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  1. System specs: Debian Buster, upgraded from Stretch (so the fixes should work for that version too). Platform: intel amd64 i5-4460/16gb ram, ASUS H81M-K board, built-in HD Audio, running a daemonized pulseaudio under an xorg/xfce4 environment, up to date Steam installation with current game patches pre-August 2018 DLC/patches. Logs: There are no logs for this issue, none whatsoever, and I have never seen an output log from PillarsOfEternityII. Not once. I have seen logs in ~/.xsession-errors and I include a cut and paste example log for when it can't find a library, in this case libpulse-simple. I wasn't allowed to attach the log so here it is: Found path: /home/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity II/PillarsOfEternityII Mono path[0] = '/home/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity II/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/Managed' Mono path[1] = '/home/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity II/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/Mono' Mono config path = '/home/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity II/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/Mono/etc' Preloaded 'libdiscord-rpc.so' Preloaded 'ScreenSelector.so' Preloaded 'libAkFlanger.so' Preloaded 'libAkHarmonizer.so' Preloaded 'libAkPitchShifter.so' Preloaded 'libAkSoundEngine.so' Preloaded 'libAkStereoDelay.so' Preloaded 'libAkTremolo.so' Preloaded 'libMcDSP.so' Preloaded 'libSDL2-2.0.so' Preloaded 'libsteam_api.so' Unable to preload the following plugins: libpulse-simple.so.0 Player data archive not found at `/home/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Pillars of Eternity II/PillarsOfEternityII_Data/data.unity3d`, using local filesystem Steps to reproduce: update steam. Links will disappear from the steam runtime and video and/or sound will again be broken. I also attempted to cut the runtime out, and it was still broken. This indicates to me that at least, the library preloading has no effect on the library path. Screenshots: screenshots are not useful for this bug. Savegames: also not useful for this bug. Discussion: There seem to be issues with the library path in PoE2 as already suggested. I don't understand why Obsidian didn't simply use SDL sound like everybody else does with Unity and threw FMOD into it which has also apparently has issues with later pulseaudio releases, including understanding what a library path is. In order to forestall issues with the 32bit side, the fix is copied to the 32bit runtime (this may seem unnecessary but it is harmless even if not, so do not neglect it), you should arrive at this: $ ls ~/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam_runtime/pinned_libs_64/ has_pins libdbusmenu-glib.so.4@ libdbusmenu-gtk.so.4@ libGLU.so.1@ libpangox-1.0.so.0@ libpulsecommon-1.1.so@ libpulse-simple.so.0@ libpulse.so.0@ libSDL2-2.0.so.0@ system_libdbusmenu-glib.so.4 system_libdbusmenu-gtk.so.4 system_libGLU.so.1 system_libpangox-1.0.so.0 system_libpulsecommon-1.1.so system_libpulse-simple.so.0 system_libpulse.so.0 system_libSDL2-2.0.so.0 And the same should be true of pinned_libs_32/ . The directory by default does not include the SDL2 link or the pulse library links. All link back to the ../amd64/usr/lib/ versions of the libraries. The system_ versions link to the system libraries which will differ according to your distribution. Under Debian stretch/buster they will be found under /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ and two of the pulse libraries are in a further subdirectory, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pulseaudio . All libraries are installed in Debian mutliarch for both i386 and amd64 versions. Be sure to check under /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ for each architecture and include the necessary subdirectory for pulseaudio and run ldconfig as root after you have edited. That is important, so read it again. In addition you may find that FMOD ex doesn't go with whatever output you select in pulseaudio. To make sure, run pavucontrol and run through the specific outputs of your output devices. For me it's Built-In Analog Audio/Line Out, it may well differ for you. As every update to Steam will wipe any changes to the pinned library directories, I strongly suggest you keep a copy somewhere to copy over to after an update/upgrade or PoE II will not work again. There are a lot of fixes that do not work for me. This idea doesn't work: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH %command% the idea is to add a link to /dev/null for pulseaudio in the executables directory so that FMOD isn't confused but that will mean it can't find pulseaudio which is what you actually want. nor does this: SDL_DYNAMIC_API=/usr/lib64/libSDL2.so LC_ALL=C %command% Similarly, any other "fixes" like running the executable from it's home directory do not work. Whatever the executable preloads, including SDL2, gets lost somewhere and it needs those libraries above, they may well work for FMOD to do it's job but FMOD is not connected to the SDL side of things. I hope that clears some things up about the sound issues under Debian and probably Ubuntu and related distros.
  2. Hello fellow Debian users, Ubuntu lovers and Mint freaks! Here you’ll find scripts allowing you to build .deb packages from your GOG-provided MojoSetup installer (.sh) of Pillars of Eternity. You can install them through DPKG and remove them through any APT front-end (apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, etc.). Scripts and usage instructions can be found on the following page: Pillars of Eternity I hope you’ll enjoy the comfort provided by these scripts as much as I enjoy writing and tweaking them
  3. Heya, I'm having audio issues with Pillars of Eternity on Debian GNU/Linux kernel version 4.4.0-rc8. I am able to get POE running and play the game, but there is no audio. If I execute start.sh from command line using sudo then audio works. I don't generally have audio issues, all of my other programs and games work except for one: Bastion (on Steam). That game has the same issue, that audio only works when running sudo, so I think the two may be related. Do they both use the same engine? I noticed that both have folders with Mono. Is it possible that the sound issues are related to this: http://community.monogame.net/t/audio-playing-only-if-launched-from-terminal/1576 In any case, here are links to pastebin where I have placed the results of an alsa-info.sh test and my player.log file. http://pastebin.com/Z1bTwmGj http://pastebin.com/W8fihqVq The alsa log should have the relevant system specs. Any ideas?
  4. /!\ This thread is now obsolete, here you go for up-to-date instructions: Install PoE & extensions on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/etc. ----- Hello fellow Debianists, Ubunteros and Mint addicts! Here you’ll find scripts that will build .deb packages from your GOG installers of PoE. These packages can then be installed via the standard way (dpkg -i package.deb) and will give you the possibility to have your game as well integrated to your system than if it came from official repositories. Here you go for the download links and usage instructions: https://debian-facile.org/utilisateurs:vv222:games:pillars-of-eternity And there you go for instructions in French: https://debian-facile.org/utilisateurs:vv222:jeux:pillars-of-eternity Every feedback is welcome here, be it positive or negative I hope you’ll enjoy the comfort provided by these scripts as much as I enjoy writing and tweaking them. Let’s game!
  5. Hello fellow Debianists, Ubunteros and Mint fanatics! I’m here to present you a way to convert the .tar.gz archive sold by GOG.com into .deb packages that can be natively installed on your distribution throught tools like DPKG, and removed through APT (synaptic, apt-get, aptitude, etc.). The building process is done through a shell script that should work "out-of-the-box" on any Debian-based distribution. So, here are the scripts: version 1.06, GOG release, French version: http://www.dotslashplay.it/scripts/fr/play-pillars-of-eternity_gog- version 1.06, GOG release, English version: http://www.dotslashplay.it/scripts/en/play-pillars-of-eternity_gog- (updated on 2015-06-04) old versions of the scripts are kept online in case you need them (if you want to convert an old archive): French versions: http://www.dotslashplay.it/scripts/fr/ English versions: http://www.dotslashplay.it/scripts/en/ Choose the one corresponding to your version of the game, the language is just the language used by the script, and has no effect on your game language. Now, how to use it? 1. Download the script, and place it in the same directory than the game archive (gog_pillars_of_eternity_1.4.0.6.tar.gz). If you own some GOG DLC (gog_pillars_of_eternity_dlc1_1.0.0.1.tar.gz, gog_pillars_of_eternity_dlc2_1.0.0.1.tar.gz and/or gog_pillars_of_eternity_dlc3_1.0.0.1.tar.gz), put them in the same directory; 2. Run the script via sh: sh ./play-pillars-of-eternity_gog- Everything beside this point is automated. Just wait a dozen minutes, and the script will end by giving you the command to run as root to install the freshly built .deb packages. 4. Enjoy the rebirth of old-school RPG on your favourite GNU/Linux distribution! ----- Feedback of all kind is welcome here, positive as well as negative, feature requests will be listened to and worked on as much as possible. ----- Advanced usage
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