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Found 6 results

  1. Hello, could you please find out why the price of the game in the Russian region Steam is lower than in the Ukrainian and other regions of the post-Soviet space?
  2. I have been playing Deadfire since launch on the "Veteran" difficulty setting and have loved it so far, I'm hundreds of hours into the game and have collected tons of unique items and loot. Yesterday I decided to increase the difficulty setting to "Path of the Damned", and I'm enjoying the increased difficulty now that my characters are level 20. But a few hours of playtime after I increased the difficulty to Path of the Damned, I noticed that ALL ITEMS in my inventory had their monetary value decrease approximately 98% or more. An item worth 3,000 CP yesterday is now worth around 50 cp today. Also, I've completed new battles against Naga and other enemies, and I used to be able to sell fine, extraordinary, superb loot/gear/weapons etc... and make a couple thousand CP after a large battle, but now I can only sell loot for 2% of its former value. Is this part of the Path of the Damned difficulty setting? If not, then there must be some sort of bug. I have NO MODS enabled that alter the price/value of loot, weapons, or gear in any way. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
  3. Dear Dev, Please dont use Paradox as your publisher. Their pricing policy is atrocious. Recently citing the "possbile growth of" purchasing power, they increased the price of all games they published for Obsidian by almost 50% on steam. Pillars of Eternity went up from CNY 122 to CNY 185, the ultimate version costs CNY 412 ($99.99) from CNY 248($59,99), a 66% increase. https://steamdb.info/sub/107937/ And the price of tyranny went up as well, from CNY 122 to CNY 185, effectively rendering my 25% off coupon mote. The price hike is not limited to one region. It happened across a wide range of markets like Brazil, China, Russia, Turkey, etc. But in reality, the economy has not been kind for most people in these countries. I dont mind paying a bit more for your game if it is meant to be this way in the first place. I love your games from the days before obsidian even existed and I've purchased almost all of them on steam and promoted them among my friends actively. Be it Pillars of eternity, Tyranny or even classic games like Fallout: New vegas, etc. It is just not popular that the price of a game increases after one year without any real reasoning or action, since most game price would remain the same or even drop over time. I understand people need money to live or to make great games. and if need be, I will gladly support you guys in a new crowdfunding campaign. TL; DR: I fear the pricing policy of publisher like Paradox will actually hurt your sales.
  4. I'm very interested in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Online, but a little wary of the steep price that was imposed for the physical ones. I am hoping it would be cheaper to start with so I can play with my best buddy. I don't mind add-ons or subscriptions for expansions and whatever. Please let me know what the prices are. Thanks!
  5. Dear Obsidian, First I would like to thank you for doing a tremendous job by creating this game. I have started playing with it, and soon I got some queries that I partly can understand. This is a CRPG, and I should comprehend (and I do) the fact that this is a game and a game should have balance and not always close to reality. However to represent a simple example, making basic armor (e.g. padded, scale, mail) prices the same (i.e 300 when i wanted to buy) is getting too 'game-ish' or moreover smartphone and tablet alike 'feature'. I know it is a nuisance, but can you set the pricing a bit more RPG-related and less 'math based balanced'? Secondly why do basic (i.e. not enhanced) helmets have no bonuses? There is no point of buying one then (unless you want to customize your character's look). At least bonus against criticals please! (OMG it may affect the holy balance!) You implemented bonuses where it was unnecessary or that made the game more android-like. (E.G. food, sleeping in special rooms - IMO these are overrated (give too much bonus), and are killing the RPG feeling). Last but not least, I loved the idea in your previous masterpiece - Arcanum - where you gave slight but useful bonuses to different clothes. That was indeed a good touch and increased the rpg effect. Why didn't you implement it here? A shiny armor or a noble wear should make you different when talking with NPC's. What a fun that would be when I should convince a rebelling peasant and I have negative starting bonuses in the conversation because of my look. That's an rpg element! And there are plenty other things to be added (culture, class, race, background, appeal, etc). It is up to you if you are planning a Baldur's Gate Lite for Android/IOS or a real Obsidian-made RPG.
  6. Maybe someone here knows, why the Kickstarter update screenshot shows the Boxed Copy for $50, when it was $65 during Kickstarter (and still is on my pledge page)? The Digital Collector's Edition, on the other hand, is more expensive now: I payed $80 ($65 + $15 for shipping) during kickstarter for a boxed copy, and now people that just joined can buy the same for less? I want to support the game, but I feel I'm just losing $15 here for no reason. I already sent a message to Obsidian yesterday, but got no reply....
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