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About CrashT

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  1. I could appreciate Darth Nihilus working as some form of "Red Herring", he's the obvious Enemy who isn't really the true threat. The problem is even if that was the intention he was still poorly implemented. Even after finishing the game I only have a vague idea of what happened between him Keria and Sion and how he managed to end up on board the Ravager and what the Nihilus Slaves on the bridge were all about. Also I have no idea how my character went from not knowing who Visas' master was to know he was Darth Nihilus and he was onboard The Ravager. If these problems had been resolved and had more explaination been given over to why Nihilus was weakened by trying to drain the force you (I mean I understand the idea he was essentially trying to drain the force from a wound in the force and it nearly killed him) and if that whole event had been given a greater significant then the confrontation with Darth Nihilus would have been significantly more satisfying. To have then had to go and confront Keria, the true enemy, would have made for a much more interesting ending.
  2. So many good points and all of it ruined by three words: "big steaming crap"... *Sigh*
  3. I said KoTOR 2, because even with it's numerous flaws it has a far more interesting storyline and concept that KoTOR had. I just wish it had been as finished as the original had been.
  4. From what I could ascertain from ingame dialogue and loading screen messages was that Bao-Dur used some natural properties of the Malachor system to create an Artificial Gravity Well that was used to essentially tear the planet apart. The Mandalorians bombed and invaded worlds, but Bao-Dur basically destories an entire planet and everybody on it by using it's own gravity against it. The mandalorians destories cities and waged wars but they never destories an entire world. Only two people have ever really done that. Nihilus destoried Katarr and Bao-Dir destoried Malachor V.
  5. Has anybody found any material making reference to Darth Nihilus, and what happened on Malachor V? It seems a little strange that you just know who is is when you return to Citadel Station. Maybe there's some remnants of dialogue left around somewhere that has the PC being told who Visas' Master actually as and that he's know as Darth Nihilus.
  6. Some people enjoy playing in God Mode...
  7. Which is precisely why it shouldn't have been used. Such a Basilisk would have made the entire concept of fighting your way to the palace pointless as you could just walk up there in that thing. I think the decision to change the Basilisk was correct but I also think the design they did use was just as silly as the original concept. The Basilisk War Droid in KoTOR2 fits neither the names Basilisk nor Droid.
  8. Did the people who are complaing about the Yuuzhan Vong read the last book of the NJO? The Yuuzhan Vong aren't outside the force so much as they have been cut-off from it, in a similar matter to what appears to have happened with the Rakath (Sp?) [The creators of the Star Forge] in KoTOR. Overall I enjoyed the NJO books, but their main failing was the fact they seemed to go out of their way to show what was happening with every other planet ever mentioned in the EU. There was no real need to got to Bakura or Centerpoint or a half dozen of the other locations that were reused. In the end the NJO sufferes with the same problems as the rest of the EU, simply put some of the authors are not as good as the rest. Personal favourite Star Wars material is anything concerning Mara Jade or Corran Horn. "I, Jedi" is easily the best Star Wars book for me.
  9. According to the fiction the Lightsaber is actually quite heavy but all the weight is in the hilt, so people untrained with it have a habit of chopping their own limbs off because they are not used to a melee weapon that has an effectively weightless blade. Thinking about it such a weapon would require both Strength and Dexterity, but it really depends on your style. Vader and Mace Windu clearly both rely on strength where as Obi Wan and Luke are show much more finesse. Dual Wielding would require much greater strength as you'd have to hold one in each hand. If you think a single Lightsaber is difficult to defend with, just watch how Count Dooku does it in Episode II. Jedi aren't "too good to be true" in most Star Wars fiction because they are usually holding themsleves back, because violence and aggression is not the Jedi way. When Jedi allow themsleves to be violent then they are almost unstoppable, I'm sure Episode III will show this quite well, as did The Clone Wars animated series. In a game like KoTOR you have almost free reign to be violent and aggressive and are not holding back so you do become a Jedi God pratically. The only way to combat that in a accurate way would be to have made non-combat options more useful than combat options, because a true Jedi would try to get through all confrontations without even igniting their Lightsaber. Even Luke tries to give Jabba a last chance to surrender.
  10. KoTOR had a good ending??? A thirty second cutscene of either a speach or a celebration doesn't qualify as a "good ending" to me.
  11. I'd wonder about that door as well. Would also explain why the HK-50 droids appear there apparently out of the blue... Also anybody know what the point is to helping the Czerka guy follow you out of the complex? (Ok technically wrong thread for it but anyway). EDIT: Does anybody have a page up with a complete\near-complete collection of the cut-ending material? I want to read all of it, but finding it all in this thread is taking a while. Cheers, in advance.
  12. Whoever says this cut ending material is too Dark and Mature for Star Wars, clearly hasn't read any of the New Jedi Order books. Specially Star By Star, Dark Journey or Traitor.
  13. Technically you can "ride" in a car. Though that's beside the point. A real Basilisk war droid would have been great. That said, the concept art of ones doesn't make sense as that couldn't enter atmosphere since the pilot would be burnt alive during reentry. The Valley you visit in Jedi Academy is a different Valley to that in KoTOR. At least it had a different name (Wastn't the "Valley Of The Dark Lords" called the "Valley of The Sith" in KoTOR?). Raven implied there were at least two Valleys, your character went to one Valley and Luke Skywalker went to another.
  14. Combat was overall too easy. Weirdly some people still seemed to be annoyed that their Jedi character wasn't Jedi like enough... I mean I'm a Jedi Sentinal\Jedi Watchman and I'm pratically a god. But just about everything in KoTOR2 was a little too easy. I always had more money than I could every need, more Chemicals than I could ever use and more components than I could ever do anything with. But can I find a single Cyan or Silver Lightsaber crystal? Can I heck.
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