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Found 15 results

  1. hi, i just bought kotor 2 for xbox 360 and i have the bug of the fuel station in Pragus, black screen and there is no solution, could anyone fix it? Thanks for the help !
  2. Bonjour je voulais savoir si kotor 2 sur xbox one avais été réparé car arrivé à la moitié du jeux plus moyen d avancer dans l histoire ?
  3. On nar shadaar I died and had to go back to my latest save, in all of my saves it turned my main character into Atton, I'm now off the yatch and cant leave the Ebon Hawk because I'm not the main character and therefore when I try talking to the G0T0 droid he just says status active. I'm on xbox and doing light side. What can I do?
  4. Hi. i have now been through Peragus; Telos; Nar Shadaa and am now on Dxun. Please.....when will Bao Dur make my lightsabre? I have all the bits. I have however, used KSE to give me all the inventory including lightsabres. Has this scuppered my chance for BD to make one for me? Atton is now Jedi and he is using KSE'd lightsabres. Even tho' I have these sabres, i have never had my exile use them. Please help me. I want this official dang lightsabre.
  5. Well, title is self-explaining, i think. Random crashes occur EXACTLY when i end up on yacht and continue throughout the game. Sometimes it happens in dialog, sometimes when i open character screen. TSLRCM. Does someone has exact same problem?
  6. Hi guys. I have been playing SWKOTOR2 TSLRCM with party swap mod and i have gotten to telos academy second visit. What happens is when i enter the academy i am handmaiden and talk to atris like i am the exile. then i battle and atris says enough the cut scene happens where exile comes in talks to atris and atris seems to kill handmaiden. then atris runs away and i have to run after her and talk to her. However when i go to enter conversation with her dialogue does not start. I run around a bit see if i can click on atris or trigger the convo that way nothing happens and i can no longer continue with game. I have looked online alot. I have always found an answer online i have played this game many times over the years and have much experience fixing problems but i am at a dead end with this one. I have tried to uninstall party swap but that just completely breaks the game and have to start from a very early save game. thank you so much for your reply's in advance.
  7. Well i was reading something yesterday that said that a new Star Wars Battlefront is coming out and we all doubted that Disney would ever make a new star wars battlefront but now here it is being developed by EA so i had a glimmer of hope that maybe KOTOR 3 may come out and i think its likely seeing that such an old game is still played and loved. What are your thoughts?
  8. I have written up a guide up on this wiki http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic_II_%E2%80%93_The_Sith_Lords It lists all the fixes, patches and essential mods for both the Steam and Retail versions of KOTOR 2. It's completely user-editable, so if you discover something new add it in (no account required), or write up here and I'll add it in!
  9. Also one more question for my first run Dark side or Light?
  10. Essentially, the plot-critical quest "Ebon Hawk ID Signature" is broken. Everything seems to work up until the cutscene that plays with the Ebon Hawk taking off... only instead of the story advancing, the game plays an incorrect cutscene from earlier in the story (some Duros(?) bounty hunters in the cantina, discussing the Exchange' trap). After the wrong cutscene plays, the party respawns in front of the Ebon Hawk--still on Nar Shaddaa--and the events with the droid repair shop are "reset." So, I can go back to the droid guy and request a new ID signature, but the quest is no longer active, and I'm unable to obtain a new ID signature because I no longer have the blank ID card. And, of course, there's no way to leave the planet because the Ebon Hawk demands a new ID signature. I'm playing the game with the Sith Lords Restoration patch... and even then I've encountered dozens of bugs. I've always heard people praise KOTOR2 effusively, but this is the second game-breaking bug I've found and if I can't find a way to get around it I'm just gonna give up entirely. So, please--help me out, would ya'? I'm thinking that I might be able to fix it by changing some of the global variables with the save editor--like the thing causing this might be that the wrong cutscene that plays might be assigned a "0" instead of a "1" or something--I don't know. I'm really desperate for help here... evidently, no one else in the whole Internet has had this problem, going by Google search results.
  11. So the problem is: After I met all the jedies on Dantooine, return to the Ebon Hawk, Atton says the Handmaidens took kreia to Telos. Everything is fine, till teh last mivie scene. After the landing scene, there should be a loadin screen. But instead of a loading screen, the game freezes out, and the game collaps. I use the TSLRCM (1.8.3) and the M4-87P. Any idea how to fix it?
  12. BioWare and Aspyr Media did a great job of adapting KotOR to the iPad for it's 10th anniversary. Is anyone with me in saying that an adaptation of KotOR 2 would be equally awesome, if not better? If so, back me up. If the company isn't intending to do so, maybe we could bring it back by popular demand.
  13. Everyone Time i finish a swoop race it places me right before the finish line and i return to that retarded guy and he says, Nasty spill blah blah blah. Is there a way i need to end a swoop race? Like a brakes or something? I am pretty sure im doing everything right...
  14. Hello, I am a huge fan of KOTOR 2, played the game about 20x times or so since release. Now I dont have that much time to play, but I'd like to put an A2 or an A3 poster of KOTOR 2 on my wall. But there's a real problem in finding a poster or a wallpaper in higher resolution than 1024*768. The only I found in a decent resolution had messed brightnes and coulours. So PLEASE could anyone post or show me where to get (if it is possible) KOTOR 2 posters with better resolution? I'd be grateful. PS: I tried to search the forums, but most of the links are dead, searching for the poster which was used as a cover for cds box. Thanks for any help.
  15. Hi there. This is my issue with the following game. I Can't Play the Star Wars KOTOR 2 properly because the game crashes after running it, more precisely when after the character creation, I press Start button. After the intro of story The system just says that an error has occured but nothing else, and sometimes just crash without error window. I can hear some sound at start but can't see anything, then the screen turns green with yellow weird pixelated colors and a lagged or stucked repetitive sound (seems). Then I press enter and the game closes (some times without error message). What can I do to fix this issue? Thank you. ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 7/21/2012, 23:12:15 Machine name: HOGAR-48EFD63A8 Operating System: Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.100216-2016) Language: Spanish (Regional Setting: Spanish) System Manufacturer: Dell Inc. System Model: MXC062 BIOS: Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A08 Processor: Intel® Core2 CPU T5600 @ 1.83GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 2038MB RAM Page File: 630MB used, 2778MB available Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904) DX Setup Parameters: Not found DxDiag Version: 5.03.2600.2180 32bit Unicode ------------------ --------------- Display Devices --------------- Card name: Mobile Intel® 945GM Express Chipset Family Manufacturer: Intel Corporation Chip type: Intel® Calistoga Graphics Controller DxDiag.txt
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