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Found 3 results

  1. after a long time i noticed ydwin dissapeared, probably died during pirate fight. is there any way to revive her? maybe through the console or some mod ? is her name still "Companion_Ydwin(Clone)" ? AddToParty Companion_Ydwin(Clone) does not work. any way to revive ydwin ?
  2. I had to share this. This is probably a bug, but it was (sadly) hilarious and actually kind of realistic. Playing in Supernova, Nyoka died minutes after joining as a companion by falling off the landing pad, elevator platform, at maximum height, at Stellar Bay, as I was escorting her back to the Unreliable. I just heard a scream and crash behind me, as I walked off the platform toward the ship gangway, assuming that she was following, and she was lying at the base of the platform. I suspect she never really got onto the platform and was just kind of hanging in the air, as it was going up, and just fell as soon as it reached the top. If anyone wants to try to replicate it, she was my only companion at the time and I stood by the control box, facing the ship, on the way up and did not look back at her, then walked straight toward the ship once it reached the top. Well, she was inebriated, some caffenoid pills notwithstanding. Haha.
  3. So simple question as always. I was little concerned about other thread here on forums by this question. Basicaly I think thats a waste of time to create quests related to death of my party member if its not part of story. It should be nice to have some short quest for those who would play Ironman mode but other than that I dont see much reasons to spend preciouse dev time on such thing but maybe I am in minority on this. Looking for your answears!
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