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Found 8 results

  1. Hello :) First of all, I want to say that It's not a build, but rather a cetain tactic how to use soulbound items from the Forgotten Sactum DLC as a Druid. Here are the steps, provided you have at least Weyc's Wand (WW), better to have the robes to use Empower at full potential: 1. Empower your ability, any, that dosen't really matter for the further steps. 2. With the WW you have Follower of the Obscured ability which allows you recover immediately after anything you do, particularly you do not have recovery between shots with WW. 3. Cast Avenging Storm, now every second you have one shot + one lightning bolt hit every second. 4. Use your priest to prolong the aforementioned effects 5. Try to stack you hit to crit chance like orlan Druid, ring of Prosperity's Fortune, one-handed style. Upgraded WW has Revelating missiles, which make 50 % of your crits leave a seal (looking like Wael's eye) on the ground which deals like every second raw damage to nearby enemies. 6. My personal favorite: every time the seal hits an enemy, Avenging Storm STRIKES EITHER. You just watch lightnings dancing waltz. 7. ZEUS IS READY!!!!!! P. S. Robes of the Weyc, The Mask of the Weyc and Nemnok are not necessary, but recommended.
  2. I reached the ending fight of FS yesterday, and although it does not seem nightmarishly difficult, there are some elements that I do not understand about the Oracle and there is absolutely no info about him on the wiki. I've killed him a couple of times, but I died to his minions, which there are plenty of. How do they spawn? Does it have to do with HP remaining? What do the targetable objects in the arena do? I did destroy some, but nothing happened. I believe that the Hindsight buff the Oracle has is linked to his immunity to flanking. Can I turn it off (without arcane damperer that is)?
  3. So I killed Fyonlecg and simultaneously the last living character in my party died. However, all my characters revived as the fight was over so I thought I was good. I went about my business but now looking at the quest it's stuck and says I need to "deal with Fyonlecg" still. Reading some walkthroughs I realized that I should have been able to loot his body (which I couldn't) and Maura should have appeared in a Watcher vision (and she didn't.) So long story short the quest is stuck. Anybody know the console command and quest ID # to manually advance the quest? Hate to do this as it will disable achievements but don't know that I have much choice. Don't have any saves left to go back and refight Thanks!
  4. What do you think was up with the Frightened Child you encounter in the Collections in the Forgotten Sanctum? I read the lore from the book near her and it seems like she's able to bring imaginary beings and objects into being. When you terminate her life, one remarks "it's better of she's dead, whatever she was" almost making it sound like she was never human to begin with. Are some humans "evolving" perhaps or becoming god-like beings?
  5. Not sure what happened to my previous topic so sorry if this is a double post. Forgotten Sanctum installed and Pallegina suddenly leaves my party (we have a pretty good rapport, I think, and I have a good rep with Vailian Trading). Maia leaves suddenly as well. Pallegina leaves and stands in the middle of the ocean. The cursor changes to speech, but you can't interact. Screen 1 Screen 2 Save Thanks. output_log.txt
  6. In temple of revelation I have only 2 imps, Llengrath and Tayn. As far as I know there should be more mages, Bekarna at least. I have found her grimoire but she is not there... Worth to mention that DLC did not triggered for me. I had only one earthquake but Llengrath did not visited me on her Dragon. Don't know what to do
  7. Hi, just a quick question about one room in the Forgotten Sanctum: I'm just curious, whether someone already figured out a way
  8. The problem is that the Blood Mage looses Empower as penalty, so he can't progress with the robe from the Forgotten Sanctum Don't you think, that it shouldn't be like this? Edit, as I see the robe is meant to make you use empower, so the robe is practically useless ofr the Blood mage, That's a bit unfair
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