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Everything posted by omgFIREBALLS

  1. I agree. I wonder if I actually have guards or not without the hirelings.
  2. Why isn't this in the workarounds sticky? I had one party stuck in RH and two avoiding it like the plague. This worked wonders.
  3. I'm loving my cipher. Or let me put it this way. If I had a party of five ciphers and one tank and had to improve it somehow, I'm not sure I'd remove a cipher or add one. However, much of my success depends on her landing her spells in particular, but also her attacks. Now, in which ways can accuracy be increased? As far as I can tell, dexterity does not aid it, though level ups do help. But items? And is there a class out there that can buff my dudes' and dudette's accuracy a lot? I have some room in the party.
  4. Sweden. Oh man I am so hyped about this game, I was just looking for a thread where I could say this :D Such a fan of BG2, and it was the EE forums that tipped me off to this. Sure I can't make a late pledge no-strings-attached while I'm excited enough to give you one? Do you hate money or something?
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