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About Opus131

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    (5) Thaumaturgist
    (5) Thaumaturgist
  1. ^ Go with a mage...
  2. Brahms - 8 Piano Pieces, Opus. 76
  3. You were talking about 'gameplay' and so was Lord Miltiades, to whom you were replying. Why the condescending lecturing about my reading abilities when you can't even remember what you wrote yourself ? <_< That main offence of course lies in the fact the original Jedi Knight wasn't even mentioned...
  4. The original JK is amongst one of the greastest games i ever played, back when Lucas Arts was a great company, you are bat **** insane to compare some crappy game made after a crappy movie licence against one of the classics of first person shooters.
  5. America is nice, but if you want freedom there are better places to look for...
  6. That's called growing up. Yes, he's now within the listening realm of 13 year olds...
  7. So ? Doesn't necessarely mean he didn't infact suck in those films...
  8. Is this why he is the author of some of the most god aweful movies ever made ?
  9. Frankly i'm very happy that they are producing something new rather then a sequel, there are already enought sequels as it is...
  10. It was the same with the original, was KOTOR 1 a rush job as well ?
  11. Yeah, but the system it's the closest any game as ever gotten to it, isn't it ? I thought the Light Saber combat was one of the only things they actually got even remotely right. I'm still waiting for the real Jedi Knight 2 however...
  12. Deus Ex was a PC Game, thus, it doesn't really exist.
  13. All i would like to have is free look to be implemented into the game, that was one of the most glaring short comings the original had in order to accomodate to the crap box. Other then that the interface and combat system was fine as it was/is...
  14. I think you are referring to the new Jed Knights. The original game was brilliant, and was made internally by Lucas Art itself (during their golden era), so saying that it was a 'ripp off' of the original movies is kinda rendundant. The original Jedi Knight is propably the closest a game has ever gotten to 'capture' the feel of the original movies, for whatever that's worth to anybody...
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