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About Yosharian

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  1. @Noqn is this fix compatible with the Balance Polishing mod? I think it tweaks something about DD
  2. That's fine but the main issue is that the mod did this without documenting it Document changes like this in the mod description so that players can make an informed decision whether or not they want to install it
  3. No I meant in general that people shouldn't do that, I didn't mean you specifically
  4. Losing the +10 accuracy from the ring is in no way justified by having the occasional fire immune mob be vulnerable to damage. I can just switch to a different weapon vs those enemies. Like this is not a good trade-off at all. The biggest issue is that the mod doesn't describe this change anywhere in the description. Don't do that.
  5. Why does the Keyword mod remove the Ring of Focused Flame accuracy bonus on Dragon's Dowry? This seems like a really dumb nerf to a weapon that wasn't even all that powerful compared to something like The Red Hand. This just means I can't use the Keyword mod anymore which is annoying. Not to mention this is completely undocumented in the mod's description which is really bad form and confusing.
  6. I'll probably just use the Invocation that grants all those inspirations to the team. Thanks though. That Ondras Wrath thing seems insane!
  7. I'm toying with the idea of using a Nature Godlike merc for my Theurge (Druid/Chanter). However, this class doesn't have an easy way to produce an Inspiration to trigger the Godlike ability, other than throwing down a couple of specific spells/invocations - which is fine, but I was wondering if there's an item that I could use that would give me a long-lasting Inspiration? I know about Least Unstable Coil and that's fine for lategame, but I was looking for something else. Anyone got any ideas?
  8. Ahh I see you mean Frostseeker/Essence Interrupter are considered 'Imbued attacks' by the game? Umm why though?
  9. Also, you suggested single class Ranger earlier, I've realised I actually do need to do that in order to get Imbue Pull of Eora faster. So I'm curious what skills you rate on that class as I've never done an SC ranger before
  10. I think I'm going to go for a Lifegiver/Chanter as my support healer. Chanter will provide the summoning. Not quite sure what subclass to pick though. Yeah Bellower is not the play as you pointed out.
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