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Found 4 results

  1. Hello ! I'm a PC player on Microsoft (game pass). I played yesterday, and everyting was working well. Today, I launch the game and when I move my mouse - the camera - the FPS suddenly drop. But only when I move the camera, for example if I juste move forward there is no problem. My PC didn't made any updates (nvidia, lghub for my mouse, grounded, etc.). Any idea ? Thanks !
  2. Since Pillars of Eternity is a series for a niche market. wouldnt it make sense for Pillars of Eternity games to be at least Partially backed by the fans via Kickstarter? i think that this would make Microsoft more confortable with doing more POE games.
  3. Curious, because in the past, Obsidian did manage to put Pillars of Eternity on some tablet variant. ​Some market trends, Konami (those bastards) focusing (2015) on mobile platforms, we also know how successful Pokemon GO was on mobile, of course, it was made for mobile (which I hope Deadfire isn't even remotely thought of as a Player interface). Anyways, Fire Emblem (Konami) is "Coming soon" "Released" on the Play Store (Android, don't know about iOS). ​I know Baldur's Gate & Icewind Dale exists for mobile, Shadowrun Returns too. And Deadfire shrunk down to 5 party members "for space" (mobile screen space is small). ​Is Deadfire designed in mind to be compatible for mobile screens, or would it be something desired for by the community? ​Personally ambivalent, I want Deadfire to be in monogamy for PC, Mac, Linux (mouse and keyboard), but can't deny the market in mobile. Technology advances really fast, and with HoloLens, AR, VR, on the doorstep of revolution, I believe Deadfire would benefit tremendously. ​A bit of a Captain Obvious statement, but I would want Deadfire to be designed for computer use only, and if it'd work or even be really simple to port to console or mobile, go for it.
  4. I was looking into pre-ordering this and had a question: Do the bonus packs (Good Times with Weapons, and Mysterion Superhero packs) come with a pre-order from Microsoft? The website has just a few retailers listed, but Microsoft is having a pre-order bonus themselves for all games. I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me if I would still get the bonus packs if I ordered through Microsoft's website.
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