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Kor Qel Droma

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Everything posted by Kor Qel Droma

  1. That reminds me of a joke I heard a long time ago about this guy with a wooden eye. Wood turned out to be much cheaper than glass in terms of being a replacement. Then it went on about him asking this cute girl with a wooden leg if she'd like to dance at some function or something , and when he asks her she replies "Would I? Would I?" and he says "screw you peg leg" or something like that...
  2. No. It is because I was born in January and I
  3. I think it means that people born in January are extremely boring, Deraldin.
  4. Whoo hoo!! Panic disorders and Alcoholism for me!! OMG how did they know?
  5. Ted Leo - Me and Mia before that it was Midnight Oil - The Dead Heart
  6. Damn straight I'm ready!! Only six more hours to go!!
  7. Kiss - Strutter
  8. Kor Qel Droma


    As much as I hate anything to do with the Flames, I must admit that Kipper is unbelievable.
  9. Kor Qel Droma


    It's all moot now anyway Now we just need the 'Nucks to find the back of the net against Dallas and we can get round two under way.
  10. Kor Qel Droma


    Nice slash, backup goalie guy. : I really hope Calgary loses tonight. Damn it, Tampa!
  11. Was Smoke On The Water released too late to make the list?
  12. I spent most of the afternoon redoing the first gig of GH2 on medium. I pulled off four stars for Surrender, then duplicated that at the next show with Heart Shaped Box. Man is this game fun!
  13. Van Morrison did an early take on that one.
  14. best personal photo evah!!

  15. Kor Qel Droma


    Which bracket do the Sharks square off against next?
  16. What, so nobody watched any movies the last two days? OK I didn't either, but I made up for it tonight by watching SpiderMan 2.1 with the eight minutes of extra footage. The extended fight scenes were good, and there's a decent scene of that's pretty funny.
  17. Kor Qel Droma


    So sad to see you go home early, Nashville. Dumb penalty by Forsberg in the last minute. And a decent comeback attempt from the Islanders. I won't be suprised if Ryan Smyth has a new address come September.
  18. I still haven't hit a five times multipier yet. First I thought Heart Shaped Box was hard on the medium setting. Then I tried Message In A Bottle. Not good. Not good at all. By I notice my one eye is gandering in the direction of that mini electronic Gibson SG...
  19. I just started playing Guitar Hero 2. **** me do I need to practice!!
  20. Kor Qel Droma


    The 'Nucks losing isn't half as bad as Calgary winning. Dallas just put off the inevitable. Calgary should just quit.
  21. The Fountains Of Wayne - Radiation Vibe I went to Pittsburgh and joined a pro team talk about a bad dream I broke a knee But I can still croon and make the girls swoon isn't that the way life's supposed to be? And now it's time to say what I forgot to say maybe bay huh aye beeeee c'mon what's wrong? It's just a radiation vibe I'm grooving on
  22. Kor Qel Droma


    Sure, the Pens may have only won a single game in the postseason, but you really have to admire the way this club has rebounded from about a decade of mediocrat©y. They've got some real budding stars on the club, a new arena deal in the works, and a great regular season under their belts. I bet a lot of the kids playing their first NHL postseason learned a lot of lessons in the past five games. And damn you Calgary!! I hate you so!!
  23. Faster Pussycat - You're So Vain there's a station for hair bands on sirius. lol.
  24. Anybody have any experience with satellite radio? My new SUV has Sirius preinstalled into the deck already. Damn there's a lot of stations on that thing. The Clash - Train In Vain (Stand By Me)
  25. Kor Qel Droma


    Let's talk about that Gomez goal instead. Just a beautiful no look shot. Those get me every time. And I came across this picture of Lord Stanley's Most Holy Grail in an unrelated thread at another board. The lovely young lady is the Cheerleader from Heroes.
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