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Found 4 results

  1. hi when i start game its just black screen and with gaunlet cursor i cant see anything else. i try to open at windowed and full screen its same problem. i check a lot of site to solve problem . still have same problem.. ***and there is no saved variable on users documents so dont ask for my logout.txt files.. Games didnt any saved variable to my user documents
  2. Edit: Please disregard and delete this topic, I figured out what's going on and will post an appropriate (and accurate) bug report at a later date.
  3. Yesterday I saw that the patch had been released and saw steam downloading the patch. When the patch was done I decided to start the game. For a few seconds, a white window opened that said Pillars of Eternity and then the whole computer froze. I restarted the computer and tried it again. Same result. I verified the game cache, same result. Today I decided to re-install the whole game to see if that fixes the issue. I clicked play, the white window came up again. And then it froze. I can't get any dxdiag from what I know but I have a speccy screenshot of my computer specs.
  4. Hi, I dowloaded Pillars of Eternity from steam yesterday, but got an instant crush (within 0.3 seconds) when I try to start it up. Here's what I have tried and not work: 1. restart windows, steam. 2. run exe file directly, run as administrator, use 256 color 3. no log file can be found under the game folder. 4. switch between graphic cards( AMD Radeon HD 7450M, IntelĀ® HD Graphics 4000 ) 5. change non-unicode language into English, since I'm not using an English Windows system. 6. check google for similar problem and solution. My computer environment: Game Version: OS: Windows 8 x64 Graphic Cards: AMD Radeon HD 7450M, IntelĀ® HD Graphics 4000 Log file: can't find it under the game folder. Really want to play this game, anyone help?
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