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Found 5 results

  1. I like computer games. But I don't play much. Why? Because after every session with a game I feel guilty (sic). And I wonder if I could spend this time in a better, more productive way. So I had to come up with a good excuse and I've found one! Learning languages! But it's sometimes hard to play a game in a foreign language, especially at early stages of learning when you don't know many words. And it's no fun to play with a dictionary... The solution is a bilingual game but because I don't know any I had to modify a monolingual one. I chose Pillars of Eternity. I have some coding skills so I’ve created a small application that allows me to have this: This little program can combine two (or more) languages in the Pillars of Eternity game. Why? For language learning purposes. This way you can play the game in a language your're learning but still don't miss the single word because everything is also written in your native tongue. For example: if you're native tongue is english and you're learning spanish, you can create a en/es mix. Everything will be primarily writen in english, but spanish translations (if possible) will be added just after, like that: "I really like to learn languages." «"Me gusta mucho aprender idiomas."» If your spanish is good enough you could even create an es/en mix, so everything will in spanish with english translations. You can event add a third language buy running this program again! You can create a mix of any of the languages available in the game: english, german, spanish, polish, franch, italian, russian. Please note that it's not possible to have every single text in the game available in two languages because of available space limitations. For this reason GUI (game interface, like menus, buttons etc.) is available only in the first language (the same applies to some item names and other texts in the game category). There are three categories of text in the game: conversations quests game (everything that doesn't belong to one of the two previously mentioned, like items, abilities etc.). You can pick any combination of categories for which you want to add a second language (for example just conversations or conversations and quests). DISCLAIMER This program DOESN'T MODIFY any game files, just adds new ones, so IT'S SAFE. But I have to write this: I can not be held liable for any potential damage caused by it. Also note, that I'm not associated with the game's manufacturer in any way. NOTE I wasn't going to publish this lump of code, I've just wanted a quick tool for myself. But then I've realized that there could be someone that may find it useful, so I'm sharing it, with some 'improvements' that make it easier to use. If you're a programmer and you're looking at the code (which is available in data/mix-languages.php, the rest is just a PHP distribution): usually I produce a better quality code I’ve created it for myself but then I realized that someone may find it usefull too, so after some changes, I’m sharing it: Pillars of Eternity Language Mixer: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=06377743606892622671 Just download it and double click a shortcut named „PoE Language Mixer”. It’s pretty easy to use and it will guide you step by step. Also, if you like it, I have a request, just keep reading. POLITE REQUEST This is totally free. But if you find this script useful, you want to help me and you have a Facebook profile, blog (or any other place where you're socially active), please share this page: http://nighthee.com " (or any of its language versions or subpages). Thank you and happy gaming! Cant EDIT: links edited out until I get word back from the squad. Cant supplementary EDIT: Returned links to the post.
  2. Please specify which languages should be a priority in your opinion. Sorry that I couldn't include more languages to the poll.
  3. Previously I've say the translations are a waste of time specially for Spanish. Well Today I've visited the Spanish page for the project: http://eternity.obsidian.net/es/ Obsidian you translated for Spain , so? Well happens more than 400 millions of people talks Spanish in the world but just 47 million lives in Spain. The biggest quantity of spanish speakers lives in North, Central and South America: From Mexico to Argentina. That page for example use verbs and adjectives in the way just Spain uses it. This can be ok for the project page but not for the game. For a game with a lot of dialogue this can be awful. I hope if you translate it go the a "neutral" spanish as a lot of movies.
  4. We are still going strong over here on Kickstarter and we wanted to thank everyone that has been here since the beginning as well as those of you who have come on recently to back us with your pledge. With such great support, we want to thank everyone with a new addition to the $50 and later tiers, a new $110 digital only tier, and a big change to our $2.2M stretch goal. Oh, and what are we doing this week as to updates you might ask? Josh Sawyer, Tim Cain and Chris Avellone will be posting updates and videos all this week starting on Sep 26 with Josh, Sep 27 with Mr. Avellone and a great one from Tim over the weekend. French, German, and Spanish Translations added at $2.2M We are glad to announce that we will add text translations for French, German, and Spanish when we reach this goal. As we hit more of our stretch goals, we hope to be able to add even more languages as well! Novella by Chris Avellone added for $50 and Up! Chris Avellone has been so thankful for everyone's support that he himself has pledged to write a novella in the world of Project Eternity. We are adding that to everyone who pledges $50 and up. New $110 Digital Only Tier Thanks to popular demand, we are adding a new digital tier at $110 that has early beta access to the game, thanks in the credits, a postcard thanking you for your pledge (sent physically) along with all the other digital benefits of the $140 Tier. Since we added the new novella written by Chris Avellone at the $50 reward tier - that is in there as well! Oh and we have a little piece of artwork to share as well. The following is one of our traditional race and class combinations - the Human Fighter - but he's not just any Human Fighter. He has an integral role in the story that we will be hinting at soon. Don't worry, we will also be sharing more and more of the non-traditional options in the days and weeks to come. (See the official Kickstarter post for art)
  5. You confirmed you're going to make the translations so please don't install the game automatically with the language setting from the Operating System, time zone o whatever. I'd like to choose easily to play the game in English. I found annoying to install a game, it's automatically choose one language and I've to fight to change that setting. Just make an splash screen with language selection. Thanks.
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