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Conjured Weapons And Power Level : Lack of Scaling



Hi! Decided to try a single classed Conjurer run, with my main gimmick being summoning one of the powerful weapons (possibly empowering it), and then casting a Phantom spell, so that the Phantom gets equipped with the powerful weapon and rains death with it.

However, it seems that the conjured weapons do not check for your power level at all, instead looking at your character level. It is kind of a bummer, mostly because I was really excited to see if the extra Power Levels from Conjurer are worth the opportunity cost of not using a legendary unique and taking the subclass. 
I imagine this is some sort of legacy bug from PoE1 (where your power level=class), as monk fists seem to scale properly with power levels. 

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This is also true for summons.


It's definitely a little weird, but somewhat comprehendible when you think that conjured weapons (and summons) are essentially trying to scale with your progress in the game versus your personal power. I.E. if conjured weapons scaled with your power level, there'd be no reason for multi-class characters to use them because you'll be stuck at superb or exceptional when you're finding/enchanting legendary/superb.


That being said, both conjured weapons and summons feel like they need something to scale with power level, maybe some sort of additional bonus (like how a priest spiritual weapon has a scaling factor based on your reputation with your diety's reputations). Because +5% duration per power level just ain't good enough for summons/conjured weapons and makes the conjurer subclass's bonus particularly lame compared to other subclass options.

Edited by thelee
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By the way this is by design; it was confirmed during the beta days. They didn’t want summoned weapons to be less attractive for multiclassed characters.

Edited by AndreaColombo
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Hm, that is somewhat sad :( I can understand the desire to make them attractive to multiclass, but I feel the current solution pleases no one, as "real" weapons outscale conjured ones pretty easily, and dedicated single class Conjurers actually get very little for their opportunity cost. Feels counter-intuitive to the promised playstyle of the subclass.

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