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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. LOL you must be very ugly I am like Visas, mysterious and share unusual insight with people. My eyes are not that good either so soon I will have to wear something to cover them. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Here's hoping your Force Sight improves, too :D -- Otherwise you'll have to play games that cater for those with impaired sight (and hearing), like Half-Life 2.
  2. Also, the reason there isn't a Diablo 3 is because their entire fanbase is suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ... the GKM* is still lobbying the publishers to make it, though. * Guild of Keyboard Manufacturers "
  3. I played KotOr2 with the movies off; they only caused the game to crash 100% of the time. (Which is new, because this wasn't the case with the original game. )
  4. Does the romance with Bao Dur count as "in scope" ?
  5. What's a whereami armband ?
  6. Dang, this question is like those pesky mutliple choice answers where you have to "choose the best answer" from many that are variously incorrect! The least unlike me is Jolee. He's complex: pretty caustic when he wants to be, kind at times, doesn't suffer fools and he's along for the ride! He also has the driest sense of humour of all the characters. :cool:
  7. Could we please not use D&D terms when discussing Star Wars? My big problem with the resolution is that Zez Kai-Ell seems to understand the problem, but then falls right back into the same mistakes. It didn't feel right. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The best reson to use an AD&D anology is because it represents a pre-existing system designed especially to categorise and explain esoteric PRG concepts, including morality; it has been refined over many years and is quite adequate to do the job. Anyway, yes, I concur: I wanted to have the conversation actually have a point and to cause ramifications, rather than just being a device to unload a lot of plot through the cheapest medium: dialogue.
  8. Hehe Plan 9 From Outer Space or Highlander 2.
  9. That would be interesting. I loved that series (when does the final one come out?) and is one of the main reasons I even bothered to re-install NWN. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> He's probably been working full time on NWN2! :D (Now that would be ironic.) It's a pity that NWN2 isn't thought to be backward-compatible with the NWN modules. Still, by then I'll probably have a 1 TeraByte harddrive, so plenty of room for both. "
  10. I missed something. When Obsidian confirmed that LA denied them returning the cut content? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not sure if I read you correctly, but if so: the patch will only fix technical issues and not address any omitted content. For details, see the Ass Prod response I went and found for you.
  11. No, the point of the comment, as far as I understood it, was to try to invoke emapthy in male readers by demonstrating the flawed logic masquerading as business acumen. The arguments propounded in this thread so far are: - There are no signiifcant women in history, so a game would be incredulous to include a powerful female protagonist. - There are no female gamers -- and male gamers do not play female PCs -- so any allowance for female characters is just unnecessary eye candy, and finally - As the largest single market share is male, it is only right and good that publishers and developers concentrate on this market (subtext: because I'm in it). At no point has anyone said that one market should be catered to at the expense of another -- oh, wait a minute; except the ignorant males posting in this thread. Why are so many people feeling so threatened? No-one is suggesting mass castration! There is no need to feel so emasculated. Embrace the diversity! Experience new things! Even if you like Corn Flakes, don't just eat them to the exclusion of all other breakfast cereals, eat all sorts -- even have hotcakes! I concur with this as well. It really is disapointing and a quite worrying that the discussion of potential diversity of the games we play is being reduced to a childish playground argument. The point I would like to make here is this: You may not be setting out to be sexist, but the result is still sexist. And poor business sense, too. If I read the statistics supplied correctly -- and IF I were a publisher/developer right now -- I would be trying to capture that growing market. How much did the Dow Jones increase by in the last twelve months? Most companies are looking to make year-on-year gains of 5%! To ignore such a large and growing markeet may work as a short-term tactic, but as a strategy it will surely lead to long term insolvency. I don't want to play derivative remakes of the same corny stories. What's the point, just make it once, really well, and then play that again and again. Now move on. I want to be stimulated and moved by gaming experiences. For example, when was the last time you cried at the cinema? For those of you who didn't say "Never", I would then ask When was the last time you cried playing a game? (Ok, for all those macho hard men out there , instead of crying, think of another strong emotion -- like being frightened or elated.) Right, so it is possible to invoke emotion, it's just we're only getting generic lowest-common-denominator gaming experiences. Perhaps I'm just too hip for the room. "
  12. ... And, considering the actual ending of the game, it might even have been a good idea to have at least one of the dialogue branches end the game at this point. It just seems this critical juncture was just a drawn out cutscene with meaningless dialogue choices -- used more to break up the cutscenes and mark the end of Act II / beginning of Act III -- than provide role play.
  13. It should be completed! I was trying to give an unconditional statement of support, and not be another bleating crowd-member making demands for the mod, nor a doomsayer predicting its demise! Guess I didn't make that clear enough ... (w00t)
  14. I think that most of our work at this point would not be affected by the patch (or so I hope) because it is unlikely that the patch will alter any cut content. However, we have put certain things that are at least rumored to be "righted" by the patch - such as quest/dialogue/scripting-related fixes and music restoration - on the backburner until we see what the patch changes. ...actually, that'd be nice...but...just wishful thinking... If that's an "are you done yet?" question, then the answer is no Where are we at right now? Well, there are several project leads, each handling a different aspect of the restoration project, so development and testing progresses asynchronously. When most of us have something majorly new to report, you'll see another WIP (possibly semi-soonish, but give us a bit of time). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Obsidian Ass Prod has already stated that Lucas Arts denied permission to add content to the patch (no budget = no work). The patch is just going to fix the technical issues. (I wonder if it will fix the skewed dialogue / subtitles of the HK-50s after the Telos base when they decide to follow the shuttle to shoot it down? ) Also, let me take the opportunity to add my support to you brave and generous souls who have taken on this task -- even if it goes nowhere, I applaud your community spirit.
  15. Yes, KOTOR 2 had an ending, just not a very good one. If you want a game that truly has no ending, try Max Payne 2 or Republic Commando. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Never played Max Payne 2 and only played Republic Commando for about 15 minutes. How did the "not-endings" work in thoose? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MP2: You kill some generic bad guy in a bunker, Max's love interest dies (strangely, I didn't care), end credits roll. RC: You blow up some building, one of your team dies (not-so-strangely, I still didn't care since they can just grow another one), brief cutscene with your dropship leaving, end credits roll. Since I just finished it, I can now comment on Half-Life 2's ending, which is far more anti-climatic, and leaves far more loose ends and unanswered questions and with far less sense of accomplishment than KOTOR 2's. In K2, Kreia is at least a somewhat worthy antagonist, and there's some hint as to what happens to you, the other characters, and the places you've visited. It's a rushed ending that left a lot unresolved, but it is an ending. KOTOR 2's ending may be disappointing, but it's not that bad compared to many other games out there. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yes, Half-Life 2 has a dangling denouement (a cliff-hanger, if you will). It is pretty clear from the dialogue and cut scenes that there is more story to be rolled out. (And, surprise!, there's an expansion due out next week.) I would like to have the game be twice (heck -- why not a hundred times) as long, but the game represented a significant playing experience. It was a long game, with many different concepts explored (team play, co-op play with alien species, different types of weapons: heck they even invented the gravity gun) and -- MOST IMPORTANTLY -- a complete and immersive experience that maximized the suspension of disbelief. Also, Half-Life community were actually responsible for the CounterStrike mod, which has become the de facto online multiplayer interaction since it's release five years ago; not much chance of that with Lucas Arts' current attitude to the community and copyright infringement. Would that KotOR2 did half of that.
  16. Just exit and re-enter the Ebon Hawk multiple times to sequentially trigger the plot devices.
  17. ... and no relation to Go-To.
  18. Adam Miller's stuff is undeniably impressive. Personally, I didn't like the Demon module, but I have to admit that creating an entirely new game is no mean feat. And I remember being very hesitant about trying user mods ... until I played them and now I prefer them. (Okay, maybe I wouldn't play the thousands of new, unknown and obscure ones flodding the site, but I can't recommend more highly the Hall of Fame.) There's even a Sex in the City module. (How dare those pesky females invade our nice safe boys' sandpit. )
  19. It looks more like a giant bird on an even bigger (Cuckoo's?) egg. :D
  20. Take a look at the Hall of Fame. Depending on what your preferences are, there are some absolutely brilliant modules there. (One guy even spent three years full time on a 60-80 hour module!) I particularly enjoyed the Paladin adventures by Rick Burton (Midnight, Twilight -- and he's working on Dawn).
  21. I must say your comments are offensive in the extreme. Are you trying to be this obtuse, or is it a gift? Who made you the oracle of the male gender? Travelled a lot, have you? Spoken personally to the millions of gamers around the world, in countries from Korea to Kazakhstan? Or just pontificated about it over a beer with the usual dozen female-phobic mysoginists you call friends? Here's a shock for you: I'm male and I actually prefer to play female characters. My partner is a strong character: intelligent, talented and beautiful. I like being in the company of characters like hers, so I find it natural that my alter ego in a game is like her. (You must be something else around women: so much empathy!) All the more reason to broaden the audience appeal for these films/games. You should be careful, because your argument, in extremis, is a dangerous proposition. You are creating boundaries that don't need to be there. The world has too many boundaries as it is ... you keep putting them up and someone else has to take them down later. (I assume you actually defend your " hope it would happen" statement.) The tone of your responses does indeed indicate you are threatened by women gamers. If I were to indulge in amateur psychoanalysis (okay, since you asked so nicely); I would suggest you have some issues with abandonment, loss and power in relationships with women. (Had a divorce recently, or a significant other run off with your best friend?) (I would also suggest that if you are so insecure in your gender that playing a female character is so vexatious to you that you also may have some other issues, except that will be the only comment that you seize upon in this entire discourse and will lead to peurile name-calling to mask your hurt pride over realising you're a sexist.) Nice use of statistics to back up your argument. Using the tried-and-true "my mates down the pub" wet-finger-in-the-air anecdotal certainty, again. No business wants to spend unnecessary money. But businesses take risks and invest in new markets, too. The corollory to this is that the higher the risk the higher the return. Your argument would be equivalent to saying "There's no market for Wi-Fi, so companies shouldn't build any Wi-Fi compatible components -- there's just no profit in it." The only statistics that have been quoted in this thread say categorically that the female share of the PC game market has doubled over the last 5 years. Still recording Sesame Street with a VHS, eh? The way I would expect a rational, reasonable male to react is: "Great news! I salute the diversity that follows on from adding more characters and richer story lines!", "Viva la difference!", and "I can't wait to meet new and interesting people" -- rather than "Girls don't play games. Go away and leave us boys alone. Girls' germs! Girls' germs!" What, exactly, are you afraid of? That you will have an extra option or two when creating your usual "male-LS-Guardian" character? That there will be additional plot lines for *gasp* female PCs, and you don't play icky-girlie-characters so you are subsidising this mis-guided "affirmative action" programme for someone else's benefit? Are you selfish, sexist or both? ----------------------------- To be clear, I am flaming you because your attitude is completely wrong: it illustrates precisely the insidious nature of sexist and subconscious bigotry -- you're effectively saying "Women don't want to play games so publishers and developers shouldn't write for their participation because it just puts us real gamers (men) off." Like this is some sort of turf war, or a pre-teen boys' club with a sign over the shed saying "No Girls Allowed". Welcome 'em in, I say, -- certainly the result couldn't be any worse than KotOR2: Revenge of the Accountants.
  22. I can vouch for NwN. For one thing, once you play the Official Campaigns, there are literally thousands of fan modules out there. Hack and Slash or endless character interaction, take your pick from the exhaustively catalogued list. And I personally think some of the Hall of Fame members' efforts are better than the OC. Check it out here: NwN community Hall of Fame LucasArts have done their best to prevent any community modules for Star Wars. Guess they never heard of CounterStrike and HalfLife ...
  23. Agreed, but irrelevant. I'm interested in the reverse idea: that The Force shapes the universe to its will. So more like the Gaia Hypothesis than the Selfish Gene: i.e. the Earth is controlling us humans and our toxic technology, and together the planet is a living being.
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