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Found 4 results

  1. I truly loved the first chapter and every run I do is different and immersive... but I always feel like something is missing and I'm sure these ideas might make The Outer Worlds 2 a great sequel! New weapons and armors, not based on reskins: The first The Outer Worlds had a lot of great weapons and cool armors, but as you make progress in the game, you notice that a lot of armors are simple reskins of armors that already exist (it's only a change of color). I know this might be based on the lore, but expanding the universe with new kinds of armors would just make the game even more immersive and customizable. Sentient alien races: This is something I would have loved to see in the first chapter: aliens that might be NPCs or even a companion that might join the crew! Aliens could have the aspect of creatures that already exist, for example humans with raptidon/canid heads, or they might add new kinds of aliens such as the greys or anthropomorphic animals. This would make The Outer Worlds an experience with groups of colonies or enemies that have their own laws. This is not very lore friendly but hey, anything can happen in a new system! Ship customization: The Unreliable was my favorite spot to spend time whenever I wanted to relax in the game and I loved staying with the crew listening to their chatting. But having the possibility to add furniture, decorations and other stuff would have made the Unreliable a lot better, so I'm wishing for it to happen in the sequel! Romance options: I loved Nyoka as a character, but I was sad when I found out I couldn't romance companions and the best I could do was to make them best friends. Romance options might give The Outer Worlds 2 even more repeatability to the game and unique perks to companions! These are my ideas. Drop your feedback in the comments, or even your own ideas! I have very high expectations for this game since the first was an awesome experience.
  2. Hi All, My partner has just started a blog for all things gaming, fantasy, fiction and scifi. He is an aspiring novelist (watch this space), but in the meantime he's just started to build up his portfolio starting with a blog. He's got a tonne of ideas and is busy writing his 3rd blog today (BIG mug of tea in hand), but he'd love some feedback from his target audience, and even some input on what you the reader would like him to "unpack". There's a "contact me" page on his site, go nuts! He'd love some traffic on his page, but fighting anxiety all the time means he's holding off on advertising his arrival to the blog scene... which is where I come in! >>>> www.packupyourdinosaurs.com <<<< Anyway, the reason this is relevant to this forum is that his last post was a comedic review of The Outer Worlds. If you're at all curious, please feel free to go and have a read. It would make his day! Afterall, it's not like any of us are short on time at the moment! Enjoy
  3. So i'm having this issue as shown in the image. Allow me to get to the point. I have tried every single troubleshooting issue i have done back when i was having a similar issue with Gears 5 in September. I even ran System File Check via elevated Command Prompt (sfc /scannow), and after fixing some "integrity violations" as it puts it, it didn't solve this issue either. I am currently reinstalling the game, but i highly doubt that it will work regardless, because it seems like when a game/app doesn't work on the Xbox App/Windows Store, it REALLY doesn't work no matter what i try on my end. And i am not the only one having these issues. A handful of people on Reddit are having this issue as well, though some of them managed to fix it with one of the solutions i have tried already to no avail. Unlike Gears 5 however, this time there seems to be no solution to this issue as far as i can tell. Not on my end anyway. I've been at this for 2 days, closing in on 3. I can't even contact live support on the Microsoft website because it's been having issues for the past few days. Here are my specs: Case: Cooler Master Elite 430Monitor: Samsung S22C150 21.5' Inch 1080p, 60HzGPU: Zotac GeForce GTX 970 4gb (No OC)CPU: AMD FX-8350 8-Core Black Edition (No OC)Heatsink: Cooler Master Hyper 212 PlusHard Drive: Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB HDD 7200RPMRAM: Corsair Vengeance 8gbDisk Drive: Samsung SH-224DB / BEBE DVD/CD WriterCooling Fan: Cooler Master JetFlo 95.0 CFM 120mm Red PSU: XFX TS 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power SupplyMotherboard: MSI 970A-G46Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-Bit Here is a simplified list of fixes i have tried on my end: - Re-registering the Windows Store via Windows PowerShell (as admin) - Re-setting the Windows Store app - Ran the troubleshooter for Windows Store apps - Signed in to my Microsoft account through Windows 10 (didn't work, so went back to just using a regular local admin account) - Fully updated Windows - Ran "Chkdsk" - Resetting and repairing the game app, and the Xbox app - Ran sfc /scannow and DISM via Windows Command Prompt (as admin) - Signed out and back into my Microsoft account through both the Microsoft Store and the Xbox App - Checked for updates via Microsoft Store (My Library > Downloads & Updates) - Ran CHKDSK - Checked to make sure i have the "Xbox Identity Provider" and "Gaming Services" apps - Turning off Firewall Windows is fully updated, and i have the latest Nvidia graphics driver installed (440.97). What's going on? I'm at my wits end dealing with this again a second time...
  4. My brother and I love this game and we are having a blast. But we have now come across an issue; Since we share a desktop, we then also have 2 save files in one game. And now when I go into 'Load game' I can't find my character's save file. We have tried to delete one of his old ones in *Load game* to see if mine will pop up, but it hasn't. We have also tried to restart the computer, but no change. Neither my brother or I are on supernova difficulty. He is on hard and I am on normal, so I don't think that is the issue. So, if anyone knows a work around or even know what the issue is then I'd be most grateful.
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