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Found 3 results

  1. What was the reason behind removing the ship upgrade from Neketaka and placing the materials for it in random locations, such as lich's cave? The critical path was perfectly fine and adequately long before the last update. Is there a way to rollback to v.4.1.2 on Steam (I see this version available on GOG)?
  2. Hi, Please post whatever is on your mind that may further balance the mechanics and gameplay. You don't have to agree with mine, and a objective discussion is always welcomed. Here are 4 I can think of: 1. Remove pet collision (Quality of Life improvement) - Pets can still block the way from time to time; when the party is out-of-combat it is possible for the characters to trigger traps due to pets. Taking off pets and then putting it back on kind of defeats the purpose of having something that "passively" observes your progress. 2. Buff Constitution (Mechanics Balancing) - Right now, I believe the consensus is that constitution is the most effective "dump" stat out of all the other stats due to its low negative/positive effect on character health. This drastically makes the joinable companions weaker than hired adventurers even though they have the early advantage of higher exp (2k exp or higher, depends on how fast the player hires the adventurers) Punish the player even further for having low constitution characters, and award those that commit points into it. 3. Allow minimal customization on post-hired Adventurers (Character Portraits, voice sets, perhaps even biography) - I loved the Icewind Dale series, and I dare say the series are held in higher regard to other IE games (for me) due to the fact that I get to fully customize all 6 characters to my heart's fullest extent. Though if I made a mistake on or disliked the character portrait or voice set, I can always change it via character sheet in IWD. Of course, the choices I made on the classes and leveling will still be stuck. 4. "Annoyed" Voice-overs (Quality of Life improvement, not urgent) - Icewind Dale had the best player character voice-overs out of all the IE games, I dare say. And as of now only 5 selection of voices for each gender is simply not enough! I really missed how if you click the characters enough times, it will voice its annoyance over the player's selection. "I know a druid who can hook you up with some good stuff" - Unknown male rogue
  3. First, let me say how much I love this game. 9/10. If the few issues I have with it are mended, 10/10, and I will buy it for some friends. Total nostalgia and hommage to Baldur's Gate/Planescape series and the other strategy RPG's i grew up with and played relentlessly when I was a wee lad. However, one thing that i enjoyed more about those games that I am not enjoying so much in PoE is how you basically have two health bars. The endurance versus health is totally unecessary and adds a level of tedium for me that breaks the fun of the game. Having to camp way too much. Having to rest way too much, and no way to restore health by the priest/druid in the party casting a spell out of combat? Come on... Something easily done in Baldur's Gate that helped catalyze the gameplay rather than artificially extend it... Granted I am only about 10 hours into the game, but I am not enjoying having to rest and camp so much. I also don't like how easily spells are interrupted while trying to cast. I dislike how few spells you get to cast (using the tired method of spellcasting that even DnD abandoned, that of memorizing your spell "slots") before having to rest yet again. Wizard in the party is getting basically two-shot knocked out in some fights. Reduce the damage EVERYONE does across the board or increase everyone's health. Make fights last longer with everyone doing less damage to one another so that those lovely nice spells you coded into the game can actually get used, rather than just HEAL HEAL HEAL burn burn burn. Combats are either really fast, or not fast enough, or your wizard/priest/monk gets hammered and knocked out almost immediately before the (lets be honest) very slow cast time of some spells can go off. Fighter could use quite a few more class abilities as well. Maybe I am bad at the game and don't quite "get it" just yet, but I am playing on Normal and some fights are just impossibly tough, with 5 members in the party (namely the battles with the Priests in the Lord's castle --- their unavoidable spells hit entirely too hard in my opinion). Thanks for your time, guys, and thank you for giving us such an amazing game. It was well worth the money spent and I play it literally any moment I can spare.
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