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Everything posted by rone

  1. I was saying Xopn'aua to myself as i noticed that it grants +2 Insight & +1 Metaphysics, and suddenly i realized it sounds just like Schopenhauer. Another Josh Sawyer special, i bet.
  2. Missing the opening quotation mark.
  3. Just wanted to note this is no longer happening. I suspect it was a Steam problem.
  4. Fugazi? You are a patient boy... you wait, you wait, you wait, you wait
  5. On 3.0.1 and, again, i inspect the light, i hear the soothing music with a 13+ Perception check, crash. I saved before checking it out, http://ennui.org/OldCity.savegame
  6. You need a high enough Bluff in addition to the robe and passphrase.
  7. should be one word, "underappreciated", not two.
  8. I turned on some settings including Lights and it works now, so you can PEBCAK this one, i guess.
  9. Remember this? https://youtu.be/iFpzTTlTsV0?t=3m48s I'm kinda sad there isn't a "birbs" slider in the video options.
  10. I want to note that i ran into this with 2.0.0 (tested repeatedly) and it didn't crash; it just went into beach-ball hell (i have a Mac). I worked around this by going into the Foreman's Office first, then into the sub-level. Strangely, after reloading the game, i was able to enter the sub-level directly.
  11. 1) the ellipsis after "Someday" only has two dots, not three. 2) missing word between "leave" and "crew" (that? their?) 3) Option 1 is a question missing a question mark. 4) "good-for-nothing" should be hyphenated here.
  12. 1) Given that Furrante's ship comes upon you as soon as you leave Vilario's Rest, it seems strange for the text to read, "As the Defiant leaves Port Maje behind," 2) Voiceover says "Pallid Knight's irises expand", which sounds correct.
  13. Now that BoW is out, i imported my next PoE I character, Shi!ung, only to find that she can't have the same name because the text entry box ignores !. It's an alveolar click, by the way. So now she's Shiçuñ.
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  14. Rent as in a tear (from the verb 'to rend') is correct.
  15. 'scored' is correct, as in marked.
  16. OK, back to PoE and my priest. The switch in health and spells is a little disorienting.
  17. After finishing Deadfire with my drifter monk, i'm considering my next move. I have two PoE Watchers waiting to be killed by Eothas, a pre-White March mercenary barbarian and a WM1+2 hunter rogue. I also just started a dissident priest of Eothas, because i realized that there has to be a lot of good flavor text for an Eothasian priest in both games. Do i start a new Deadfire game with the barbarian, or do i work on my PoE priest while i wait for Beast of Winter to be released?
  18. These fools will keep fighting over Ukaizo and adra while i sail "home"... to what? Ruins i can't afford to rebuild?
  19. "Reputation screen now displays the player choices that led to changes with the companions' relationship." This dos not apply to faction relationship, and also doesn't show any data for events that occurred prior to applying 1.2.0, FWIW.
  20. Finished. Final typos: comma: "... find him, captain?" voiceover mismatch: Pallegina says "... this time we will see the gods", eliding 'get to' from the text art mismatch: "She no longer towers over you... but meets you at your height." She remains a giant in the art. Two things: 2: apostrophe, "the gods' fault." 4: comma, "destroying the Wheel, we should only..." ship name: text and voiceover say "the Defiant" ignoring ship name changes. "Chariot" not "Charriot"
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