I look out the window, observing the drones, living out their lifes hoping collectively that they're all heading in the right direction. How they'll mate, and have children, and the cycle will continue over and over, society declining into a pit abhorant hedonism. It's natural that most people feel nihilistic and misanthropic, but i don't, I smile... Because it means one thing, that things are finally starting to get back to normal, and this maddness - as I would call it, it's coming to an end.
Nature will soon reclaim everything.
The number of Humans alive will be vastly smaller, our technology destroied, our idealogies fragmented, weakend and perhaps gone all togeather. Nothing should survive, atleast nothing of this world. The cities will crumble!
Around this time we'll get back to doing what we're really good at. Which is Killing each other. Peace it's so unsettling, all that we think important will be gone and the world... It'll seem magical again to human kind.
It's a crap time to be alive, but hopefully my future kin have something to look forwards to .