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Everything posted by khola

  1. Daggerfall. Yes, I'd say so myself too. IIRC the game was practical unplayable out of the box. I thought Bethesda got its act together with TES III but with the release of Bloodmoon it reverted back to its Daggerfall days again. I won't be buying Oblivion until there are patches out for it. Same with NWN 2. I'll buy KOTOR 2 when the patch comes out. Maybe. But back to topic regarding KOTOR 3 -- I really don't care who makes it.
  2. Yeah, I will buy it eventually. It depends on how fast LA will release/authorize the first patch for the pc version. I almost always get my games after the patches are released. I got KOTOR (pc version) in Feb '04. If there are no patches then I will get the game much, much later.
  3. Example: Force Alignment (FA) - Dark Side Neutral Attack - +1 Cha - +3 Dex - +3 Str - +4 Damage - +3, Dark Side On Hit - Knockdown DC 14 FA - Neutral Attack - +1 Cha - + 1 Con - +2 Dex - +2 Wis - +2 Str - +2 Force Resist +14 FA - LS Neutral Attack +1 Dex - +3 Str - +2 Wis - +4 Damage +2, LS On hit - Slow 25%, 6 secs, DC10 etc.... The properties of the crystal change as your alignment change and as you gain more XPs.
  4. Although the name is KOTOR II The Sith Lords, it is basically an expansion of KOTOR I. Think of Bioware's NWN and expasions like SoU and HoU. Exactly same game play and graphics with minor tweaks, and additional enhancements like epic spells and epic feats, and new stories with each new additional games. Obsidian used the same toolsets and scripts to create this new game that Bioware used to make KOTOR I. I am guessing it probably took Obdidian longer to come up with the story than to implement it. They didn't have worry too much about hardware compatibilitiew to begin with, and LA even took care of the music and voice recordings. If you can play KOTOR I in your latest hardware, you will be able to paly KOTOR II too, period, because at its core the game is exactly same in terms of system requirements. LA probably signed an exclusive deal with MS to maximize the holiday sales for x-box, and since they are not the publisher, Obsidian had no say in this matter. I am hoping the pc version is more or less complete, and will be released sooner than 2/2005.
  5. In Nar Shaddaa you might run into Ratrin Vhek who claims to be the original owner of Ebon Hawk. For proof he mentions a secret compartment in the ship. Probably a good idea to check it out. "
  6. KOTOR savegame editors. Google for one. Ah, the power of the pc.
  7. I believe the Wookie won't join your group if your pc is a LS. The Handmaiden won't join your group if pc is a female. The Disciple won't join your party if your pc is a male. Some of your party members can become Jedis if you want to train them. I am not too sure about the list below, but maybe some one will correct me. T3-M4, expert Droid Kriea, Jedi Consular Atton Rand, Scoundrel (can become a Jedi Sentinel) Bao-Dur, Tech Specialist (can become a Jedi Guardian) Handmaiden, Soldier (can become a Jedi Guardian) Mira, Scout (can become a Jedi Guardian) Hanharr, Wookie Scout G0-T0, expert doid HK-47, combat droid Mandalore, soldier Disciple, soldier (can become a Jedi Consular) Visas Marr, Jedi Sentinel Prestige Class starts once you are level 15. Talk to Kreia.
  8. HK-47 is, well, a bit twisted. When you talk to it, or when it tries to talk to you, dismiss it, or just threaten it to get influence over it. I thought its fight with T3-M4 was really funny. If you have a high enough influence over it the droid will tell you what Raven thought of you (your pc in TSL) during the Mandalorian war aswell.
  9. Well, just like in KOTOR, I guess you can visit a planet many times. After you are done with Dantooine you will probably have to go back to Onderon again. " And when you go back there, again, you will probably have that force crush power which you can use in Onderon just like in the trailer, see ?
  10. I don't know. I haven't gotten that far in the game. But because of your pc's attributes/stats I don't think it would make sense to start out as a guardian and switch over to Jedi Master do you ?
  11. Jedi Guardian --> Jedi Weapon Master/ Sith Marauder Jedi Sentinel ----> Jedi Watchman/ Sith Assassin Jedi Consular ---> Jedi Master/Sith Lord
  12. No, it isn't that turns on you.
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