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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, about 3 days back my game experienced a bug that didnt allow me to load my save files. i couldnt load the autosave or the manual one. Downloaded the update because i had read that it will resolve the issue. Now that i have finally done it, I still cant load the save files. It shows an error "E-B51D0002". I checked the error tag on playstation support and it doesnt exist. I'm about 15-20 hours in i believe. anyway i can get my save files to load up? I'm on ps4
  2. I bought the game at launch, and for the first few days that I was playing it, my ps4 was not connected to the internet. When I finally connected to the internet, I updated the game to ver. 1.01. But when I tried to load my manual save game or any of the autosaves after the update, I got the error code E-B51D0002. I looked this error code up on Playstation's support site, but I couldn't find it anywhere. The only save that would load was a system save from when you first leave the Emerald Vale. I tried reinstalling the game and launching it on ver. 1.00, but when I tried to load my saves, nothing would happen. No error would appear, the game would just stay at the main menu. When I tried to load the system save, I would get an error and a prompt to update the game to the latest version in order to fix the error. Would appreciate any help with this, I'd logged about 20 hours into the game and I'd rather not have to start all over
  3. So I'm suffering from that "Save Bug" that gets seen a lot. I've tried all the fixes I've seen on this forum to no avail, but I think I see my problem. When I delete the "TempSaveData" folder in(Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp/ObsidianEntertainment\PillarsofEternity) there is also a zip file there named "loadedSave.zip" which I also delete too. It's from a save dated a few days back when I started playing the game. I have since uninstalled several times and deleted all saves and all anything Pillars of Eternity related from my computer. Looking to just start the game with a fresh character. But after deleting those two said files every time I boot up PoE, I see the TempSaveData folder require but I also see the loadedSave.zip file require as well. The one that is dated from a few days ago, of a save I no longer have. I know it's an old save because in the zip there are png files and I can see the pictures of the character. I believe that is what isn't allowing me to access saves for some reason. How can I make this file not reacquire every time I start up the game. It's from several days ago from a save that doesn't exist. I've turned on and off the Cloud Sync on Steam and nothing is working. I really really really just want to play Pillars of Eternity! Please help me Anyone-Kenobi, you're my only hope! Thanks! Also, I'll attach the .zip file that keep reacquiring, maybe it will help? loadedSave.zip
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