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Found 9 results

  1. I opened the twitch app in my xbox one as other times and set my configuration to start streaming. When the stream starts and i change to the game, the transmission look like it is in pause, is like twitch app doesn't recognize the game as a game. I want to know if is a problem of the game. Have to say that this not happen with other games
  2. Hi Everyone, I used to play a lot of PoE type games back circa 2002-2003, Bauldor's Gate, BG II, Icewind Dale, and the link. I'm a big fan of the DnD type games (even if loosely based). I have been following PoE II and decided to pick it up when it was released. I just started my ranger playthrough two nights ago and am loving the feedback from your community during stream. I hope to keep a log here of my playthrough! Come hang out, we don't bight! https://twitch.tv/im_method Typically 10pm EST (8pm PST) until about 2am EST. Sunday through Wednesday. Thanks! 'method
  3. This Friday, join us while we play Pathfinder Adventures on twitch.tv/obsidian 4:00PM PST I will be playing Black Fang's Dungeon on LEGENDARY difficulty with 6 characters. The scenario will have extra powers that make it more difficult and will also limit my travel between each location on the map. Tell me which characters you'd like me to play in the attached poll. If you don't know who these people are you can find more information here: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/tags/iconics/meetTheIconics I could only include 10 possible answers on the poll so if you want Valeros the Fighter put a note in the comments. See you Friday!
  4. Yo guys and girls! I will be streaming WM2 in around 2,5 hours (7:30 pm GMT+1) http://www.twitch.tv/killyox/ So feel free to jump in, talk about the game or anything else for that matter and lets enjoy it together. I may talk in English and Polish a bit depending on who's watching. Be sure to chat and don't be shy about it! After I saw the Eyeless I thought "Damn I will get my ass handed to me on live...". And that's most likely the case! What's my party comp? Merc Barb (out when I get new companion!) Pallegina Durance Devil of Caroc Zahua My sweet Wizard :D Why do I post this here? Because I want to play the game and enjoy it with other people at the same time duh! More followers wouldn't hurt either. I recently started Streaming and YT channel. PS if it so happens that someone would give a donation (hell if I know why ) 50% of it goes to charity. I will be doing a review of White March p2 on YouTube around 20-21st of February too. PS I will be streaming for about 4-5 hours
  5. Interested in the game? Want to find out more come check it out with me, live on twitch Tuesday at 10am PST till 4pm PST and again at 7pm PST till 2am PST. Want to play the game but dont want to buy it? Don't worry I got you covered, I will be giving away 2 copies of the game live on stream. Come join me and find out how you can win this awesome game for yourself. www.twitch.tv/Sengira_nanaki www.sengirananaki.com Hope to see you during the show
  6. "As the tide turns and the waves roll in across distant shores, the echo of drums can be heard crashing in amongst the waves. A battalion like no man has witnessed this side of the free Palatinate, draws ever nearer. The village stirs as the shrill call of a horn pierces the early morning vale, a sound no one ever wanted to hear again. It marked the end of everything we held dear, of every moment of blood and sweat to carve out but a life for ourselves. In the end, none of it mattered. That morning was the day I took up sword and shield to protect those I could and avenge all that was lost." Kia ora, My name is Tony, AKA Neralyte, I hail from Middle-earth. A place not unlike the world of Eora, told as tales to enthrall the wide-eyed and curious of heart. I have a great passion for the cRPG genre and played through no small share of Roleplay in my earlier days. While I'm not always found these days by the fire-side spinning tales and imagining worlds beyond the corporeal, I'm still extremely interested in the stories others tell and the games woven of such tales. To celebrate the release of Pillars of Eternity and the awesomeness that Obsidian has given us, I will be streaming live on Twitch with a themed broadcast devoted to PE. I think the poster says most of what I need to say about the matter, come join us and enjoy this rather auspicious return to fantasy. I hope to see you there
  7. Anyone planning on streaming the game on Twitch when it comes out? If so feel free to share your channel, I will give you a follow! I will try to stream as well: http://www.twitch.tv/prince_david I am just so excited, so glad the wait is over!
  8. Hi all, Just wanted to announce that I'll have Josh Sawyer, Project Director for Pillars of Eternity, on my channel tomorrow night at 8 p.m. EST. I've done a number of these chats, most recently with Paul Neurath from Otherside Entertainment's Underworld Ascendant, and having played the beta version of POE I'm extremely excited for its release and to speak to Josh about it. Please stop by tomorrow night with questions and comments--looking forward to it! Arvan Eleron http://twitch.tv/arvaneleron
  9. STOCKHOLM — November 11, 2014 — Paradox Interactive and Obsidian Entertainment today announced that Pillars of Eternity, the fan-funded role-playing game (RPG) inspired by classics of the genre, is now available to pre-order from digital distributors everywhere with a discount available for early purchasers. Pre-orders of the game will also include special in-game bonus items – while fans who backed the game on Kickstarter will receive these extras free of charge. Paradox and Obsidian have also announced that this week they plan to reveal a wide array of never-before-seen game content via a live stream, hosted by Josh Sawyer, Project Director for Pillars of Eternity, alongside popular gaming personality Jesse Cox. The live stream will air Thursday, November 13 at 1pm PST (22.00 CET) on the official Paradox Interactive Twitch channel: www.twitch.tv/paradoxinteractive Get a breathtaking glimpse at the beautiful world of Eora in a newly released trailer for Pillars of Eternity. All pre-orders of Pillars of Eternity will receive a 10% discount (limited time offer) off of the game's full retail price and will include two secret, special in-game items. This discount and the in-game bonus offer are valid for both versions of the game, including the Hero Edition, which includes the full version of Pillars of Eternity, and the Champion Edition, which includes both the full game and a variety of premium bonuses: A digital copy of the Pillars of Eternity Original Soundtrack (OST) A digital campaign almanac containing backstory, lore, and information about Eora Access to a documentary on the making of Pillars of Eternity A high-resolution digital game map High-resolution Pillars of Eternity wallpapers Pillars of Eternity ringtones for mobile devices Fans who pledged for a copy of Pillars of Eternity during the Kickstarter campaign will receive the pre-order in-game bonus items at no extra cost upon the game’s launch in 2015. Pillars of Eternity is an RPG inspired by classic titles such as Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment, which features an original world and game system that evokes and improves upon the traditional computer RPG experience. Funded via Kickstarter in late 2012, raising $4.5 million through both backer pledges on Kickstarter and Obsidian’s own website, Pillars of Eternity has been a project of passion both for the development team and for the loyal fans who have made it possible. To purchase Pillars of Eternity, visit buy.pillarsofeternity.com. For more information on Pillars of Eternity, visit eternity.obsidian.net.
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