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Found 4 results

  1. This has been very demoralizing. I've been playing through an entirely new game, from PoE1 to 2, and within Deadfire I have been supporting the Huana and thoroughly exploring all quests and factions. I finally push to Magran's Teeth after exhausting anything I could do in Act 2, including both major DLC, and am ready to begin the final faction quest for Onekaza. I finish the quest and return to her... only to get completely roadblocked. She has no option to begin the push to Ukaizo, instead still speaking as though I've yet to complete the Wahaki tribe quest when I long finished that up. Searching for answers has lead me to find this has been a known and reported bug since May last year. At least. Why is this bug still not fixed? Even doing one of the supposed workarounds - being, kill the Wahaki chieftain - did not work to fix the issue. The only other method I've heard of is killing all the Crookspur slavers later, but given how far I've gotten in my game since then, that is not an option save replaying the entirety of Deadfire over again. Normally, that would not bother me - but to be forced to do so because of a bug that has remained unfixed for months now is just absolutely crushing. Why is the Huana faction still bugged like this, after so long? To my knowledge, RDC and VTC are not bugged in this manner, nor are the pirates. Why only this faction? And why has it not been fixed despite what looks to be a fair amount of reported cases? Is there any way to actually force this quest to flag so I do not have to replay all of my progress to this point just to get around it?
  2. Hey all, first time poster here. I know it has been mentioned both on here and on reddit before (though from a quick scan of the forums here none too recently), but I feel it's still worth mentioning again. During my playthrough I decided of my own freewill to deal with the slavers at Crookspur - they were slavers, they needed killin'. After the deed was done, Rauatai approached me to say they were taking the island. This was before accepting Onekaza's quest to recruit the Wahaki, which never appeared in my questlog when I did accept it, or even visiting the Wahaki for Aloth's quest. Anyway, upon finally visiting Ori o' Koiki and speaking to the chieftain for the above quests, she immediately got pissed about Rauatai taking the island after I told her I dealt with Crookspur, and refuses to speak to me further. I can't speak to her about the Painted Masks or helping the Huana. This was 2 months ago. I was hoping after several patches it would be fixed, but no dice. I know you guys are busy, but this is pretty game-breaking stuff for me and I'm assuming several other players as well - I can't complete the game with my preferred faction, and I can't complete the quest involving a companion who has been in my party the entire game. Hopefully something can be done about this? I know you can murder the chieftain at least for the Painted Masks, but I don't feel that should be my only option. I've attached a save file below for reference. Thoughts?
  3. So I'm at the end game and in my journal it lists the upgrades I need to get for my ship and where the leaders of the different factions are located, as well as either what they need me to do before allying with me or a separate journal entry for Hazanui Karu which warns speaking to her will cement my loyalties to them. The only faction is the Vailian Trading Company. It simply says their headquaters are in Queen's Berth. I've spoken to all the other factions (reloaded each time) and the Vailians are the only one where there are no new dialogue options. I can't side with them.
  4. For me it will be clearly RDC, maybe with mere influence on Príncipi. "best defense is a good offense" sounds like a good tactic I've never liked Vailians. Huana are like the dozens - bunch of plebs. What about you?
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