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About master_pendrak

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  1. Chiss Wookiee Yuuzhan Vong Mandalorian's are considered a race right? or a faction?...
  2. Well Nihilus is the way he is because he "transferred his essence to his armour" as stated in Legacy#05 Comic by Darth Krayt. So i can't see him being a force created opposite of the Exile... I can't imagine Zayne being Nihilus, possibly Sion? or just the protaginist of some random planet's destruction later in the comic series? Lucien is a good argument he seems to have some connection with that Miraluka. Perhaps Visas reminds him of her years after her death if Lucien does turn into Nihilus. Squint could also be a possibility but is there any real similarity between him and Nihilus?....atleast with Malak, Lucien and Zayne theres a connection between all 3 and Nihilus. And again i ask, where is it stated that Nihilus is a mandalorian prisoner?...thought the only reason he took the Ravager was to have a ship. But he obviously didnt pick any random ship since the Ravager is larger than the Leviathon and standard Republic vessels.
  3. Nihilus was a prisoner of the mandalorians?....new info to me! oh well...theres my theory shattered in 1 post lol (w00t)
  4. Ok...this may be farfetched but it just hit me so be patient and open minded about it before you decide to slap me lol Ever thought Darth Nihilus could possibly be Darth Malak somehow?...i know the same lightsaber scripts and animations were used due to time constraints. So they seem similar there. But... * Nihilus's player model is the same height and build as Malak. (again this could be a time constraint issue) * Nihilus can't speak anything thats recognisable, and neither could Malak unless he had those pads attatched to the remains of his face. So if Malak did transfer his essence to his armour (like Darth Krayt mentions Nihilus did in Legacy #05 Comic) then this would make sense since you can't transfer technology? so in theory Nihilus may not be able to speak due to this. And the speech he does give is just his attempts without any bottom jaw. * In KOTOR1 Malak sucks the energy from captured Jedi onboard the Starforge similar to what Nihilus eventually does, just on a weaker scale. * Also no one can actually say who Nihilus used to be, not even Kreia. And everyone seems to think Malak died onboard the starforge yet somewhere in KOTOR2 you find a set of his robes? * Nihilus also picked a ship from the wreckage of Malachor V, and it wasn't your average Republic ship it was a special one (possibley a command vessel?). Perhaps if he was Malak he knew which would be the most powerful wreck to choose? * That and he was recruited by Kreia who taught Revan, perhaps he recognised her? and he did turn on her with Sion. As Malak did turn on Revan when he got the opportunity. * Plus Nihilus acts without thinking, or he thinks that nothing can harm him, a trait Malak had aswell. Your views?....and bear in mind this is just my idea, i am in no way saying this is the truth or whatnot.
  5. I understand what you mean about the mind replacing etc....you make a very good point. I guess other than having Revan just decide she'd rather go darkside i couldnt think of any other reason for her to possibley stray that far. (bear in mine though my hope for K3 IS that Revan returns to the DS or atleast, strays into it and possibly recovers) Personally i still feel theres a balance between Revan and the Exile, one is full of the hforce (could you call it, overflowing perhaps?) and inspires and gains respect from those around her. The other "hijacks" if you will the force connections of those around him and in doing so inspires their loyalty in him. And the way Kreia words it, Revan is the heart of the force and Exile the death of the force, it creates (to me anyway) a sort of balance between the pair, one counteracts the other. Although the Exile does have the ability to go beyond his level of force power, with each death he causes he grows stronger. Also he leeches from other force users around him which would increase his power aswell. The Exile basically is like Nihilus, except LS and he doesnt kill people with his leeching, but id imagine if he went DS he'd have the exact same "feeding" power that Nihilus utilised. As for Revan being anyones ancestor etc...I think shes just an unusually gifted force user with extreme potential in the force. Perhaps that potential does stray into healing or prolonging life but that doesnt mean shes related to anyone in the Star Wars universe. Its abit like saying those who use force lightening are all related lol.
  6. Kreia's words about the "real sith threat" made me wonder was Revan this actual threat....heres my thinking. Revan was turned to the light unvoluntarily (the mind wipe etc and planting "happy" thoughts). So perhaps over time as her memory came back the "happy" thoughts were being replaced by her original mentality, which was that of a Sith Lord/Dark Jedi. Yet possibly her time under the influence of these "happy" thoughts stopped her from acting upon her dark ones. -"Revan knew that the true war is not against the Republic. It waits for us beyond the Outer Rim. And she has gone to fight it, in her own way"- Kreia Its that "In her own way" part that makes me think perhaps Revan knew she was a key part to whatever the darkness was out there, and perhaps that she knew it would require her using the strength of the darkside to defeat itself. Because lets face it, if you could turn someone to the lightside permanently by injecting "happy" thoughts into them, then why didnt they do this to other Dark Jedi/Sith?. No the Jedi hoped it would work long enough for her to show them to the starforge etc and plainly used her as they knew she'd probably never turn back to the light otherwise. They probably figured with any luck the "happy" thoughts would stick in her mind and she would never find out who she used to be, thus not sparking any memories returning. I think Revan will follow a similar path to Kreia, the latter of which although on the DS still did positive things for the greater good. E.g. => protecting the Exile from the masters, and other hostiles he encountered, Saving him from the Harbringer and training him in the ways of the force and lightsaber combat so he would be strong enough to face the Sith hunting him. My theory behind her telling the Exile to go after Revan is that she failed in killing the force like she hoped so there could be no more DS vs LS wars. Therefore she sends the Exile in pursuit of Revan so he could help her, since the pair balance each other out (read further down my post for what i mean by that). Her reasons for training the Exile IMO are... * He's been to war with Revan, he knows her and how she thinks so he already has a connection with her and has shown his admiration for her. * Like above, he's experienced war and battle and managed to turn away from its lustful side so it didnt consume him. So the chances of him falling to the DS are pretty slim (obviously theres still a small chance). His experiences in war also give an advantage in fighting battles. * Also because of his whole "force-bonding-echoe-in-the-force-ability" he is probably the strongest Jedi alive. Admittadely he struggled and was nearlly defeated if it werent for Kreia by 3 Jedi Masters, but it took 3 of them. 1 on 1 and he would of beaten each of them. * The force bonds that he creates are unique, and his emotions and feelings are transferred through them which causes those close to him to react similar or feel the same emotion. This could help him in persuading Revan to come back to the LS by connecting with her (or using their connection they must of had fighting alongside each other). -"You are a cipher, forming bonds, leeching the life of others, siphoning their will and dominating them. [...] You are a breach that must be closed"-Vrook Lamar * Also the Exile and Revan's force strength are a contrast, where as Revan is described as being the "heart of the force" the Exile is described as being "the death of the force". This leads me to think that the pair counter one another, abit like scales. Although the Exile was weaker in force ability BEFORE Malachor V and Revan was STRONGER at that point. Now the Exile can leech the force from others, his force potential would be equal to if not stronger than Revan. That way they sort of balance each other out. Ultimately in KOTOR3 i imagine the Exile finding Revan who is fighting her own inner demons about what caused her fall in the first place. While also using the darkside to give her the strength to fight whatever it was that caused her to fall. And i have a feeling everything will centre back onto the start of the Mandalorian wars. No doubt the pair will duel (possibly Revan feels the Exile can't help her, that shes beyond redemption and the only way to do what she needs to is to use the DS) after a close battle the Exile gets the upperhand -"...you are greater than any I have ever trained..."- Kreia commenting on Exile after their duel on Malachor V. and offers Revan redemption. Through his force bonds and connection with her she realises finally that there is another way to do what she needs to protect the galaxy and accepts his offer. (possible romance between the two?...perhaps she realises through their connection that although she loved Carth, it wasn't really her that fell in love with him, but the identity the Jedi gave her???) This is my two pennies, IMO Exile is a LSM and Revan a DSF/LSF. I prefer Revan as female as it allows (again IMO) for a more intricate plot than if he was male, after all why would Carth be so distraught over a guy leaving him? Also it would allow for a possible romance between Exile and Revan. Perhaps the Exile could reveal the reason he followed her to the Mandalorian Wars was out of love for her. And the reason he left after Malachor V was because she had changed from the woman he loved to a Sith. I think it would be rather funny too if we learnt Malak lost his lower jaw from a duel between Exile and Malak in which Revan tried to seduce the Exile to the darkside to replace Malak. (abit like Palpatine using Dooku and Anakin, Vader and Luke). It would also add another reason Malak turned on Revan aswell. Off course the other characters would spring up in it at some point, definately Carth. But i havent a clue how to fit them in lol.....again this is all my two pennies, dont take it serious...just hopfully enjoy my random ideas!
  7. I play LightSide usually because it makes things more interesting, just cutting down everyone in your way or threatening them gets dull after awhile, so i like to perhaps negotiate or help people out through the game. Also i feel LS is better, save the galaxy, destroy the Sith, re-unite with the Jedi Masters....etc
  8. I'd have to say Exile Revan Ulic Qel Droma Exar Kun But i'll only comment on Revan and Exile for now :D Kreia says that the Exile is the strongest she trained since Revan and add the fact he basically can kill someone with a thought by severing their force connection or "life connection" i think that would make him more powerful than Revan. All we know about Revan is she was a master strategist, effective leader, powerful in the force and thats really about it. She's powerful but with such a strong connection to the force i think if she were to fight the Exile he'd only feed of that connection to power himself. Revan and Exile are contrasts of one another, yet so very similar its sometimes hard to decide who is stronger, personally i think the Exile would beat her, but not by much...it would be close.
  9. I would like to point out im a guy but i preferred my Female Revan because i used her in my 2nd play through which i payed more attention to while playing finding out all sorts of secrets and exploring instead of just finishing main quests. Revan:-=> Name: Escara Braitano Gender: Female Head: This One Weapon: Two Single Bladed Red Lightsabers Class: Scoundrel/Sentinal Alignment: Darkside Romance: None Exile:-=> Name: Arcus Windu Gender: Male Appearance: Clicky Clicky Weapon: Single Bladed Blue Lightsaber Class: Watchman/Guardian Alignment: 100% Lightside Romance: None
  10. LSM Exile - *Jeht Falco *Arcus Windu *Vash Pendrak
  11. Jedi dont need to reproduce because Jedi fill their ranks from the general population of the galaxy. They find force sensitives and train them, although if they had children that were force sensitive i'd imagine they would do the same.
  12. My preference has always been a Male Lightside Exile and Female Lightside Revan because IMO it fits with how i think K3 should or will play out. Which is a very simple idea... Revan is mind wiped, converted to the light...but never converted willingly so the darkness is still inside her somewhere. She finds this constant urge to head out into the unknown (this is what little bit of the darkside is left thats urging her). She thinks its a Sith threat and tells both Carth and Canderous to prepare for a war. But Kreia knows the truth, and she makes a play on words in telling the Exile about the "True Sith". "True Sith" doesn't mean a race infact it means the true Sith behind everything, Revan (albiet unknowingly by this time). By going into the unknown Revan is seduced to the darkside once again by whatever seduced her before. And we have a whole lot of plot twists... The revelation of Revan being darkside again Carth in the dilema of, doing his duty to the Republic and destroying the Sith or trying to save the woman he loves? Canderous unsure of defending the Republic, or joining the one woman who managed to defeat the Mandalorians? Exile stuck between possibly following Revan to war once again, this time perhaps as an apprentice or something more or should he defend the Republic once again from the evil Sith. remember this is all my personal preference and ideas to which i would like a possible KOTOR3 to take shape.
  13. Probably because there were numerous authors and writers who didn't really seem to have some structure to follow on from one book to another. It seemed to me as if one author read the book before the one they were writing in the series.
  14. KOTOR era has so much more to offer that still keeps the Star Wars feeling to it. There is Sith and Dark Jedi that are abundant within the galaxy making for a familiar yet different enemy. Aswell as the fact not all Species/Races/Planets, in the movies or books, have been discovered and documented so this makes for some interesting ideas to write about. NJO on the otherhand, albiet it is a little interesting, just hasn't got what it takes IMO. The downsides to it to me were... Chewbacca's death - Yes, our beloved wookiee was killed...why....just why!?!?! Coruscant's "Vong Forming" - This was ridiculous...never in the Star Wars era (that we know of) has Coruscant fallen under control of the bad guys. I admit it emphasises the real threat the Vong posed to the galaxy, but to be honest this was just a bad move considering Coruscant is that "light at the end of the tunnel" in the galaxy. Coruscants Restoration - Well to add insult to injury they go an restore Coruscant from its terraforming. IMO i think this was due to the large amount of unhappy fans that didn't like the fact Coruscant was Vong Formed in the first place. So again, another bad move. Number of Authors writing the NJO series was annoyingly ridiculous, there seemed to be no set structure in how the whole NJO plot was going to start, continue and finish. Reformations of the Government and Relocations of the Jedi Order really did get boring and repetitive. They just over did it if you ask me. Luke Skywalker - I think he needed to die in the NJO era and that would have shown the ultimate price of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. Then young Anakin, Jacen and Jaina Solo could have become the major focus as the kick ass Jedi. Speaking of Jedi i felt Luke and Jacen, mainly Luke, in the NJO were far too "Uber Jedi". They seemed too powerful for who and what they really were, afterall Luke hasn't had proper Jedi training, he has very little information on the Jedi techniques of old, specificly the more powerful ones and yet he has become some Uber Jedi God. They overpowered Luke far too much and needed to have killed him if you ask me. He might have been the Chosen One's son but that doesn't make you a Jedi God. Had they killed Luke off it would have opened doors for persuing more into Jacen and Anakin Solo. I just feel something needed to be done about Luke's Uber Jedi Godness and somethign was needed to be done between Anakin and Jacen Solo. Although the one best bit of the NJO for me would be the introduction of... Yuuzhan Vong - an introduction of a new race which is so very different to any other within the Star Wars Universe. They were interesting if but a little boring in places. But overall they fitted the sadistic S&M freaks that they were meant to be. Aswell as providing a different look to the Star Wars "technological terror" way of presenting new threats to the galaxy. Their mad biology and organic technology made a nice contrast to the Star Wars mechanical technology. It always seemed to me a more, man(organic) vs machine war with man portrayed as pain loving skin head aliens who like to self harm.
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