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Plano Skywalker

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Everything posted by Plano Skywalker

  1. I don't know...a little added realism...a Morrowind thing. My guess is that the lawful/chaos barometer should be directly tied to your primary faction. If you have no chosen faction, then it is just about obeying the laws of the Republic and its member planets. If you are the member of a faction, then it would be relative to that. For instance, if you are New Sith Order and you help a senator find transport, you are commiting a "Chaotic" act. That is how I believe it would be best implemented. EDIT: but you should NOT be punished with LS points for that...maybe you needed his money or maybe you plan to cash in on your newly-found influence later....don't just assume I'm being a Boy Scout when I help someone...that sort of thing.
  2. RIDEABLE MOUNTS!!! I love it. Heck, NWNs2 is supposed to have them...why not K3?
  3. I agree with this one, it would be cool to see something like "Chatoic Light Side" alignment, which would be a Jedi/Gray Jedi who maybe takes issue with council decisions, but is still light-side oriented (think Qui-Gon). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I definitely think we need more than just a LS/DS thermometer. I would say keep the LS/DS thing but add a Diplomacy bar....this measures your allegiance to the Republic and respect for its laws (for all practical purposes, it is the Lawful/Chaotic thing). In addition, a field (this one is not a thermometer) that indicates which faction you are most associated with. By default, it would be, simply, "the Republic" but it could change to Czerka, Exchange, New Sith Order, Republic Intelligence, Republic Fleet, etc. Belonging to a faction opens up additional side quests and party members and will act as a modifier to your Persuade skill, depending on who you are talking to. Also, IMO, the LS/DS crossover penalty for Force powers needs to be much harsher. I also wouldn't mind seeing a Stamina bar and having the need to rest/sleep.
  4. yeah, Vrook was a very good character....the drill sergeant even when you're not in training!
  5. I personally would not mind seeing an unexpected return of either Master Vandar, Master Zhar, or Master Dorak.
  6. well, from what I understand, Jedi Knight III (released as Jedi Academy) does not use Kyle as the protagonist...it allows for a new pc (including non-human pcs). the games don't have to kill a character to not use the character. what complicates our situation is that no one really sees K2 as its own story but, rather, a lead-in to something else (I'm sure some do but I think consensus is that it was, in fact, a cliffhanger). if you want to be technical about it, the most satisfying way (from a storyteller's perspective) to wrap up this trilogy is to have the Exile as PC with Revan either being a plot device or a controllable character later in the game. problem is, the Exile seems to be the least favorite option as the protagonist of K3. I don't know, maybe it would be alright if they just leave Revan out of K3 and just use his name as a plot device....Heck, maybe Revan's Angels would not be that bad after all. All I know is that Revan WILL NOT be the PC of K3.
  7. well, this is a new genre for LA. I think the closest thing they have to it is the Jedi Knight FPS series (Outcast seems to be the favorite among fans here) featuring the hard-wired character Kyle Katarn. Do you think if they killed off Kyle Katarn that that would end the Jedi Knight games?
  8. I think Meshugger was being sarcastic. There is little to no chance that this will be a PS3 exclusive. Most likely, it will start off on Xbox 360.
  9. I agree that Star Wars (at least in the movies) follows the Lord of the Rings-style epic: SUPER VILLAN>>SUPER WEAPON>>UNLIKELY HERO. I'm all for epic trilogies...my point is that they don't have to do it like this every time. I would love a self-contained story where I get to play a bounty-hunter, scout, spy OR Jedi and put out brush fires for the Senate. I don't want this every time but I think it would be fun and be a moneymaker. Well, I know I can play Quake with a Star Trek wrapper...can I play a true cRPG set in the Star Trek universe? Link please.
  10. most likely, there was a reason behind it. non-disclosure agreements can be a pain but there are ways to leak info to your fans.
  11. one way to look at it: yes, the Old Republic is older than 1,000 years but, until the time of Darth Bane, it was really more of a feudal system that pretended to be a Republic. After the demise of Darth Bane, a "true Republic" system emerged and the Jedi kept the peace....no need for standing armies during that time.
  12. Q: What are you working on now? If you can't tell us, make up something interesting. MCA: We
  13. [spoiler ALERT] I agree in the sense that this is going to be a blockbuster title and will bring in alot of newbies who, most likely, will want a new PC. Here is how you can "resolve Revan and the Exile" without them being protagonists: * you are strong in the Force (ok, I admit, the PC this time has to be special). * the Jedi once known as the Exile sends for you...you agree to meet with him on Coruscant and T3 takes you there on the Ebon Hawk. * the Exile explains what is going on and why he cannot do this task himself. * he sends you into the Unknown Regions to look for Revan (to get answers about the pending threat). * T3 can unlock the navicomputer which has the coordinates to the spot in the Unknown Regions you need to go to. * in fact, the navicomputer has the precise planet that Revan was at. * you go to the planet in the Unknown Regions. * you find a mortally-wounded Revan who tells of the threat. he tells you to go back to Coruscant and report your findings. * you go back and report what Revan said to the Exile...you and the Exile begin preparing for war. * the middle game is all about exposing and/or destroying covert Sith activities from planets in Known Space (such as Ziost). * there is no "armada" per se....it is a multifaceted plan that is to be launched from within Republic space. * once you have uncovered enough evidence of the Sith plan, you go back to Coruscant to make final preparations. * the endgame goes multithreaded with the PC and the Exile commanding different parties.
  14. I don't know what she says about them but apparently she tells the Exile that .
  15. You make some good points....I definitely do not want the KOTOR franchise to be "Revan's Angels"....they need to be self-contained stories and/or self-contained trilogies. In a sense, this is shaping up to be a SW fan versus hard-core roleplayer kind of dilemma. The RPGer doesn't care how tight the trilogy is...especially if it comes at the expense of everything else....the SW fan wants the story to make sense and not fall apart at all. Anyway, that is why I mention a prequel for K4....need a clean break from Revan and the Ebon Hawk (however they resolve K3).
  16. true, but LA got inundated with Revan talk after K1. to not make ANY mention of Revan would have been problematic, too. so, we have a dilemma: a trilogy that was not paced to be a trilogy or a pseudo-trilogy with different PCs for all three games...they both have advantages and disadvantages. I would LOVE for KOTOR 3 be a non-epic, standalone SW RPG....but they just can't do that.
  17. good point...the trick is not just Revan-- but with things like how do you get T3 and the Hawk in the PC's hands? a possible solution is that the PC is someone who served under the Exile in the Mandalorian Wars. The (set identity) Exile takes up residence at Coruscant (or Dantooine) to try to rebuild the order and gives the ship to a Force Sensitive he trusts from the Mandalorian Wars...just a logical tie-in....no more super-dooper Force prodigies please.
  18. I agree. Somebody has to make some tough decisions here. And someone will.
  19. OK, would you like to share your vision? Or are you just trolling?
  20. IMO, this is what LA will do if they are smart: * KOTOR III will finish "the Revan saga" * KOTOR IV will be a prequel (Exar Kun and the Sith War, for instance) let Revan head off to the EU where he belongs...
  21. Atton: "Captain, we are being attacked by a pirate ship" PC: 1) "Take evasive maneuvers and try to make the jump to lightspeed" 2) "You drive and I'll man the gun turret" 3) "Prepare to ram!" something like that? I'm for that.
  22. it's mostly random but I think you can always get silver from one of the salvagers on Dantooine (sometimes Jorran and sometimes the head salvager) and always orange on Korriban. That has been my experience.
  23. I agree...Kessel is basically a penal/spice colony and is where Han Solo went to make spice runs. It is only mentioned in ANH. I would like to see it.
  24. I thought the assault on the had it about right...you get some extra troops but they are AI-controlled...hirelings could work like that.
  25. as long as you get to fly to places like the Jedi Temple, Senate Chamber, etc, I will be happy with it.
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