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  1. I have been searching and reading posts/threads/videos and I feel that there is potentially quite significant misinformation on Chant and Linger mechanics as what I have understood seemingly doesn't occur in-game. Some frustrating observations (if true/confirmed): 1) Many chants seem to have a fixed duration of 10 seconds (typically buffs like Ancient Memory, or +defence chants) which completely ignores the phrase and linger mechanics as well as intellect. Debuff chants seem to actually factor intellect in the duration of the effect but still ignore phrase and linger (e.g Long Night Drink and its weakness debuff). Other debuff or damage chants (e.g Come Come Winds of Death) seem to factor phrase duration and linger because unlike point 2) the chant effect applies periodically (every 3 seconds) during the phrase and linger durations. 2) The vast majority of chants apply the actual chant buff/debuff only once at the start of the chant which causes phrase duration and linger to seemingly be completely useless. Select few chants like Come Come or Dragon Thrashed apply effects periodically and therefore make actual use of phrase and linger duration. Conclusion (assuming the above is true/confirmed): 1) The value of INT is far more limited than some people seem to think as many chants ignore INT for the purposes of duration. Outside of the select few chants that can scale INT and/or make use of phrase and linger duration, INT only increases AoE size. 2) As many chants only apply the effect once at the start of a chant, moving other members or enemies into the AoE thereafter will not cause a buff/debuff as they missed the initial application. They must wait until the next phrase begins. 3) Reducing phrase duration (e.g Troubadour skill) is the only way to increase the duration of most buff chants to simultaneously maintain greater numbers of different chants. E.g with no phrase duration reduction Ancient Memory and Silver Knights Shield can't both be kept up at all times (both chants have a fixed and flat duration of 10 seconds but it takes 12 seconds to cast these two chants leaving a downtime of 2 seconds), however Troubadour could maintain more than three chants, Ancient Memory, Silver Knights Shield and Her Courage Thick as Steel as casting all three only takes 9 seconds leaving no downtime. I look forward to hearing what others have to say, but overall it is disappointing how inflexible chants seem to be and how effective/reliant on troubadour I am to reduce phrase duration (and how companions like Tekehu can't be Troubadour).
  2. Chant glitches are still in game and they happens VERY OFTEN! But here it is, I have a screenshot, savegame and some explanations here. So finally, You will be able to reproduce at least two problems related to that ugly situation. So, please, excuse my English, I am doing my best though and let's get started. Game version: v3.7.0.1318 PX1 PX2 PX4 -steam Game was started and played with Russian localization. Explanation. 1. I retrained Kana, made new chants and named chant "C" as "Ranger" and chant "B" as "Fearless", chant "A" name wasn't touched. 2. Removed Kana from group, quit the game. 3. Launched the game, loaded last save, recruited Kana back into group, jumped to few locations and then noticed Kana's bar. 4. Kana now have two "C" chants into game interface. Chant "C" marked as active is named as "Стрелы Миноретты" and another one "C" marked as not active is named as "Ranger". Chant editor on chant "C" shows name "Стрелы Миноретты". So it was autochanged at some moment from my "Ranger" to "Стрелы Миноретты". "Стрелы Миноретты" is Russian localization for something like "Minoretta's Arrows" or "Arrows of Minoretta", but I haven't found anything related to it on English wiki pages. This name is automatically assigned (for some unknown reason) to chant with "Sure-Handed Ila Nocked Her Arrows with Speed" phrase at first place. I haven't touched chants when I encountered this problem this time, so You can check all of this in savegame posted below. All "B" chants on screenshot have equal names "Fearless", which I set at the same time as I set name "Ranger" for "C" chant. My game language set to "Russian" and yes I have used English names for chants such as "Fearless". I thought that would help me to avoid that glitch, but... no, it doesn't. I told You at the very beginning of this post that this glitch happens very often. Savegame file: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XYUQN-TQ9DCJ_Ugld0E5-BzyStSvrN0D So then I tried to reproduce the problems described above from this saved game and looks like I found the core of this. 1. So, I quit the game. 2. Launched the game again and loaded that save I have posted above. 3. All "B" clones are gone, but two copies of "C" chant with different names (one active and one not active) are still present. Nice, at least one problem is still in place. You may load game in English or not English localization it will be here anyway (tested with English and Russian localizations). So, how to reproduce that "B" chant clonalization from my savegame. Best way is to: 1. Remove Kana from group. 2. Move to a different location. That building behind group members is ok, so just click on doors. 3. Go back and recruit Kana back to group. 4. Tadaaa "B" chant now present in two active icons. 5. Do it again from step 1 to step 4 and Kana will have three active icons of "B" chant and so on. IMPORTANT: Game language must be set to something different from English (tested with English and Russian localizations). This clonalization is not reproducable if game language is set to English (Just do it twice for English locale). Chant "D" was also touched at the very beginning of this and named as "Fire". It looks nice at first moment. But after those tests listed above, 1. I set game language to Russian. 2. Set chant "D" as active and removed names on chants "B" and "C". Their default names were equal at that moment "Пример распева 2" which is "Sample chant 2", yes, both "B" and "C" stated as "2". 3. Did steps 1-4 from "B" chant testing (dismiss Kana, enter building, leave it, recruit Kana back). 4. Chant "C" problem with double icons is still in place but they both inactive now, and chant "D" started to clone itself instead of chant "B". Also in chant editor, chant "C" cleaned itself to have only "Sure-Handed Ila Nocked Her Arrows with Speed" phrase and autonamed now as "Ranger"... Pure magic. o_o Update: chant "D" default name is also "Sample chant 2", tested both in Russian and English, just cleaned names on "B","C","D" and they all named as "Sample chant 2" in English and "Пример распева 2" in Russian. So, chant "C" has connection to chant "B", something definitely wrong with that chant (Please, note active icons for chants "B" and "C" at the game load of savegame posted above). Chants "B" and "D" have same cloning problems. So what about chant "A"? Chant "A" default name is "Марш Камоа" which is "March of the Kamoa". It is named as "Марш Камоа" in savegame listed above. Remove that name and it will be "Марш Камоа" again while game language is set to Russian. Renaming works perfectly and no cloning issues. I made it active and did steps 1-4 from "B" chant testing - no problems... Update. I have broken chant "A". 1. Set game to Russian, and load savegame posted above. 2. Open chant editor and set name for chant "A" to something like "asdasd" and make it active. 3. Do steps 1-4 from "B" chant testing (dismiss Kana, enter building, leave it, recruit Kana back). Just do it TWICE. 4. Chant "A" start to make clones of itself. So yeah chant "A" has some protection, lol, but can be broken also. Update. Chants "A", "B", "D" can be cloned even when game is set to English. That "Just do it TWICE" works against English localization. Attached output_log.txt made for testing with English locale. "B" chant was successfully cloned. Well. It is 2019 now, I know. Few years have passed and Deadfire hits place long time ago, but I still love that game. So, well, I hope You Obsidian guys will finally fix that glitch, because it seems that it is possible now. output_log.txt
  3. Here's the manual: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/291650/manuals/pe-game-manual.pdf?t=1427236869 Go to page 33-34 of the manual (page 19 in PDF form). Here is the excerpt in question: "Chanters can string any number of phrases together into a chant that can be used in combat, with each phrase taking effect as it is chanted and lingering for several seconds after the phrase ends. This allows the chanter to combine overlapping bonuses (or penalties), something which is known as twisting the phrases. Multiple chanters can twist their phrases for bonus effects, too. Note that chants are free actions, in that the character can speak them while attacking or moving or using items." Can anyone clarify exactly what they mean? I haven't dabbled with the chanter much in the Backer Beta. So if 2 identical chants are sung at the same time, do they stack or what? What are these bonus effects they speak of? This is first time I've read about this "twisting" mechanic. So now I'm confused. Is this like some outdated feature that got pulled or what?
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