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Found 4 results

  1. Auto-pause on low health, and all Low health AI works even when health is hidden to you, the player. (Just make sure your second wind/potion action is #1 on your list and you make the AI follow list order). You're welcome.
  2. Is it intentional that silver tides heals enemies when in combat? I ran a PotD Berserker Moon godlike and i assumed that my silver tides would only effect me and my allies, but instead it made the run exceptionally harder as during fights my heal would bring my enemies back from the brink of death during the really hard fights, and because barbs need high intellect i was healing the whole battlefield. I don't know if its a bug with Frenzy's confusion, but it doesn't seem fair to have it work as such a harsh double edged blade. Not only can i hurt my friends but i can literally help mobs? I hope this is a glitch. I'm 40 hours into the run and its balanced itself out now that my characters are stronger, but the first 10 levels were a nightmare on top of the patches to difficulty (which i'm happy with but i digress). High might+high intellect+3 heals per fight makes for punishing gameplay. Please change this.
  3. Frenzy not working until you hit an enemy is intended? If not, has anyone heard an ETA of a fix?
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-23273448 The BBC (may peace be upon them) frontline with this report this morning. If I ate cornflakes I would be spitting them. The implication o the writers seems to be the Something Must Be Done, probably by government, to let low income families buy in the Southeast of England. My own view is that there are quite correct, house prices are too high in the Southeast of England. My answer is that people in the Home Counties have to abandon their snobbish disdain for moving North. As do businesses. However, my over-arching interest was piqued in the extent to which think tank research can move the media. Is this true in other members' countries?
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