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Feargus and OE obviously need PR management. KOTOR II is mostly a good game but OE and LA are both guilty of rushing a PC GOTY and STAR WARS game to market for the benefit of Christmas sales and xbox-MS interests. The result has been a gross mismanagement of a high profile entertainment product of which many PC gamer enthusiasts have cried foul. It appears OE and LA are determined to remain obstinate in face of the consumers they very depend. PC gamers with their latest video cards, gig of ram, gighz processors are not going to continue in the slightest to accept xbox-console leftovers and take second to Christmas holiday console rushes. Holiday season rushes, console ports, overbearing publishers, buggy games, unfinished games missing content and all needing patches is sickening. OE and LA represent the epitome of bureaucratic game development by committee. The game Kotor II only purpose is to generate money and entertain second. That
Ok, here's my list of fixes for TSL:
manitsbuggy replied to AlaricQelDroma's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
What a crappy post by the original thread starter, the guy is a idiot on top of that its obvious he is on CRACK. -
say it aint so, feargus
manitsbuggy replied to NeverwinterKnight's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
~D --> refrain talking to me directly in a thread addressed to Feargus. For your information my moniker "manitsbuggy" refers to my first 20 minutes with KOTOR II and my ATI video card which I had to take out and replace with a geforce to get the game to work. So what the hell are you talking about? Why do you care? I was not condescending at all to Feargus. Apparently he thinks people are unnecessarily trashing his game and he wants to move on and forget it. The PC version just came out 2-weeks ago, no effort or purpose was ever intended to provide any level of content apparently beyond a technical patch. I am entitled to my opinion I am a PC gamer first and I directed my post to him and I think I pretty much covered the jest of the 650 plus posters in the end Cut scene thread. Did you read all of them? Besides you have your opinion I have mine address Feargus not me. Lets get some FACTS straight: I have not done that to any degree in any of my posts, maybe 2-3 people out of a 1000 other posters have said it but I don -
say it aint so, feargus
manitsbuggy replied to NeverwinterKnight's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Help us to help you. We wouldn -
say it aint so, feargus
manitsbuggy replied to NeverwinterKnight's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Actually the whole way this is being handled is reminiscent of what must of gone down when the ending was decided. They made the wrong decision and went for the short-term solution. The same decision process that brought us the rushed ending is working here now. Nothing has changed. -
Cut Content (part 2) - Kath Hounds sold out
manitsbuggy replied to Torrentus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
We feeling sorry for OE now? LOL what a joke who is next LA? I say let em burn, reap what you sow. STALKER MORROWIND III THE BARDS TALE ANDREAS PC GOTHIC III I say good riddance last thing I need or want is a 50+ hour game that ends like this. Working with LA you should of done the ending first. THE END. What are we paying for, you to learn your trade? Enough, I got matches. -
Cut Content (part 2) - Kath Hounds sold out
manitsbuggy replied to Torrentus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Its in Announcements right above Forum topics Feargus talks about having to close the forums. Hell I must of missed it yesterday but I seen it today. I demand that Feargus sacrifice his second newborn baby to the God's of Gaming. If they close the forums its like total admission and undeniable acceptance of the inevitable rush of the fan base. It is poetic. It is the ending they could not muster for KOTOR II. -
Cut Content (part 2) - Kath Hounds sold out
manitsbuggy replied to Torrentus's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
Thats a weak ass way of saying it but ya they are going to close the forums. Could we be a litte less vague? I will try. We are going to close the forums because it is bad publicity for us, Bioware, and LA. We have no coments. Bye Bye P.S. We thought we could release a follow up game to a Game of the Year about Star Wars without a ending and nobody would notice. Star Wars, Game of the Year who would of thought the fan base would of noticed? P.S. You all just dont understand the business. Sniff. -------------------------------- I say get your RANT in before they run away with their tail between their legs then we head over to LA. -
Why the hell I must be wimpy to get LSP?
manitsbuggy replied to Handel's topic in Star Wars: General Discussion
The Jedi Code There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force I think a light side jedi is suppost to have faith in his master, the council and the force. I think a light side jedi if he/she follows the code has no emotion but to serve the bigger picture. In the case of the exile its to help the galaxy, the republic, the people of the republic in any way he/she can. In the case of the light side jedi they put themselves last in this order of things. They feel no urgency or desperation but faith and vigilance in honor. Peace from doing the right thing. Emotions have to be felt and dealt with but a jedi must learn to release them as well. They seek truth and in the search try to become knowledgeable of their actions in order to better serve. There is no passion only serenity. Serenity in knowing you only seek to serve. Serenity in no emotional involvement either in power, money, credits, weapons, armour or nice clothes or any other means of displaying wealth. Faith that the force will provide is key to a light side jedi. To want would be to need or perhaps fear. There is no death. There is only the force. You ultimately serve the force hopefully through knowledge and faith. Faith that if you if you stay centered, stay focused that in the end you will be successful in serving the greater good of the galaxy. As a light side jedi your life, your gift of the force is for the benefit of others. You seek to bring peace through understanding, compromise, and sharing of knowledge. You as a light side jedi are to apperciate the very delicate situation you are in. You as light side jedi are to very greatly never underestimate this gift and teachings you are being given. After all you are a sentinent being with wants, desires, and hopes you can not let them overtake your emotions and intellect. As a light side jedi you are but a vessel of the force, to die for the force in serenity giving all your life freely. It is a slippery slope to allow yourself to start feeling, to give into desires of want and personal need. The force within has to be serene are you will be tempted to the darkside. Now with all that said. Handel if you do not feel this way then you are what I think they would call a "grey" jedi or pehaps you are even a dark jedi. Your choices in this game KOTOR II are: 1) Play neutral to light like a grey jedi then pick your light side prestige class then do whatever your mind wants and play your character the way you feel. 2) Be what you really want to be which is a darkside jedi. See how far your emotions will take you in this game and allow yourself to want those creds, those weapons and allow yourself to be the most important thing in the galaxy and feel the rush of the darkside. 3) Suck it this time through and play a light side character then start over a second game your second time through and play a dark side character. Darkside characters do whatever they want and follow their own code. Me first. ---------------------------------------- On another note: 1) Jedi knight II: Jumpers Quest 2) KOTOR I 3) KOTOR II to some degree LOL> How many gimmiks can they come up with to keep people from starting off with full jedis? I want a game that starts as dark or light and allows you play it as a full strength jedi. I want to blow up some planets. Heck I want to force consume a whole planet like Nihilius supposedly did. In KOTOR I getting the two families to fight was a priceless gaming moment, booku darkside points that served no immediate purpose I remember but it sure was evil for evil's sake. I cant be the only one who enjoyed seeing the price on their head going up in Fallout 2 on the wanted posters who liked being called a baby killer. Thoser rug rats were thiefs. Oh the darkside, it is so fun Handel feel it, live it, give in to it and join me as we take what we want when we want. I can feel the darkside in you Handel just give in to it and join me. -
draakh_kimera, I was posting in a thread titled, "Cut Ending Stuff" at Obsidian Forums about KOTOR II. Then you rushed in all loud, and offensive and told everyone to shut up. Either you want attention or you are drunk or retarded. Either way, 280,000 sold on the first day warrants dicussion. You however can feel free to go back outside and finish your blunt. To the ones with a brain I say, "Yes the modders will do it." OE deserves nothing but what they deserve. At some point in the future it might be advantegous to have a sticky titled, "Progress of the Sith Revised Ending MOd to direct people." Its the only future for these forums because its just started. You think you can create a follow up to a game of the Year about Star Wars without a ending and not have tens of thousands eventually make their way here wondering wtf happenend at the end of the game. Thats impossible. OE will have to answer for it, the moderators will have to deal with it. Every one of them is going to come here and make their 4-5 rants and by the end its going to be thousands.
I always like it. There is always someone who stands up and says,"They dont owe us anything." "You got what you paid for." "YOu dont like it leave." Boring. It does not excuse the fundamental error in judgment of money above art. Some would say its balls. Some call it pride. I am so sure Lucas Arts can be a real pain but the very fact alot of the missing stuff is included on the cd's is enough to disgust. Your right they dont owe us. If you want to be a lawyer about it. Lets pretend we are pc gamers and this is a hobby and here we have a art form. In this case its cracked. But I dont expect anything or want anything. I just want them to know how pathetic it looks to me as a hobbyist. In this case as professionals making a living serving me goods I find them at grave fault. I have confidence the modders will fix it. Some really smart modders out there have already made many mods for KOTOR I. The mod will probably be called something like the "Revised Sith Lord Ending", and I am going to laugh my arse off playing it, and telling everyone about it. I just want it for the record that KOTOR II has no ending. Its important to know. It should be important and known and not swept under the rug. Just wait over the next 2-3 months when all the slow playing pc players start coming by the forums. Its not even started yet. At some point in the future I bet it will get so bad, very shortly they will start closing and baning posts.
Hello, reality check. This was the follow up to KOTOR I, "RPG Game of the Year". A game based on freaking Star Wars. Sad truth is the game is broken. The game has no ending. Without the knowledge of the missing dialogue and cutscenes I was left with a wtf feeling. I dont know about your character but my character was left on a rock, a rock in space, outer space. The game is rediculously easy. You could beat this game with no equipment and just force powers. A nude Sith Lord or Jedi Master with Mandalore and Anton or Bao-Dur using their fists acting as meatshields.But we all still love it. Why? The music, the story, the atmosphere. The STORY. You play 50+ hours their should be a conclusion a climax and ending of sorts with some finality. There was none. It just ended abruptly without explanation.What is a story without a ending? In other words I dont know what it was all for or why I did it or anybody did anything or if it even meant anything. My KOTOR II experience as a darkside character; I killed several jedi masters, I harassed a couple hundred people, I killed a couple hundred Sith, I foght on a space ship, I killed two Darth lords then I have a old (I guess dark jedi/lord) women tell me, "You are not Sith really." "The real Sith are out there, where Revan went." "No you are beautiful because you are like a black hole in the universe and you have proven me right, my death will be my last victory." I paraphrased her last words to me. Then I killed her then it ends. I am on a rock in space and then credits role. WTF was that. LoL. THAT WAS MY FREAKING ENDING. Without these forums and the knowledge I learned here about the missing ending my darkside character was on a rock. A rock. In space. Sure after replaying a save and choosing some different dialogue I learned of the possibilites offered by Kreia but I had to reload a save and even then it was hollow. Return to exile, follow after Revan to help or kill, stay on Melanchor? What choice did my character have the first play through, nothing because it just ended and I didnt choose the correct? dialogue option. Regardless who would think I would choose exile? Of course I would follow after Revan and use one of the ships she suggested. But I had to reload a previous save out of desperation and choose different dialogue options to find that possibility out. The journey was hollow. Later I come to internet and read the missing dialogue and see how it was supposed to be and it makes so much sense and is so fitting. [kind of fitting maybe I should clarify because I am not sure anybody knows, really] Initially in my first play through I after killing the old women Kreia got the cut scene for showing me inside Melanchor and then spanning the galaxy. No mention of a ship, my former party members building a jedi school or Melanchor period. After reading the missing dialogue you find out you were supposed to talk to Visa, Handmaiden, Anton, to some degree depending on alignment and finalize your actions and theirs. In essence bring the story to a end. The journey to a end at Melanchor where it all started when you the exile turned away from the force. based on my readings of the missing dialogue Lightside uses Bao-Dur shield generator to revitalize the planet and uses it as a base of training lightjedi with Handmaiden I think. Darkside keeps it same and has Visa train darkjedi. You see the final actions of your influence on your party members. Some of the party members confront each other and Kreia. They finally commit to either light or dark. Your party members becomes your disciples training future jedi for your cause and some perhaps die. You say your farewells, make your final decision and yOu leave the planet to search out Raven. However during my initial play through the only thing I had ringing in my ears when the credits rolled was Kreia telling me how she hated the force, how it didnt serve a purpose and how I had proven her right. So my first initial impression of the ending to the story was me saying, "Good riddance you old witch", "Hey hello, anybody out there how am I going to get off this planet?" -->credits rolling A 50+ hour story ended for me stuck on a rock with far as I knew no way off and nobody else on it. Last cutscene I saw of the Ebon Hawke it was falling into a shaft and looked to be destroyed. And there was GOTO's droid but he had no worries about me destroying the planet.. which confuses me now that I think about it because I could of sworn Bao-dur said he could use the shield generators to undo the damage to the planet. Yet I do kind of remember a dialogue option to Kreia which I didnt use which was something to the effect of potentially blowing the planet it up. But what the heck does it matter trying to figure it out? Its all jumbled anyway. Its FUBAR ending. Thats the point, the ending is FUBAR there is no ending. How do have a ending of a STAR WARS game a sequel to a GAME of the Year pc game and crap on the ending? Especially know that we see the intent was all along there to do it right? There are only a few things worth doing right in life. Only so few things that are right, why add to it by crapping on something such as KOTOR and Star Wars? Its a enigma. One would hope though that people would at times realize the opportunites they have and make the best of them and never diminish or take away. Probably what confounds so many people is some things should never be rushed or misstreated such as national anthems, old people, good books, good stories. KOTOR II was abused and short changed and the art suffered. Its the pain of the art that disturbs us most. If Obsidian cant get a follow up to KOTOR I right, we feel fear and doubt. This should of been a easy homerun but they shanked it most foul. They screwed up the story the most important part.
I aplogize I meant Visas Marr, my head has been slow today. "Basically it was me Sith Maurader, Mandalore, and Atris. But Atris was on stationary stance and I dont think she did anything the whole battle. Mandalore shot a few times with his onderon blaster but I think he missed every time" Should of been Visas. Right before you talk to Mandalore to take shuttle to Ravenger I think she says something she was already in my party and I had planned on taking her onboard the Ravenger to meet Nihilius but I dont even know if you have a choice in the matter. She said something like, "You want me to go, You want me to stay." And I am like, "Shut up already". And she says, "I wish I could be so cold". Actually I think I was thinking who I wanted to take, I didnt want to get stuck without a specialist, like Bao-dur without the ability to change party members. I knew she Visas had to come. Mandalore invited himself of course you dont really know that till your already up there then you cant even change party. It didnt matter but. Atris is the jedi member, female who turned dark with Kreias help, advice, who was a apprentice of Kreia who I dont think you can get as a member of your party. <-- I think.
I do think its a little excessive the lines, the greying of the skin in KOTOR II. In KOTOR I, I kind of thought it was more a visual representation to the PC player of what the character was like on the inside. Because I dont ever remember anyone mentioning it to much. But in Kotor II quite a few people told me I looked pretty rough. One guy asked me if there was a plague going around. Another guy said he had some lotion for my face looked like the back end of a animals butt. In Kotor I I dont remember that happening but its been awhile. Eyes turning yellow, yes. Turning of the skin I dont know about it, too much, how much?. I dont really have a issue with it, it does seem a little excessive though in KOTOR II. You have like 3 options (at least): for darkside transitions do 1) nothing --> reason to believe such, Dooku, perhaps other Dark Jedi 2) little yellowing of eyes, perhaps darkening of skin --> maybe we see that with Anakin in Ep 3 3) Full blow Vampire Masquered - KOTOR II The answer is probably somewhere between 2 and 3, for gamers like, enjoy seeing visual feedback representating things they have done. A character aging, aquiring wealth, prestige, gaining new loot. I believe there is some documentated Star Wars lore precedent for the changes in KOTOR I and II. But it is really a matter of taste and interpretation how you implement it. There are already some mods in work at pcgamemods.com that address these transitions, somewhat be reducing the effect. My preference would probably be the yellow eyes, and darkening of skin, perhaps hardening of the face. All the excessive lines to me should be reserved for some Sith Lord who has practiced long and hard in the force, perhaps even corrupting himself with some arcane Sith knowledge and powers. I do think there should be some visual difference, as far as pc games go I like visual candy. Dooku was obviously dark, and I had no problem with fact he didnt have yellow eyes but that was a movie. Now Palpatine does have I think yelllow eyes and scars and such, but this guy is really, really high up, messing with the force, long time. I know what the darkside transitions are. I wonder are the light side transitions making the character look more holy? Dammit I got to play a lightside character.
I played darkside and I had forgotten I do remember he charged that beast which I killed in like maybe 5 swings. The beast killed him and I think I remember looking back and thinking that was odd. Also when you charge the Sith, does not the TFC Lieut. bite it on Telos? He says, "We will charge after you go." I did a Master Force Jump and they never moved I run after killing all of them and they finally come forward when I run toward the original Sith position, maybe it was a mine. Thought that was funny. Anyway he does show up on Ravenger, you might almost barely miss him unless your thorough. I saw when I looked at his face that he was going to have to die. He looked to pissed off. But apparently he will join you if you ask. I didnt though and I fought him. I remember this battle because I was filling pretty strong here and had not had any challenges for quite a while. Basically it was me Sith Maurader, Mandalore, and Atris. But Atris was on stationary stance and I dont think she did anything the whole battle. Mandalore shot a few times with his onderon blaster but I think he missed every time. So I was fighting this guy, and thinking damn uh he is still alive, shame he has to be 3 vs 1. Hmm, he is still alive, uh hmmm. Little longer, damn he is fairly tough, starting to think maybe I should ... start thinking. I am actually starting to lose life. LOL. Anyway he died with me losing like 150 life of about 450. Far as I could check combat record, Atris never did anything, and Mandalore always missed and it was primarily melee. Getting my character down 150 pts, I gave him much respect.