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Found 14 results

  1. I can't get Sanjar to even entertain the idea of a truce between him and zoras group. There isnt any dialogue after I suggest it as an idea. I have all the quest items I need and have done everything to support zora. I got her to agree to talk to Sanjar but only if he will. I can't think whats gone wrong here. Frankly its kinda bummed me out from playing the rest of the game because I was rrally careful to not fuel the fire between the two factions. Any help or news about this bug would be great.
  2. I bought the game at launch, and for the first few days that I was playing it, my ps4 was not connected to the internet. When I finally connected to the internet, I updated the game to ver. 1.01. But when I tried to load my manual save game or any of the autosaves after the update, I got the error code E-B51D0002. I looked this error code up on Playstation's support site, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The only save that would load was a system save from when you first leave the Emerald Vale. I tried reinstalling the game and launching it on ver. 1.00, but when I tried to load my saves, nothing would happen. No error would appear, the game would just stay at the main menu. When I tried to load the system save, I would get an error and a prompt to update the game to the latest version in order to fix the error. Would appreciate any help with this, I'd logged about 20 hours into the game and I'd rather not have to start all over
  3. So I am wondering if anyone else has run into this problem, but I am in Mother Sharp Caves, every time I try to fight the Xuarip within the cave. Everything goes as normal until one of them attempts to cast Holy Power, the game then gets stuck in a loop and the spell is never cast. Any advice ?
  4. So, I went to the gullet in Neketana and did the quests. Went to leave after and neither the left or right exit highlight to let me leave. Same with the lift to the old city, I was given the okay to go down but none of the map transition icons appear. Not sure what to do at this point because I can’t progress the game.
  5. During radio free monarch, i decided i wasnt going to deal with MSI, so i killed Hiram to stop the MSI broadcasts and bolted from stellar bay with the guards hot on my tail like the badass space cowboy i am; i then completed the iconoclast missions and took the bay for them but now whenever i am in Stellar bay i am stuck in combat. Nobody attacks me because I'm cool with the iconoclasts, everyone acts normally but i can't interact with any NPC's. I have gone and done missions on other planets, generally tried to avoid the bay for as long as possible, slept, searched everywhere in the city for anything that might still have aggro with me, killed every sprat (ok that was for fun) but i still hear combat music as soon i load into stellar bay. Please help :).
  6. Hi, I have seen this question all over the forums but no answer. I am no longer able to load any recent saves from the main menu on PS4. I have one manual save for the mission ”At Central” and one autosave for “Cupid of that Laboratory” but (Ver 1.00) just froze the main menu with the music still playing. The only save I could open and play is called “[System Save - Leaving Emerald Valley] at level 8, 20 hours prior to my most recent save. After updating to version 1.01 attempts to load the aforementioned saves would result in the following error E-B51D0002. Now after uninstalling the game and reinstalling leaving it at version 1.00 the saves will just be ignored and return to the main menu as if selecting them did nothing at all and when selecting the system save crashes the application. Updating to version 1.01 once again just gave me to same error. I’ve updated the PS4 software, shut down/ restarted the PS4 Several times and have deleted and installed the game three times. But the saves will still not load. Any help will be appreciated that you very much.
  7. I try to start a New Game and the game gets stuck on a loading screen right after you get send to the world for the first time. I tried to create a New Game 3 times and it happens every time.
  8. Even after the update every time I try to take Parvati quest it keep saying she dead. I load pass saves it say fail am I doing something wrong. Any help would be great really.
  9. When my character levels up I'm supposed to update its stats using the cross button in PS4 and then applying changes with the square button. This doesn't work very well and it becomes very frustrating because it takes several tries to use all the points, if at all. The same goes for the perks. I'm surprised this problem isn't mentioned in this forum. Am I doing something wrong or is it just my copy of the game (physical copy, updated to the latest version over the internet)?
  10. Not a huge problem just something I hope can get fixed. On PS4 the Workbench sorting shows weapons that aren't equipped as equipped because it sorts the whole list. The video link below shows the issue. https://youtu.be/G4SRdHZjYhs
  11. Don't Bite the Sun... When Parvati prompts you to talk, if you start a dialogue the mission fails and the reason stated is "Parvati has died"... She is not dead, please fix this.
  12. Guys, what's going on with textures on PS4? It looks like half of the objects in-game doesn't have textures at all! Also very weird lighting changes and weapon textures loading while aiming. Am I the only one who has these problems? I'm very confused, because this is the worst textures I ever saw on PS4. Playing on PS4 Pro, 4K 50" TV
  13. I'm in the emerald vale region and I'm not 100% sure when the bug occurred, I believe it was while I was undertaking the Illustrated Manual quest. I found the first quest item, then fast travelled to the Unreliable to get rid of excess weight. However, upon leaving the Unreliable all of my quests are now waypointing to the Unreliable. Or, rather, 30m *below* the Unreliable. I've closed the software and reopened, selected all of the other quests, nothing.
  14. Hi all. I've got an annoying bug. Please help. I've completed the "Winds of Steel" quest for Knights of the Crucible by killing all of the aggressive forge knights. After that I reported to commander Clyver that the castle has been cleared. Everything was fine. After a while (4-6 hours of real-time gameplay) I returned back to the castle but battle mode got turned on without any reason and the commander tells me to finish killing the forge knights even though I've already done that before! The quest seemed to be completed (dead forge knights are laying around on the floor, there are no active forge knight left)! Because of this bug I cannot proceed. Maybe it is somehow connected with the fact that I'm playing cipher that uses mind control spells? Just in case, I tried changing locations, saving/loading, leaving/entering the castle several times. Thank you.
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