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Everything posted by RealTalk

  1. does anyone actually think this game will be made? i want it to happen as much as the rest of you, but you'd think there would be some kind of news now besides "we fired everyone in charge of making the game" just doesnt look good if you ask me
  2. my favorites: Revan Jolee Bindo Canderous/Mandalore Bastilla Atton least favorites: Kreia Juhani Mission (for being useless) Zalbaar (he just never did anything) Goto (for being useless) The only personalities that i really didnt like were Juhani and Kreia. The rest of the ones i didnt like were just because they didnt serve much of a purpose. As for carth, his whineyness was pretty annoying, but he also was funny to laugh at.
  3. I think this is a good thread. 1. What elements in 'KotOR II' did you find the most impressive? Most of the story up untill about 75% of the way thru. New items/powers. Being able to train and turn your companions. 2. What was your favorite moment? Hearing Mandalore start talking, haha, i was a huge canderous fan in Kotor 1. 3. What location would you have like to see more extensively? Onderon 4. What was your favorite Robe to wear? Nomi's (F) or Baran Do Sage (M) 5. What was your favorite Lightsaber Crystal? Cyan 6. Did you prefer to play as a male or female PC? Females better for exile 7. If there was (one) conclusion you would like to have seen what or whose would it be? Dont understand this question, it seems too similar to the one below. 8. At this point, you know about the missing content, out of everything that was edited, what (one) element would you have like to see completed? HK factory. 9. Out of all the Star Wars games, and without listing them all, what would you rate this game? 4th 10. Despite the game being as it is, what would you consider to be the most successfull addition to the series? Being able to train your companions as jedi. 11. Who was you favorite character, and why? Mandalore, canderous/mandalore is just the coolest character in either game, besides revan. Atton comes in second for kotor2 12. What (one) element in 'KotOR I' would you liked to have seen in KotOR II? Why? A real ending cinematic. And Jolee Bindo. Most important though, what II lacked was a huge turn like we had in I. Me personally i was clueless about being Revan up untill that cinematic started, and it still gives me the chills watching it.
  4. I stopped reading right there. You want lightsaber battles to look like movie ones, but not the prequels? You know, the lightsaber fights in kotor1 and 2 are pretty much like OB1 vs Vader in ep 4. Plus, hating on Ep 1-3 is stupid, and something people do just to act like they know what they are talking about. Dont hate.
  5. I did a search and couldnt find anything on it. And every item list ive seen thus far has been incomplete. Is there a full one that gives descriptions and stuff about every item?
  6. big thanks for that mod, also, i didnt know they randomized the inventory when you talk to them, i thought it happened when you entered the area thanks to both of u for replying
  7. I kinda wish the 'random item generator' was a bit more random. My 3rd time playing thru, im currently on my way to korriban, my last planet, having already done the return trip to onderon, and i have 8 green crystals, 8 purple, 3 blue, 2 red, 1 yellow, 1 silver (the one you can buy), 1 viridian (again, the one you can buy), and thats it. In 3 play throughs i have yet to find a cyan crystal (where did anyone who found it find it?) One time i used a save game editor to edit a cyan into my game, but the problem with that is every time you enter a new area the saber is extended out, and stays that way, not really worth having to hit x to get it to go back down every time i change areas. Anyone else have my problem? Another question, for PC users, does anyone else have the problem where if you load the game more then a couple times per play it freezes up and you have to restart the comp. Any fix to this, or am i alone here also, heh
  8. imo he adds more to the story then handmaiden does, i never understood why people hate on him also
  9. Have you heard the new cassidy cd? Good album, way better then his first. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What the hell are you talking about? My screen name is a tribute to the best companion NPC in Fallout 2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Calm down man. I was refering to Cassidy the rapper. Just put out his sophmore album last week.
  10. to that guy on nar shaadaa who claims its his? what happens if you tell him he can have it?
  11. Have you heard the new cassidy cd? Good album, way better then his first.
  12. That would never happen. Qui-Gon Jinn was the first one to be able to speak from the dead, OB1 was the first to be able to fully do it with his body and everything. Id like to be able to pull the hood up over your head, i dont know why you werent able to but i wish you could. And i really just wish it was more open. You cant go back to a lot of the planets, and it just seems very linear a lot of the time.
  13. Heh i know u posted this before EP3, but Qui-Gon Jinn was the first to become one with the force.
  14. who says thers going to be a kotor3?
  15. i think its possible that they can supress or at least slow down that skin thing, because palpy doesnt look bad in ep 1 or 2, so i do think there is something sorta like the joke 'force beauty' someone brought up to help them go under cover and hide it
  16. to answer both questions, yes id follow revan (to war with the mandalorians, and then afterward id continue following him/her), no i wouldnt follow malak, he always seemed like too much of a bitch, even in kotor 1 everyone would like to think that, but remember, only 1 jedi came back, the exile, and that was because he had lost touch with the force, anyone who went would continue following revan most likely
  17. Does anyone else think they should make an official Revan and Exile. Like what they did, male or female, and a picture? IMO that would make it a lot easier for continuity and all that. Cause ive always thought the biggest mistake with this game was the customizable characters. I think Revan has to of been a light side character. Really with the dialog in the game it seems they are tieng it back to him being LS, and its really impossible for me to believe that revan had a limitless source of military and men, and just decided one day that he didnt want to rule the galaxy and retreated to unknown space. Also i think he should be a male. But thats debate-able Exile i dunno, he could really go either way, because either way he causes the death of the remaining 3 jedi masters, and the 3 sith lords, and Atrius, whatever you consider her. As for a face and gender i guess it would have to be the one they marketed. Do you guys agree that both characters should have official looks and LS/DS, if so what should they be?
  18. downloaded KSE to give myself the cyan crystal, cheats still dont work btw, and i did everything the guy said to do, doesnt matter anymore tho
  19. after revan canderous was always my favorite character, which is why i was so happy when mandilore started talking in kotor 2, lol... i usually traveled with Jolee and Canderous
  20. no this guy is right cheats dont work anymore, i just tried to use one today for the first time, because i got sick of never finding a cyan crystal, and it wouldnt work
  21. having trouble with handmaiden, under what dialog do you get to ask her to becom a jedi? i keep asking her about her moms robes and she just tells me about her mom and thats it, ive beat her 3 times and i think my influence with her is high
  22. can you only turn 1 to jedi per time through? or could you train all of them if you wanted? bao dur i have never gotten any convos with, its always "nothing never mind"... must need more influence
  23. thanks for the help everyone
  24. which 2 had higher midicloriens then sideos? vader and ?
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