D20 system. The developers are either going to make the level cap much higher then 20 or not place one at all. The prestige classes have not been confirmed as of yet for non jedi classes, however bounty hunter sounds like a good one if they do exist. "


There was an interview posted in here at:




In it this was said:


"Feargus Urquhart: Currently, I think we are capping it at around 30, but it might be that we remove the cap completely depending on how balancing the game goes."

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There is always a cap, it cannot be removed since the engine uses progression tables and so if there is no lv 875364 enties it cannot make the character reach lv 87564.


What most "cap removers" in game do is simply add progression tables for the "missing" levels, I supposed we could do it for SW:KotOR but so far nobody appeared to care to try it.

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*L*I was just tossing the quote out there. I said awhile back(not in here) that the cap would pry be bewtween 25-30. I hope it takes a little more to level up after you hit 20. But with or without a cap it makes no difference to me,just tossing it out there like I said.

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I think the question that everyone is forgetting, is whether or not Mira is single.


Fanboys need fictional animated character to fantasize about, after all.

Is she even a possible romance option I wonder? I thought see was on of those archetypical 'lovable rogue' types.

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