Sorry I didn't get this up yesterday, but here is the report on Draken Fett
Standardized Attributes ranging from 0 (not applicable to subject) to 5 (subject exemplifies attribute):
Intelligence: 3
Didactic (Good): 4
Didactic (Bad): 2
Annoyance: 3
Chutzpah: 4
Wits: 3
Charisma: 3
Will: 3
Eloquence: 5
Kindness: 3
Assessment of reviewers bias: 3
Background ranging from 1 (low) to 5 (high):
Fame: 3
Respect: 4
Inside Access: 2
Approachability: 3
Personalized Epithets, limited to three for each subject:
Bastila Fanboi
Fanart Appraisal Board Member
Most Likely To Be Caught Wearing An 'Official Bikini Inspector' T-Shirt
Reviewer's notes:
Draken Fett hasn't been a member of the board for long, yet he seems like someone you've seen all your life. The guy in front of you in the beer line, the person holding up a lighter at a rock concert, or flipping coins at exotic dancers.
Good natured at heart, most need not fear the wrath of the Fett unless you happen to be a new member starting a thread to announce your arrival to our loveable forum. Here's a fresh quote:
All in all I would say Draken is a good **** and a funny ****er. Draken can take a joke as well as make them. Hello, Frakette? Drafette? He also possesses an uncanny ability to be one of the first people of cough up props for fanart, as well as find his way into any discussion involving the words 'hot' and 'women'.