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Found 5 results

  1. I'be had this issue since the last backer beta and it is in the full game as well. When I put a cape or a cloak on a character it does not show up on the inventory model or ingame. It had been working in the earlier betas though 27" iMac i5 Nvidia 680MX OS X Yosemite
  2. On MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017). I have a level 11 Eder that I'm trying to respec. If I do it on my macbook pro, I get prompted with a "are you sure you want to reset eder to level 1" dialogue, and the moment I click "accept" or whatever, the game hangs and then my mouse cursor beachballs. If I do the same thing on my PC, I immediately go to the character level up screen after clicking accept. Dropbox link to save game and output_log from my mac (along with screenshot of my system information): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/sr51p5ry2w5lmj2/AABCAXmnBlPqp2F8tqtV51Bma?dl=0
  3. I've played 19 hours. At now game crashed every time on save (auto, manual or quick). System spec: Model: MacBookPro11,1, BootROM MBP111.0138.B14, 2 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.4 GHz, 4 GB, SMC 2.16f68Graphics: Intel Iris, Intel Iris, Built-In I uploaded all files to Google Drive (80,3 mb). Or zip-archive (22,7 Mb). Include Apple crash report, unity Player.log, saves and OS X caches and plist files. List:
  4. Hi, I'm on Mac OSX. Character creation is smooth as a whistle, then I click Done/ Accept and it takes me to a black screen with only ambient noise, music and the hand cursor. I've tried in a different resolution and in windowed mode, no cigar. I'm going to keep trying to disable graphics options, as I assume it is related, but this is deeply frustrating - if someone has a solution I'd be very grateful!
  5. I'm using Steam streaming to play the game on my MacBook Pro. The host machine is an i5 desktop with 16 GB of RAM and an nvidia 760 GTX. I'm running into some issues with this: 1) It occasionally won't show Load Game or Continue at the starting menu. Rather, they're grayed out as if I've never played the game. To fix this, I seem to need to open another game, then reopen Pillars. 2) It sometimes will not fill a 16:9 area of my screen, despite the resolution set for 1080p. Readjusting the resolution at least fixes this.
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