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Am I missing something?

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I'm sorry if the title offends anyone but...I figured this would be better than the fallout games. THOUGH it truly is in several ways, it lacks. 

Yea this is fine and all except when you beat the game in 10 hours and it doesn't let you just roam the worlds to explore more. You have too....Start a new game??? Either that or load all the way back before you finish the last mission. There's no "secret" loot stashes with that awesome legendary weapon. There's no one big open world, which I don't mind, but when there's only what...like 6 smaller maps (worlds) you can explore, it makes it very limiting. I'd say all these places collectively together would make up like 25% of the New Vegas map. AND half the worlds aren't even unlockable. The enemies are embarrassingly easy. Not to mention the fact that there's like 10 different creatures at most. In fallout, there were a vast variety of hard boss monsters and things like that. I also never even had to mod more than 2 weapons because I was constantly coming across better ones until I unexpectedly finished the whole game. It came so soon I was amazed that all those mods and bit credits I hoarded went down the drain. I beat the game at lvl 19. There are 19/30 levels. Just to give you an idea. I really wished this game had much more content because it truly was an amazing milestone in terms of Single-player RPG games but I absolutely have to rate it at a solid 5-6/10. It was unbelievably sad just simply due to a lack of content. This game had so much potential and they botched it. If their DLC's aren't on a-whole-nother level then I very well not buy another Obsidian game. I dare even say Fallout 4 had more content.
I realize this will undoubtedly "trigger" some noon on here but is this HONEST TO GOD all there is??? This feels like a $20 game that you play for a week and are done with it.
Edited by Threat
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A fulfilling play through is usually 30-40+ hours. Not to mention, the game is designed to be played over again multiple times.

That said, the amount of content available is rather lacking. The content we did get is quite good, but I understand why people are disappointed. I would like to have seen more than what was released, but look on the bright side: This game has high replay value and there's still room for dlc and mods. 

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TOW is a classic RPG, you should not compare to the Bethesda looter shoter - RPG hybrids. This game is not about roaming endlessly a map with one character and grinding for better gear and doing radiant quests after you beat the main story.
It has more or less the same play trough time like any other game of it genre (25-40 hours).
In my first play-trough with an actual "good leader" character I finished in 20 hours willingly saying "no" to quest what did not fit to the characters personality. 
In my second play-trough I went with a "sneaky merc" who did anything for money. I ended up with 32 hours game-time on a completely different arc.
Now I doing my 3rd one with a "high charisma anarchist scientist" guy. I found already quest what I did not encounter in the first two. 
I have plans for a "lone renegade" (no companions), a "moron" (low in) and for the last a "pacifist diplomat"

That is 5 char with an estimated 120-150 hours....

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