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Everything posted by adikKt

  1. Of course, if you used galaxy to install it and it was still bugged, this suggestion is pointless. Yes, the verify installation option in GOG galaxy fixes this kind of bugs, I used it to fix similar bug.
  2. I feel you, I completely agree with above posts. The way the game is written you cant expect it to keep up the challenge every time you replay it if you dont make it harder by yourself. Only thing that keeps me playing some game even after years are those that offer challenge through multiplayer, which is for different understandable reasons not part of PoE. I guess it is like reading a good book over and over, you find some new meanings, but the excitement from the first reading (playthrough) is not repeatable.
  3. The Cultist. He is wearing a skaen cultist robe, Greenstone staff and Maegfolc skull.
  4. Hi guys, I would like to start a show off topic to see what kind great outfits you were able to pimp your characters with. I am sure during your playthroughs you have developed some nice characters that you enjoyed just looking at. This is supposed to be about esthetics, so if you like your caster in heavy armor, than just post it. All races, classes, armors, weapons, hats (PoE surely has a nice selection of these) etc. are welcome. I am starting with my current PC - elven wizzard. He is wearing a skaen cultist robe, Greenstone staff and Maegfolc skull. You dont have to post just an "inventory view" as I did, if you prefer some nice location that fits your character better.
  5. And Ice Cave at Whitestone Hollow being another location where this occurs.
  6. The two locations in subject are the only locations I experience this. They are unplayable as I cant see much of the scenery, it is all covered in moving purple polygons. The skuldrs at lift where acting weird as well, they had red circles around them marking them as enemies, but they did not attack, just stood there waiting to be killed. That purple polygon bug blocks me for progressing in the game, since I cant fix the tower cannons. My setup: 64bit Win10 on i5 1.7 Ghz CPU, RAM 8 Gb, Nvidia Geforce 610M P.S.: It is different from this bug I submitted.
  7. After some fights (I did not find any pattern, it seems random) the invisibility gained by being hit wearing Cape of master mystic persists after battle even through other battles. The character affected can move around, cast, but not attack. Workaround to "solve" this is quiting and reloading the game.
  8. I am curious about your choice in Devil of Caroc quest and the reason for it. I slain him, but now I am having second thoughts if I have not missed something in the reading of his soul, since the choice of telling Devil of Caroc that he did not do it is not marked [Lie].
  9. Please mark the topic as [sOLVED] since the only problem was that I updated only the main game and not the expansions.
  10. I cant see a thing after applying the latest patch. The game looks like this - http://snag.gy/Rvp7h.jpg Will there be a quick fix or how do I downgrade? My setup: 64bit Win10 on i5 1.7 Ghz CPU, RAM 8 Gb, Nvidia Geforce 610M
  11. I find AI useful when I dont want to micromanage fights that will be easy on first sight. I dont mean just trash encounters, but for example when returning from a cleaned out area and I meet a leftover group of weak enemies, I like to just set the AI to wipe em without me babysitting them.
  12. Nope. Ok, back to the quest ) Thanks for the quick response.
  13. I cant believe I am asking this, but I need an advice on how to get to White March. I bought the DLC, installed it (White March I and II tiles in the main menu are coloured) and rushed till lvl 7, because I thought it would somehow "unlock it" on the world map, but that was not the case. What am I doing wrong?
  14. I am just curious... The wand itself is held by characters in one hand and since it shoots just one kind of "projectiles" and is not needed for performing magic? [Edited: -pistols; I woke up with a thought that pistols are two handed later in the day proved right]
  15. The Bartenders ring to be found in the storage room of The Goose and Fox in Defiance Bay has *missing itemmods* instead of two enchantments when hoovering over it. My game version is (gog.com), so it might be an already fixed bug.
  16. Thanks. Gog downloader update resolved the issue.
  17. Hi, my game states in the corner of the main screen that it is v1.0.3.0524. When I download any of the patches from gog.com and try to apply them I get "This patch does not support your version of the game, please download a new installer". Would you advice me on how to manage this? Thanks.
  18. Items in my inventory and stash stack up, but I would like to for ex. split the potions between multiple party members. How do I do this? Thanks.
  19. Would some RPG veteran concisely summ up, what similarities are there between Baldurs Gate series and PoE? There has to be many, starting with lines such as "You must gather your party before venturing forth" and ending with similar game mechanics. I am particularly interested in lore, beasts and story similarities. Thanks
  20. Problem solved by unlocking Caed Nua after talking to Caldara.
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