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Found 7 results

  1. Hello.. Is the persistant stuttering and frame drop issues on both the pc version and console versions going to be fixed at ANY point in the future? I mean we barely seem to get a patch to fix minor issues once every three months if lucky and you are not addressing folk like myself who have this issue on the pc and ps4 versions. My pc spec.. Gtx 1080 I7 8700k 32gb ddr4 Game is installed on a m.2 ssd Windows 10 Gsync enabled.
  2. I have found that there is quite bad and consistent stuttering in the outer worlds when roaming around outside or even inside, and is unfortunately stopping me from playing this game, which I want to continue exploring
  3. Hello, I recently purchased the Outer worlds. In addition to the screen attached, I am running 6GB ASUS Prime Nvidia 1080 as my graphics card. I am experiencing the frame rate drops that others are experiencing alongside stuttering and overall bad performance. In addition to this, after I create my character and my mission pod lands, the game freezes and I am stuck at my current screen with audio playing in the background. I haven't been able to even move my character. I can run most games at ultra or high settings with ease, so I think there is certainly something wrong. I am really excited to play this game, but this bug prevents me from doing anything. I would really appreciate the assistance!
  4. I constantly move my party as one unit, in the default 2x2x2 formation, and I constantly see one of my back row characters "spazzing out" upon stopping. This mainly happens when the party is hugging a wall or turning a corner, although I've also seen it happen when I just move the formation a short distance and in a straight line. I can stop this annoying glitch by 'straightening' the formation or moving it forward a little bit, but this happens a LOT so it's an ongoing annoyance that kills immersion for me. I'm sure I'm not the only one experiencing this so I did look for previous posts, but I couldn't find anything. (Probably due to inaccurate keyword searching, but I don't know else to describe this phenomenon other than 'spazzing out' or 'shaking'). Please let me know if you've noticed this happening also, or if you know how the issue can be improved or eliminated altogether. Thanks!
  5. Pillars of eternity is stuttering very often for me. It seems to be most notable when loading assets such as audio, text, etc. The video will freeze for around 1 second, while the gameplay will rush to catch up after the freeze occurs. This is the only game I am having any issue with. All other games run/load fine. Recently purchased the game off GOG. Pillars is installed on my secondary HDD that I use for games, windows is installed on an SSD. Specs are as follows: Asus laptop Intel I7 6700HQ Nvidia 960m 2gb 16gb ddr4 ram 500gb SSD, 1TB HDD So far I have tried changing video settings in game. Enabling vsync, switching fullscreen mode, etc. Tried disabling real time scanning in windows defender. Made sure the HDD isnt fragmented or having errors. Checked temps while running the game, they seem fine. One thing to note is that when the stutter occurs GPU usage drops significantly and then picks up again when the stutter finishes. Save game here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4qasswo20ktofh/265f20f214494d46ae1ac004097ba7c0%208377203%20EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel2.savegame?dl=0 Dxdiag and output_log uploaded via forum DxDiag.txt output_log.txt
  6. When I first start the game and I load new assets on screen (cast a spell for the first time, open inventory, open new chests, engage new enemies, start new dialogue with new NPCs, open new doors, etc.) my frame rates PLUNGE drastically and the game begins to stutter for a about a second. Considering I am encountering new items/areas/NPCs all the time, this is a very annoying issue. It really destroys my experience with this beautiful game. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with Steam or if it is patch related, but it seems other uses are having similar problems with no solutions. Has anyone been running into the same problems and if so, what have you done to remedy it?
  7. Dear obsidian support, I don't know if you are aware of this issue but many users have problems with non-performance related constant stuttering in game. I have a strong rig (i7-4790K, GTX980, 16GB RAM) but I experience framedrops to 6FPS every couple of seconds - even the game is paused! I observed that the time interval between spikes depends on actual refresh rate. For example if I turn off v-sync the game is running at 150FPS and I have 160ms spikes every 5 second (look at the attachment). If I turn on v-sync the game is running 75FPS and those spikes are there every 20s. Capped at 30FPS the time between spikes is around 50 seconds. This is very strange and I would like if someone from developers can look at this issue as it completely ruin the game experience. Otherwise the game runs pretty smooth but this is not acceptable and very annoying. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance. Thanks!
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