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Found 5 results

  1. So, I entered WM at level 7, struggled mostly at the beginning and the end of it, took a short break in base game at the end and gained 1 more level. Now, is being level 12 too easy for WM2 potd and should I thus upscale or is it still fine? It seems weird, essentially not 'grinding' many levels, barely doing more than what is readily available in the DLC and then getting the prompt that I was actually overlevelled for part 2? Or am I maybe even in a bad middleground and should I work my way to level 13 and then upscale?
  2. This thread is once again wondering if anyone could answer some questions about tempering abydon. I know how most of it works, but there are some questions I wonder if anyone could answer: 1. Do you have to release the dwarven souls to use that in the argument or can you bind them to the cannons to win that argument? I've seen way too many conflicting reports about this and am wondering if anyone has a way to confirm if binding to the cannons works. 2. Is Maneha still bugged so she wins the argument regardless of what happened in her quest?
  3. There is a text dialog scene where you strike with a mini Abydon's hammer. And while the group flees there is an option to cast a spell. So-o-o… I've chosen myself (a Watcher) as the one who will strike, but the game presented me an option to cast Repulsing Seal, but since I'm not with the rest of the party and nobody else can cast it I'm stuck on the next screen with "Consider who will cast" text. tl;dr: 1. Load save. 2. Strike the hammer. 3. Choose yourself (a Watcher). 4. Choose “Repulsing Seal.” 5. Enjoy your trip to Alt-F4. And the game still loses saves sometimes… Worse than that, it loses it if I saved just right after text scene and “Eyeless story ending screen” is shown without moving to another location (I've upgraded Kana's weapon to Legendary, though). Save, quit the game to desktop, reload a-a-and… no save I've just made. Moved to Stalwart, “talked” with a soul and saved. Still no save after quit & reload (but autosaved game is there). I have over 400 GB of free space, so that's not a problem. Debian 8 (jessie) AMD64 with 8 GB of RAM. Save: https://yadi.sk/d/lcoKx60EpyTud
  4. Seriously, I’ve already defeated Gathbin and his terrible army, pretty handily. Yet, a mob and Forwyn still occupy my front lawn, every time I return to Caed Nua, with Forwyn warning me about the dire consequences of neglecting Gathbin's aggressive sentiments. If I agree . . . again . . . to go ahead to war, I end up facing literally nobody, in the end, on the field in Yenwood, and then return to the same scene at Caed Nua, with the mob and the dismal Forwyn. What the hell? So far, I've just been ignoring Forwyn and the mob. I figure that's the proper thing to do. Am I wrong? Am I missing something?
  5. Started a new play through today, and having cleared the exterior of Cead Nua, but prior to clearing the Great Hall I noticed the new zone "Yenwood Field". Cool! I thought to myself, and went there right away. As it turned out, there was nothing there except a large number of very angry looking people, so I left without a fight. I headed back to Cead Nua, where to my surprise I was on the wrong side of the barbican. So, nothing to do but head on out and come from the Black March side I thought... But instead, noticing that Woodend Plains was now an available travel destination from the south side of Cead Nua, I headed on down there, grabbed Sagani for my party, and went on through the Aedelwan Bridge into Copperlane - at which point I believe I received the quest "A Call to Court". Now here's the problem - I had not at this point cleared the Cead Nua Great Hall. So now when I aggro the undead in the Great Hall, the first thing they do is rush over and annihilate the quest NPC for "A Call to Court" leading to quest failure. No chance of my catching them prior to his demise as far as I can tell. So this quest NPC could be moved to the doorway of the Great Hall in future builds, possibly? Also, I am not sure why Yenwood Field is open for travel at this point in the game, possible bug? I would post this in the bugs forum, but I don't see a bugs forum, so I'll post this to general in the hopes that a kind mod will move it if appropriate.
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