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[1.2.2] Magran's Might says it interrupts on crit, but actually interrupts on hit



See screenshot:




The tooltip description for Magran's Might says it interrupts "on crit," but in practice it interrupts on hit. I don't know which way the error is (I hope it's that the tooltip is wrong, because interrupting on hit makes Magran's Might feel more like a PL9 spell), but it's clear there is a mismatch here between description and implementation.


Dropbox link to a saved game before the Sanguine Harvest fight, along with OS X output log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/stz06zxf8lnn9i3/AABjC16QCnmAn2P7yr78AoApa?dl=0

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4 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

Ok, after a little research this i what i found:

Magran Might ability main attack Interrupts on Crit, but this ability have 2 different attacks

the second one is a random AoE attack (why???)  that Interrupts on Hit

					"$type": "Game.GameData.AttackRandomAOEComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
					"RandomAttackID": "a57d3dac-d826-43a1-a5c5-c1ea62e022a3",
					"RandomTargetStyle": "Object",
					"NumHits": 8,
					"MaxHitsPerTarget": 0
			"$type": "Game.GameData.AttackRangedGameData, Assembly-CSharp",
			"DebugName": "Magrans_Might_Ranged",
			"ID": "a57d3dac-d826-43a1-a5c5-c1ea62e022a3",
			"Components": [{
					"$type": "Game.GameData.AttackBaseComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
					"KeywordsIDs": ["4b098b3f-f5c3-46b7-a2aa-34dc07fa2c31", "59769d5a-5886-4343-a208-3ff4b4a2c105", "f0dbb330-1b06-4175-8ce4-efe790b99213"],
					"AttackDistance": 6,
					"MinAttackDistance": 0,
					"AttackVariationID": "7439b86f-785c-4551-8851-95b375a02792",
					"UseParentEquippableHand": "false",
					"CastSpeedID": "3bf6c8e7-49b6-46b1-8c62-cb9121f0d22a",
					"RecoveryTimeID": "9d15e1c1-c6e1-4b25-bc1d-bf3707f6f534",
					"ImpactDelay": 0,
					"ForcedTarget": "None",
					"AffectedTargetType": "All",
					"AffectedTargetConditional": {
						"Conditional": {
							"Operator": 0,
							"Components": []
					"AffectedTargetDeathState": "Alive",
					"HostilityOverride": "Default",
					"PushDistance": 0,
					"FaceTarget": "true",
					"AccuracyBonus": 0,
					"PenetrationRating": 9,
					"DamageData": {
						"DamageType": "Burn",
						"AlternateDamageType": "Crush",
						"Minimum": 19,
						"Maximum": 28,
						"DamageProcs": []
					"Require****Object": "true",
					"StatusEffectKeywordsIDs": ["4b098b3f-f5c3-46b7-a2aa-34dc07fa2c31", "59769d5a-5886-4343-a208-3ff4b4a2c105", "f0dbb330-1b06-4175-8ce4-efe790b99213"],
					"StatusEffectsIDs": ["98edbab7-8a1a-4805-b961-748ad33ffb53", "41e99a02-ba85-43f6-851a-761416101a00"],
					"RandomizeStatusEffect": "false",
					"CanGraze": "false",
					"CanCrit": "true",
					"DefendedBy": "Deflect",
					"AfflictionsDefendedBy": "None",
					"AfflictionApplicationModifier": "None",
					"SubstituteHitVisualEffect": "",
					"VisualEffects": [{
							"VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/abilities/priest/fx_magrans_might.prefab",
							"AttachPoint": "Root",
							"AttachObject": "Target",
							"AttachMode": "Attach",
							"MeshType": "None",
							"Event": "OnHit",
							"AnimEventID": 0,
							"Loop": "false",
							"Scale": "false"
						}, {
							"VisualEffect": "prefabs/effects/abilities/priest/fx_magrans_might_miss.prefab",
							"AttachPoint": "Root",
							"AttachObject": "Target",
							"AttachMode": "Attach",
							"MeshType": "None",
							"Event": "OnMiss",
							"AnimEventID": 0,
							"Loop": "false",
							"Scale": "false"
					"AttackOnImpactID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
					"ExtraAttackID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
					"LaunchBone": "RightWeapon",
					"HitBone": "Chest",
					"OnHitShakeDuration": "None",
					"OnHitShakeStrength": "None",
					"NoiseLevelID": "15743f94-1026-40b0-8e13-a667b3f66f63",
					"AllReactNoise": "false",
					"InterruptsOn": "Hit",
					"InterruptType": "Normal",
					"TargetAngle": 0,
					"ApplyOnceOnly": "false",
					"PathsToTarget": "true",
					"HideFromCombatLog": "false",
					"AdditionalAttackOnTooltip": "false",
					"DoesNotApplyDamage": "false",
					"TreatAsWeapon": "false",
					"BounceData": {
						"Bounces": 0,
						"Multiplier": 0.5,
						"Range": 10,
						"InRangeOrder": "false",
						"NoRepeatTargets": "false",
						"AlwaysBounceAtEnemies": "false",
						"Delay": 0,
						"NeverBounce": "false"
				}, {
					"$type": "Game.GameData.AttackRangedComponent, Assembly-CSharp",
					"LaunchAttackOnCollision": "false",
					"ProjectileCount": 1,
					"IgnoreMagicDefense": "false",
					"ProjectileConeAngle": 145,
					"ProjectilePrefab": "prefabs/projectiles/invisible_projectile.prefab",
					"IsMultiHit": "false",
					"MultiHitTravelDist": 10,
					"MultiHitMaxHits": 0,
					"LaunchSource": "Caster",
					"LaunchOffset": {
						"x": 0,
						"y": 0,
						"z": 0
					"LaunchOffsetRandom": {
						"x": 0,
						"y": 0,
						"z": 0
Edited by kilay
  • 0

Magran's might is implemented as a very small aoe that bonbards the target with the main nuke, like meteor swarm or rain of holy fire.


So it sounds like the initial trigger is interrupt on crit and the bombard effect interrupt on hit.

  • 0

Magran's might is implemented as a very small aoe that bonbards the target with the main nuke, like meteor swarm or rain of holy fire.


So it sounds like the initial trigger is interrupt on crit and the bombard effect interrupt on hit.


Yes, I think the same , but i wonder why it's a random attack

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Hi thelee,


Thanks for posting about Magran's Might. I'll have our developers investigate the intended functionality here.

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