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Everything posted by Mashiki

  1. Someone is gonna suffer for this one...I hate waiting. Well I'm gonna hit some big box stores and see if it's out up here(Cdn) in a bit.
  2. Oky. Yup...I'm waiting and grinding my teeth on this one...if it's out on the 8th then it's two days, if the 10th then 4 days. I've been playing classic RPG's for two weeks to fill a void 'nothing good' on the market. Except...Fallout 1&2 since I can't find my CD's... Well I suppose I could always grab the Critique of Pure Reason and bury myself in that. Atleast I'd be in such a bad state by the time I finished reading it the game would be out.
  3. Bleh. Nasty quote system. I called up Futureshop(webstore) and asked them about the change, two people I talked to said that stores will have it on the 10th, and preorders go out on the 8th. So it still stands as far as they know, it was simply changed on the website. Two days in customs? Doesn't surprise me. EB and Walmart up here will probably have it on the 8th tho.
  4. who-stop? ...just kidding... anyway Futureshop is listing the 10th now, which is no surprise.
  5. Meh. I'm killing time, I sure don't have anything else I'd rather be doing to tell you the truth. I'm off work for two weeks for vacation and it's playing guessing games or playing games I've already beat. I'll take the first.
  6. Well I'm just hunting around for dates right now, Futureshop has a release date in stores of the 10th up here in Canada, with a pre-order of the 8th. So you can bet Walmart up here will have it on the 8th as well, along with EB. However, the FS webstore has a list price of $39.99 with free shipping. Check it right Here if you want.
  7. I'll call it at 1.3, if the guys hold true tho it may only need 1.2; we shall see in the end. I'm not worried with it. I just want it in my hands.
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