We wish we could ignore this, but if this wasn't an ongoing problem, it would just be ignored. The OP isn't actually helping to spin the wheels for these idiots - Obsidian is. Obsidian insists on responding to non-issues through some kind of pavlonian reflex and let "the offended" dictate what is acceptable and what isn't; that's the whole problem.
Except they explicitly stated they wouldn't have wanted this in the game in the first place, it slipped past them. That makes it a correction, not caving.
Removing the quest like where you kill a kid would be caving. But that's not gonna happen, because that would be preposterous.
Caving the first time was preposterous. Not caving this time will be just as preposterous as caving the first time. If you really believe the engineered excuse in the Announcment, I have a bridge to sell you, just North of Defiance Bay. Mint condition.
Do you disagree that Obsidian's games, with a Feminist Frequency sponsor at the helm, tend to be fairly progressive w/r/t sexuality and gender? If you don't, why do you think they'd let a dumb joke like this past the editing process in the first place?