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Found 5 results

  1. More bugs would be cool. But we need the fence to bust open somewhere opening another yard with new ecosystems. Hopefully a rundown house that can be fully explorable. Maybe use pipes inside the walls to go upstairs. Maybe a rat boss in the kitchen. Use rotten food to summon. Old pet tarantula or scorpion loose somewhere as a random boss/Hazzard. Some daddy long legs here and there. Maybe an underground base building area. Trapdoor spiders possibly hiding entrances to random loot chests. Like in the middle of the basement leaving room for attacks from all sides. Maybe a grasshopper mutation allowing for higher jumping. Maybe a new bubble gum arrow that forces flying bugs to land for a moment allowing for a quick melee attack. Allow new buildings with lab equipment and electronics. Some more weather would be cool. Maybe once in awhile it rains and floods some sections temporally.
  2. Just an idea I’d like to throw at ya. If you ever decide to expand the game into the house (Where all the mad scientist equipment is) Have bed bugs and fleas, gnats, a fish tank, grubs in the fridge (spoiled food). Introduce copper and other metals (jewelry, plumbing, utensils) There should be a cat that roams around and if it spots you, you’ll have to run from it and hide. Possibly a gun powder related tool that will scare the cat away temporarily (in order to grind in certain areas efficiently) Sticks its paws through places to get you. Maybe a small dog in a cage that you have to sneak by and grab a key or something (avoid the fleas but if you attack them too close to the dog it will wake up etc). Love the game, it has endless potential
  3. Had two Ideas but I wanted them in seperate topics. A gardener Neighbor that expands the map to a whole new yard? Streams, new fish, more unique creatures and biomes. Dense foliage that blocks the sun in perpetual darkness? Maybe even occasional downpours of the garden hose? So many fun ideas!
  4. It would be really cool to have more land rights, I noticed building on cans or boxes isn't allowed and also its really disappointing that you can't build a base at the 4 leaf clover, it'd be epic to have a ladder up to the surface and be a cave person. More pets like a gnat/tamale big insects but make them difficult to get e.g pet larva also would be amazing I know there's new enemies being added. Tier 2 glider made from Berry leather for long distances. Being able to go I side the house as a dlc or a separate map with whole new insects like daddy long leg spiders dust mites, fleas, flies, maybe a cat that chases you, maybe an ability to dig up the ground to make your own tunnels. Maybe a pebble Launcher similar to the fatman from fallout. Tier 3 shields or shields from the ladybug wings, maybe grass jump shoes. Potentially an elevator with stone counter weights. Slugs, snails and worms. Maybe caterpillar that'll eat your grass house. Ear wigs similar to larva, centipedes. Dragonfly and their wings maybe for the glider. Throwing thistles. Maybe a skinner outfit and knife for double harvests of insects. Water purifier like a pot for the fire. Ability to grow weeds in the garden patch like you can for other plants in the game. Possibly a weather system so rain and the drops can damage you. More map changing options like the shovel near the picnic table/insecticide canister, maybe be able to flood areas with the sprinklers. A stink bug gas thrower (like a flame thrower but for gas). More chest options maybe like a cabinet/dresser. Maybe Berry leather air foundation like the buoyancy platform but for the sky. Maybe the oak tree can have a tree house and that becomes a huge explorable area. More mutations and possiblly have more active at one. Flying mode for creative or a winged outfit that acts a little like a jetpack maybe use the stink bug gas with a coal to make fuel and ignition. Repeater crossbow (less damage than regular cross bow but still more damage than a insect bow. Compound bow for really quick firing. A bike from stems as the frame and acorn wheels. Leaf kayak and paddles.
  5. I would like to propose three different DLC ideas that would make the game repayable and a ton of fun for end game. [1]- I propose that the player be allowed to upgrade rooms in their ship in order to recruit non companion NPC's *The player could recruit NPC's such as the Chef or Ex-Merc *These non-companion NPC's would be available to recruit after end game. *These non-companion NPC's would send the player on randomly generated quests (eg hit quests or material gathering). *These non-companion NPC's would also be able to be dropped off or sent out to gather certain resources. [2]- I propose that the player be allowed to own his own outpost (not unlike the Groundbreaker) where you would be able to go around finding vendors and people that are interested in running storefronts on your outpost. *Storefronts fill in (depending on the quest) with interactable NPC's when you find an NPC that is valid (Wing-ball idea here but the story could go something like a retired Sublite contractor is helping you gather a crew for the station you could go to her/him for the NPC locations) *The NPC vendors can send you on gathering quests such as supply refill / weapons cache recovery. *Work with the NPC's in order to gather data on derelict ships and raid them for supply's and parts. NOTE: All of these quests can be randomly generated and make the value of the dlc that much greater. For example NPC gives you Xtask -> takes you to Ytask or Ztask Then return to NPC at X Y or Z location this can also be done through a community cork board of such. (Also if you find a retired constable they could send you on bounties etc. ) [3]- I propose that the player be allowed to create his own faction. *The player would be able to use an area such as the waste disposal unit as a faction base on the Groundbreaker as there is a lot of space there that could be utilized. *The player would be able to run retrieval tasks for the faction as well as others under their faction banner and the actions grow or decrease reputation with other factions depending on the actions taken. *The player can salvage broken terminals and vending machines and have them repaired for further functionality in the faction. *Work with the NPC's in order to gather data on derelict ships and raid them for supply's and parts. *As the faction grows the rooms connected to the waste disposal unit on the Groundbreaker can be filled with recruited NPC's that have taken refuge under your banner. (Maybe have some sort of alliance with the under decker's as well? and expand on that story) Nonetheless, I appreciate any time anyone has spent on reading this. I believe that any one of these ideas could bring a lot of value to the game. As I see it since modding will be unlikely if they give it that modded feel it could shine even further! Let me know what you guys think. I took a lot of time thinking about the easier ways of doing things so that the devs wouldn't have to slave over code for hours.
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