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[2.1] Some Item Issues



Hi team,


just had my first session with the latest patch, 2.1.

It feels more smooth than ever, great job!


Couple of small things I'd like to raise:


 - There seems to be an underwear notification in the Resting dialog.

as also indicated by thelee under topic "Missing String 5350 and Missing String 5351"
 - Effigy's Husk (Eyes of the Blackstone) cannot be upgraded/enchanted "crafting requirements not met" despite fulfilling the requirements.

 - Miscreants Leathers (Kidney Guard) cannot be upgraded/enchanted "crafting requirements not met" despite fulfilling the requirements.


 - Maybe not a bug, but:

Iridescent Scale lets me upgrade to +10 Defense against elemental attacks and lets me add elemental refraction by upgrading the item which reduces damage taken for the selected element.

That is all nice but can this somehow be converted to Armor Rating or at least be displayed in another fashion?

This stuff is nice but practically invisible in the Character Sheet dialog.


With the current solution I need to remember all these defenses and damage reductions when entering a tough fight, for example.

While it seems to boil down to the same thing: element armor rating, right?





I would like to upload the save game and some screenshots but the Attach Files option says:


You can upload up to 507KB of files (Max. single file size: 507KB)


So that won't work unfortunately.

Please let me know if you would like to receive these files by a different method.







2 answers to this question

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 - Effigy's Husk (Eyes of the Blackstone) cannot be upgraded/enchanted "crafting requirements not met" despite fulfilling the requirements.

 - Miscreants Leathers (Kidney Guard) cannot be upgraded/enchanted "crafting requirements not met" despite fulfilling the requirements.


They might have a level requirement.

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Hey DnDuin!


Thank you for reporting more bugs to us!  In regards to the two items not enchanting, I can enchant them and only get that message after enchanting the opposing enchant in the enchant tree.  When enchanting Armor of Flesh on Effigy's Husk, it warns that you cannot enchant Eyes of Blackstone once you set the enchant.  After confirming, it then displays "Crafting requirements not met" for Eyes of Blackstone.  Is this the same in your case and if not, could you please send me a copy of your save so we can look further into this?  The forums unfortunately don't allow for much space, but you can send the files to me at support@obsidian.net and I will attach them to a bug report to get checked out.

Thanks as always DnDuin!

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